The FCS Bullsheet for Week 1.


Coattailing Cheerleader
I make a lot of FBS plays too, but there are much better cappers and writers for everyone to follow so I'll post only my FCS selections this year.
No plays as yet. My book still has -120 juice on these games and I'm awaiting a drop to -115.
I'm likely to start the season with 3 plays.
Albany +24 @ UMass. A notch and a half difference in the class level of these two leagues. UMass an obvious power in a tougher league but they covered this number only once a year ago. A bit of a look ahead for them as well with neighboring Holy Cross just down the road up next for the Minutemen. Albany swept their league a year ago and beat Patriot League champ Fordham while also going out to Montana and covering this number. Both teams have quality experienced people returning from championship 2007 seasons. Not for the faint of heart with this one, but I like the big number in what should be a good test for UMass in its opener.
Juice still 120 and line is down to 22,

Stony Brook +11 1/2 v Colgate. Stony Brook has been beefing up preparatory to a move to the Big South conf where they will contend for the championship. Stony Brook has been a tough customer at home, all wins last year just one loss in ' 06. I'll take the points in a game I think each team has an equal chance to win.
Juice still 120 and line is up to 13

Elon + 11 1/2 v Richmond. Like Stony Brook, Elon is another team you prbably never heard of. They play in Appy St's conf and Steele rates them # 2 ahead of teams like Citadel and Georgia So that you may have heard of. Richmond is in the UMass league, lost their BIG star runner and have new first time HC this year. Elon has outstanding passing game for this level of competition and a straight up win would not surprise. So I'll take the 11 1/2.
Juice still 120 and line is down to 9.

I'll be back when I can make this official, hopefully at -115 and no worse off at the numbers. I do have opinions on most of the other FCS contests so anyone interested with a comment or question, Fire Away.
Wishing one and all at CTG a big successful season. Thanks to all of you big league cappers who help me decide which games to play in trhe "Major League".
bull ( alias taurus )
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Good luck Bull

What do you think of Wofford -22.5 against Presbyterian. I really like the Terriers in this matchup as this is only PC's second year at this level. I think it can and will get real ugly, real quick. I see something like 45-10
I agree with you 100% on Elon Bull.... I just posted it in my thread, from a PM I sent VK last night.

And Dwight, I like PC in that game. I posted a little blurb on them as well.

GL Bull, but I'm not sure I agree with the Stony Brook play. But I'm not on the other side, so I hope they crush the toothpaste tube.
Dwight- agree with hoop. I'd lean toward Presby in that one.
Let's see if we can't team up and win some $$ this year.
Thanks Big Al. This is a great site you folks have put together here.

kyle- Sorry about that new Avatar you're wearing.:popcorn:
I was on the Miners also.

horses- thanks and right back at you.

top post in this thread has the latest line moves, which I'm not pleased with. Stilll hoping that 120 juice goes away.:nono:

Albany down to 22: Elon down to 9; Stony Brook up to 13.
This is f*cking unbelievable.
When 5Dimes finally dropsthe juice to 115
here is what happened.
Albany went from +24 to +19
Stony Brook went from +11 1/2 to +13 to +6 1/2 !!
Elon went from +11 1/2 to +4 1/2 !

Could it be that someone is watching me ???

I welcome any comments.
This is f*cking unbelievable.

Could it be that someone is watching me ???

I thought self sucking only occurred in the hardcore movies?!


You just made some good plays! What can you say.

LSU -15 at bookmaker if you're interested. At the very least, a MONSTER +EV middle for very, very cheap.
I thought self sucking only occurred in the hardcore movies?!


You just made some good plays! What can you say.

LSU -15 at bookmaker if you're interested. At the very least, a MONSTER +EV middle for very, very cheap.

Hoop- I never played them, waiting for the juice to drop. But when it did , so did my points. I hope somebody cashed on these.
BTW Your PC spread went from 22 to 14 1/2. Hope you got that one too.
I didn't get either.... I can't deposit money into 5Dimes until tuesday.

I was able to get money into bookmaker last night, and I took advantage of the LSU line.
That sucks you waited for the juice to drop. $5 per 100 wasn't a fair price to miss those numbers.

I hope that's not their strategy moving forward with these, to release openers at -120, and let us pick of the weak links, then lower the juice after we take control.

That would be low.
That sucks you waited for the juice to drop. $5 per 100 wasn't a fair price to miss those numbers.

I hope that's not their strategy moving forward with these, to release openers at -120, and let us pick of the weak links, then lower the juice after we take control.

That would be low.

yeah, hoops. I agree.
In retrospect, I should have spent a few bucks and 'bought' a few points at the 120.
Looking at just the Elon game for example, going up from 115 to 120 is 5 bucks at a 100 per play. Seven points for 5 bucks !!? !! I'd take that any day.
So I learn a lesson for next week.
Nice write-up on that Appy-LSU game
Right now it's looking pretty good for you.
I'm just very disappointed in my self for not having my accounts funded properly before the season started.

I don't know how the linemaker can be so far off on these games.

I think that Villanova should be a play at +44. I do believe that is just way, way too many. Same thing with EWU against TT.

If I were on Elon at +11.5, I would certainly take Richmond -2 and walk away. Excellent value there with that middle.

There's some resistance against JMU for some reason. I'm not sure if its because what LSU just did, or what, but FCS guys are looking for a pretty serious blowout, in JMUs favor. I don't know if its just FBS guys betting the number, because they don't know much about the FCS, but the main question I asked my self was "would Duke win the National Championship in the FCS" and I say not a chance in hell. JMU is my pick to win it all, and I think that the option with a good passing game to go with it will just be too much.

Lets make sure we compare notes next week, and go on a murdering spree.