Super Bowl discussion

go to a heavily promoted party and hang with about 1000 current or ex NFL players and realize that you don't recognize even one of them

honestly I appreciate how hard those guys have to market themselves because they just don't get face recognition unless they got lucky
1st, let's get the jealously outta the way before;

2nd, don't get wasted and forget the game

Never been to the big game but been to game 7 of the World Series and can say just take it all in. I've known guys that have gone to SBs for promo purposes but not to follow a team, just enjoy it win or lose, never know when or if you get to do it again

I'm sure you'll go next year with it being in your home town (and the weather will be better).

I said to mrtake tonight that I don't want to drink too much and forget the game.

We're staying right near the stadium - worth it to go to Manhattan during the day?
I don't know Manhattan

But I have friends who are Denver diehards, and they are treating this weekend like armageddon

Have some fun and enjoy the game take, as a fan of sport we all live for these moments
and what's really great here, is it's the same weekend as the Phoenix Open, which is pretty much already the best weekend of the year

throw in the super bowl, and our crowd gets really interested
BC, Colts defense was inexplicably stout during the playoffs that season and thus the championship. It happens, and Denver could somehow pull it off this year because that D had been shit all year, but Bob Sanders was the MVP of that Colts playoff run

Defense wasn't too stout in going 3-21 down to the Pats, and coughing up 34 total points in that game. And as good as the D undoubtedly was (easily the best Peyton's had in the playoffs), it's not like it was the Ravens D of 2001 that could have had almost any QB slotted in behind it and a SB title was a given.
most average joes don't play wong teasers... that's really the only type that I understand could be beneficial

different strokes for different fokes

"Before we start to talk about Wong teasers we need to spend a couple of minutes talking about key numbers. In the NFL there are margins of victory that are more common than others. The most common margin of victory is three points. That makes sense - think of how many games are won by a field goal. About 15 percent of games are decided by this margin. The second most common is seven points - a touchdown - which occurs about seven percent of the time. Because they are so common the three and the seven are called key numbers. There are other key numbers as well - 10, four, one, and 14 for example - but three and seven are the most significant ones, and the important ones for this discussion.

A teaser bet is similar to a parlay bet - a bet in which you need to win two or more games in order to get a payoff. The difference between a parlay and a teaser is that in a parlay you are betting that teams will cover the posted point spread, while in a teaser you are able to adjust that spread. Different types of teasers are available, but the typical one, and the one we are looking at here, is a six-point teaser. If, for example, a point spread is -10 in a game, then if you were to be the favorite in a teaser the spread would be -4. If you were to bet on the underdog the spread would be +16. Teasers can be on lines or totals, and work in the same way in both cases. The payout for teasers is fixed - not dependent upon the spread of the games involved - though they change regularly depending upon how well the bets are doing at a given time and the competition between books. A two-team teaser, for example, can pay anywhere from +100 (though it's unlikely that you will find that anymore) to -130.

The name Wong teaser originates because the concept was popularized in the book Sharp Sports Betting by Stanford Wong. It can alternately be seen by other names including a basic strategy teaser. A Wong teaser is a two-game teaser in which teasing the spread moves it through the two key numbers of three and seven. In other words, it's a teaser involving favorites of between 7.5 and 8.5 or underdogs of between 1.5 and 2.5. If a line is reasonably accurate then you can assume about a 50 percent chance of either team covering. If the odds were -110 then you need to win about 52.4 percent of your bets to break even. To win 52.4 percent of your teasers you need to be able to win the individual games approximately 72.5 percent of the time. Because games end up being decided by three and seven more than 22 percent of the time, teasing through these two numbers increases the chances of covering a spread from about 50 percent to 72 percent or more (It's actually better than that because you are also covering the numbers four, five and six, and games can also finish with those margins as well). Over the long term, then, Wong teasers are one of the few places in betting where there is a positive expectation. In other words, Wong teasers are very good for your bankroll.

Before you get too excited, though, there are a few issues that have made it much harder to ride the gravy train. First, books have increased the price of teasers - especially two team teasers - in defense of these situations. When Wong first wrote about these teasers it was easy to find a price of +100 for two team teasers. Now -120 is the most common price in Las Vegas, and -130 isn't unheard of. The extra cost of making the bets makes it much more difficult to earn a long-term profit, and even if you can - which is still possible in theory at -120 - the return on investment is low enough to make it unattractive in most cases. Additionally, some books won't even accept two-game teasers from time to time if they feel the bet isn't in their interest.

Beyond just the prices, books have responded to this situation by making it harder to find suitable situations. Spreads of 7.5-8.5 or 1.5-2.5 aren't nearly as common as they used to be, and that means that opportunities to make these bets aren't as apparent as they once were. They can still be found, but it requires an attentive bettor who is willing to jump on a line as soon as it appears because it isn't likely to stay for long.

Another way that online books have sought to counter Wong teasers is by changing the tie rules with two-game teasers. Traditionally, a teaser in which one team lost and one team pushed would be an overall push and the bettor would get their money refunded. Some online sportsbooks have quietly changed that rule so that now a loss and a push results in an overall loss. That difference alone, though it doesn't seem that significant, can be the difference between long-term profitability and long-term losses with Wong teasers."
I feel very strongly Seattle wins this. I've been holding out for +3, but still am seeing +2 1/2.

Seattle's D and running game are the biggest reasons I believe it's gonna be Seattle.

I can't believe I'm gonna put money on Pete Carroll to win a Super Bowl, but it isn't like John Fox has distinguished himself.

And feel free to tell me I'm a moron for thinking this, but Peyton has one more opportunity to choke this year, and this is it. He's been a contender most years he's been in the league, but only has one ring, and that was against Rex Grossman's Bears.

My local is dealing Denv-3 & says he is getting crushed with denv action
College not as much....NFL 6/7 pt teasers are solid as hell.

Someone run the numbers of how many sides in the playoffs alone that covered with a 6 pt tease.....

If they work for the person placing the bets what do the #'s matter??? I th eextra points are getting you the $$$ bet more$$
The numbers do matter over time....I am pro teaser, especially in the NFL. Id like to see the numbers b/c I think they would show teasers can be profitable.
Peyton [....] only has one ring, and that was against Rex Grossman's Bears.

Before he beat the Bears, he beat Brady from 3-21 down, & before that managed a road win dogged against the 13-3 Ravens (whose #1 ranked D was so good they didn't surrender a TD in that game), & the game before that I still recall the talk about the value the Chiefs offered against choker-Manning. That season was clearly a win-the-AFC-win-the-SB kind of deal (the 2nd best NFC team record after Chicago's was 10-6). The hard work for Peyton & the Colts was done before the SB proper. IMO only a Manning hater can sell short his feat of winning the SB.

One need not be a "hater" to realize he only has one Super Bowl win. Yes, he finally beat the Pats that year. It's my suggestion that Seattle poses a larger threat than the Bears.
Besides the preseason game, the Seattle secondary has not faced Peyton and Peyton has not faced the Seattle secondary. Not a single of the 8 DB's on the team. Question is who is this an advantage to?
I think Percy Harvin will be the X factor

A guy who has played less snaps than games seattle has played? I dont get the Percy love at all. On top of that, even if he has practiced, I dont think he has the game time experience with the Seahawks and dont even know how the chemistry is. Just my 2 cents on Percy.
I think I saw Percy has played somewhere around 40 snaps on the me, he doesn't even have to touch the ball to be a factor. Put him in motion, safety follows him. With him on the field the defense will have to account for him. He makes Marshawn a lot more valuable than he already is, imo.
How come? You get the win on that teaser leg with a 3 or 7 point loss.

It's more frustrating seeing dudes cross the zero with a 6 point teaser....that's a recipe for disaster.
I don't ever do teasers really, but I of course have always seen this rule

Is it essentially because the spread is so low that the odds of either team getting the out right make it a dangerous play?

Are there numbers to support it etc?
I don't ever do teasers really, but I of course have always seen this rule

Is it essentially because the spread is so low that the odds of either team getting the out right make it a dangerous play?

Are there numbers to support it etc?

Refer to post #206
I think I saw Percy has played somewhere around 40 snaps on the me, he doesn't even have to touch the ball to be a factor. Put him in motion, safety follows him. With him on the field the defense will have to account for him. He makes Marshawn a lot more valuable than he already is, imo.

one hit and he's done though
Rewatch the first half of the Seattle/Saints game and tell me Percy didn't have an impact before the concussion........huge impact. Ran the ball, caught the ball, got murdered in the secondary and drew 2 PI's....
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I don't ever do teasers really, but I of course have always seen this rule

Is it essentially because the spread is so low that the odds of either team getting the out right make it a dangerous play?

Are there numbers to support it etc?

That's pretty much the reason right there Twinkie. There's no reason to cross the zero given the low spread to begin with, and you essentially need an outright victory or a loss by a few points or less to get the win. You're better off just betting that game straight at that point and not putting it in a teaser.
I don't ever do teasers really, but I of course have always seen this rule

Is it essentially because the spread is so low that the odds of either team getting the out right make it a dangerous play?

Are there numbers to support it etc?

Although I've just done some quick research on this teasing across zero topic, and that may be a myth as well. I'll have to do some more in-depth research, but I've found a guy who has tracked teasers at each point spread and he insists (and his #s back it up) that it is a complete myth. His contention is actually that the most profitable 6 point teasers are those that consist of a favorite of 3.5 or less teased across the zero. His research is from 2009 though, so like I said, I'll have to look into it some more when I have the time.
Chinese astrologers laying down the dosh on the Seahawks.

With more than a billion Chinese people set to welcome the Year of the Horse, one might be tempted to think the Denver Broncos will have luck on their side in the Super Bowl on Sunday.

However, despite the team's horse mascot and having Broncos coach John Fox born in the Year of the Horse in 1955, Chinese astrologers beg to differ.

"They absolutely will not win," Chinese New Year adviser to the City of Sydney, Lin Abbott, said

"[With] the coach born in the Year of the Horse, everything won't be smooth. I think he's unlucky."

Friday, January 31, marks the first day of the Chinese New Year and communities around the globe will say goodbye to the snake, and welcome in the horse.

The Chinese animal zodiac is on a 12-year cycle. The years do not coincide exactly with the Western calendar because the start and end of each year depends on the lunar cycle. Years of the horse take in 1930-31, 1942-43, 1954-55, 1966-67, 1978-79, 1990-91, 2002-03 and 2014-15.

While those born in the Year of the Horse are said to be stable, adventurous and extremely energetic, unfortunately this year they are going to have to lie low.

According to Chinese philosophy, those born with the same zodiac sign as the year's designated animal are going to have a particularly difficult year.

The reason for this, Abbott explains, is the animal is positioned at the top of the zodiac chart, or "on the ruling god's head".

"If you're born in the Year of the Horse, you're clashing with the god so you need to lie low and let it peacefully go past," she said.

"People born in those years need to either go overseas for a big round, then come back. If they are 60-years-old this year, they need to have a big party ... to balance the bad luck."

"Don't get married or make big investments, but go to a lot of weddings and do happy things."

Abbott also suggests that people born in the Year of the Horse should avoid changing jobs and be careful of dealing with the boss, as this year "there will be a lot of gossip about you".

Chinese astrologer and feng shui master Lok Tin explains that having the same animal throws the Chinese ying-yang philosophy off balance, and therefore all those born in the Year of the Horse will experience some sort of pressure or tension this year.

He also warns the Broncos to watch out for a potential sex scandal.

As this year marks the wooden horse, Tin forecasts that many southern countries of the world could experience disasters involving fire.

"The wooden horse represents fire energy," Tin said.

"In the last month, we've seen a lot of fire issues in the southern areas, like South Australia and, in extension to that, we'll see more in South America and south New Zealand. Because the fire energy is so strong, we'll get a lot of fire issues like volcanos and gunfire protests, which will be very violent."

Previous years of the horse were marked by "fire issues" such as the Sino-Japanese war in 1894, and nuclear bomb tests by the US and former Soviet Union in 1954.

For those looking to form new relationships, those most compatible with the horse were born in the year of the tiger, sheep or dog.
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<!--start of components/ad/push--><!--end of components/ad/push--><!--end of components/ad/standard--><!--end of components/ad/story_rectangle--> While many may be sceptical about Western zodiac affirmations, some Chinese are just as dubious about Chinese folklore, Abbott said.

However, she believes Chinese astrology is ingrained in the culture and therefore most ethnic Chinese grow up understanding the philosophies.

To welcome in the new year, families will be gathering together on Thursday for their last meal of the year.

Countries and territories, such as China, Hong Kong and Malaysia, have experienced a travel rush as hundreds of millions of people leave the cities to return to their hometowns to visit relatives for the holiday.

"It's about celebrating eating and family," the director of Sydney University's China Studies Centre, Professor Kerry Brown, said.

"It's more about the culture than the country. No matter where you are, this is a common thing that people can celebrate; there's no politics to it."

people born in the Year of the Horse should [...] be careful of dealing with the boss

Guess Fox should be careful about how he deals with the Sheriff in the big game, then.
Denver allow 2.5 touchdowns per game on average since 2012. They allow 2.8 per game this year alone. They give up 6 more points per game away (27) on average than they do at home (21) this year. Peyton is 3-6 away from home in the playoffs with 8 TD and 11 INT. In those nine games away from home in the playoffs, Peyton's offense averaged 16.6 points per game. Add in the fact that Seattle averages 30 points per game versus the AFC since Russ took the wheel and that's a beat down. Peyton hasn't won a playoff game away from home since the Super Bowl in 2007.
Denver allow 2.5 touchdowns per game on average since 2012. They allow 2.8 per game this year alone. They give up 6 more points per game away (27) on average than they do at home (21) this year. Peyton is 3-6 away from home in the playoffs with 8 TD and 11 INT. In those nine games away from home in the playoffs, Peyton's offense averaged 16.6 points per game. Add in the fact that Seattle averages 30 points per game versus the AFC since Russ took the wheel and that's a beat down. Peyton hasn't won a playoff game away from home since the Super Bowl in 2007.

He's played 2 games away from home since then...and one of them was a SB (and the other was an OT loss to SD). Let's not act as if he's been an epic failure based on that creative wording.
I've been holding out for Seattle to get 3 points, and while doing it, I've started to question my pick. The main reason is you got Russell Wilson on Seattle and Peyton Manning on Denver leading their teams and that is a major mismatch. You got a future hall of famer on one side, and a second year QB on the other. RW will make mistakes. I know it's not just about the QB's, it's a team sport and it involves defenses, special teams, etc but the glaring mismatch is at QB. I wish they'd just play the game. I hate this 2 weeks off. ughhh. Will still take Seattle most likely as I usually like to take my initial lean.
When Bruno Mars and the Red Hot Chili Peppers take the field at MetLife Stadium on Sunday for the hotly anticipated Super Bowl XLVIII halftime show, organizers urge the crowd to stay in their seats and use their heads — literally.
“We are essentially creating the largest ever LED screen in the stadium,” said Ricky Kirshner, whose New York-based company Touchdown Entertainment tackles the halftime bonanza from staging, lighting, sound production and also televising.
“Everyone will get a wool hat with a built in LED screen in their warming package under their seat cushion. We’re asking for audience participation. People, please don’t leave your seat.”
The technologically advanced fashion will result in 800,000 pixels, turning the stadium into one of the biggest LED screens ever made.
“It will take up the entire stadium. It’s the first time we’ve done anything like this. If you were to look at the Grammys where there’s a backdrop, this extends that backdrop to the entire stadium,” said Kirshner, whose company has produced the last seven Super Bowl halftime spectaculars.
The concert’s logistics, which have been in gestation since September, have very little room for error.
From the time the Seahawks and Broncos hit the locker room, Kirshner’s crew has eight minutes to set up for an action-packed 12-minute musical extravaganza. After the last note is played, there’s seven minutes on the clock to dismantle the stage and get the field ready for the third quarter.
The concert — including performers, volunteers and crews — will require about 3,000 people to carry out.
With an open air stadium, Kirshner said there are many tweaks that need to be made as opposed to putting on a show of this proportion in a dome.
“There aren’t the rigging points. But on the positive side, we can produce a much more exciting pyrotechnic show,” he said, adding that every stadium has its challenges.
“No one builds a stadium for us to do a halftime show. It’s very annoying. It would be much easier if they would ask us what we need,” he joked.
Though the cold weather and storm potential has been a source of panic for the fans and a constant story line for the media, Kirshner isn’t logging into the Weather Channel every five minutes.
After all, his first was Super Bowl XLI in Miami, where Prince performed in the pouring rain.
“Everyone said, ‘It has never rained at a Super Bowl, don’t worry about it.’ And then of course it poured that day. I don’t believe in watching the forecast anymore. We do many outdoor events. It always seems that if you watch the weather report you will drive yourself crazy, so you just have to do your show and be prepared,” said Kirshner, who promised the same show rain or shine.
Along with the Meadowlands’ blistering cold and whipping winds, the show will also feature local talent.
Producers have enlisted some lucky New Jersey school marching bands from South Brunswick High School, Nutley, Bergenfield, Morris Knolls and Roxbury.
“They won’t be used as traditional marching bands,” Kirshner said. “They are part of the light show. Our team that works with marching bands works with the Olympics and they’re used to recruiting those kids. It’s a whole operation just dealing with 500 marching bands kids. You have to feed them, bus them, move them, get them into rehearsals.”
Kirshner, who was raised in New Jersey and lives in Manhattan, said it’s great to be on his home turf, but he concedes there’s not much time for fun and games, regardless of the location.
“I think we’re so focused on what we do. It’s not glamorous,” Kirshner said. “We never get out to the parties, so it’s not like we experience the Super Bowl feeling all week.”
Beyond the bones of the show, Kirshner, who spent last week in Los Angeles rehearsing, is mostly mum, dropping one hint. “It’s probably more rock music than we’ve had in the past.”
Peyton [....] only has one ring, and that was against Rex Grossman's Bears.

Before he beat the Bears, he beat Brady from 3-21 down, & before that managed a road win dogged against the 13-3 Ravens (whose #1 ranked D was so good they didn't surrender a TD in that game), & the game before that I still recall the talk about the value the Chiefs offered against choker-Manning. That season was clearly a win-the-AFC-win-the-SB kind of deal (the 2nd best NFC team record after Chicago's was 10-6). The hard work for Peyton & the Colts was done before the SB proper. IMO only a Manning hater can sell short his feat of winning the SB.

And I say all that believing this coming game is Seattle's defense to lose.[/QUOTE)

peyton came back from 21-3 to win that game against the pats who were coming from the west coast after a grueling game with the chargers that the pats never should have won (if they lose the chargers would have beat the colts) and the pats were so tired going into that second half that any team could have come back….peyton actually should have no rings at all….imho
I'm sure you'll go next year with it being in your home town (and the weather will be better).

I said to mrtake tonight that I don't want to drink too much and forget the game.

We're staying right near the stadium - worth it to go to Manhattan during the day?

Manhattan is awesome…i'm 6-7 times a year
A guy who has played less snaps than games seattle has played? I dont get the Percy love at all. On top of that, even if he has practiced, I dont think he has the game time experience with the Seahawks and dont even know how the chemistry is. Just my 2 cents on Percy.

agree….harvin should be used as a decoy
I don't care what consensus #s are being put out there... I have never seen so much love for one side of a game (that is supposed to be 70/30) as I see on Seattle everywhere. From the people on TV to every capping site. This one is truly 50/50 in terms of bet support IMO.

The weather IMO is the biggest story in SB history prior to snap. If winds were over 10 mph and it was under 20 degrees... there was NO way the Broncos could win this game. I would have laid up to 3 with Seattle. With 40, no wind, and potentially some rain, it is truly a 7-10 point swing. Denver goes from being incapable of moving the ball to perfect conditions to do so. Look at Seattle 1h vs. Saints vs. 2h. The wind stopped and the Hawks got lit up.

Also, the Seahawks have not played well on the road once this season. Everytime when they played a team with a pulse they escaped or lost. Outplayed @ Colts, Texans, Panthers, Rams, 49ers. Solid performance defensively at Arizona and NYG.

I would have been livid had I locked in on Seattle to see the weather open up like this. Truly the biggest swing I can remember of it favoring one team vs. another.

Also - Denver has been shutting down the run all post season and Wilson has been borderline terrible for 2 months.

Just playing the advocate here to all the Seattle love. I would have been with you guys for 5 times my normal 10x large bet. Now, I am not so sure.
one hit and percy is done, what makes you believe that is not the case?

He got hit twice 3 weeks ago, and he left the game both times, with the 2nd one being the end.
Those hits he took were not normal hits.....they were massive helmet to helmet that drew 15 yard penalties...just fyi.
not to mention this is the superbowl, percy could just be a lazy mofo that didnt want to try to come back and perform? But this is the big show
sherman doesnt go inside, so if denver was smart... they'd run routes with d thomas in the middle sometimes