Super Bowl discussion

Wilson's last 6 games he's played some pretty good defenses.....SF, NO, AZ for starters. Denver without Von, Harris and away from Mile High not top tier IMO. Seattle will be able to run, play action, etc.

If Harvin can play I love Seattle.

Also like that Hauschka has kicked in wet/shitty weather a lot. Prater kicks in the thin air.....might be able to find a + money prop that Prater misses one.
Weak Pats offense blew their wad vs the Colts, so it was only fitting they bunged up in the AFC 'ship game. Was a matter of the Doncos catching NE at the right time. Hags will get to Peyton but the league may get to the Hags.

Denver winning it all is the only storyline in this matchup. Goodell loves a good storyline.

Personally though, I'm a strong believer in defense over offense in big games.
You Denver slappies( I had them full unit in AFC championship) keep driving it up. I was playing -1 for sure so plus points/money thank you. Just waiting till I get FG and if not still weather to factor. Big play for me and will barely sweat it in my opinion..
The worse the weather forecast gets the lower the line will go. Just realize the best offense in the league, maybe in nfl history? Opened as a one point dog
Wilson's last 6 games he's played some pretty good defenses.....SF, NO, AZ for starters. Denver without Von, Harris and away from Mile High not top tier IMO. Seattle will be able to run, play action, etc.

If Harvin can play I love Seattle.

Also like that Hauschka has kicked in wet/shitty weather a lot. Prater kicks in the thin air.....might be able to find a + money prop that Prater misses one.
Good post.
I am 95% sure Harvin is playing from what I've read.. That kid lives for that stage
You guys running to bet Denver are fucking nuts. Not sure how else to say it. Read this stat, then tell me you sill want Denver.

In the history of the Super Bowl, a team with a defense ranked over 20th in scoring defense has won the Super Bowl a total of how many times?

Answer: twice. ever.

The number one offense has played the number one defense 4 times. D has won 3 of 4.

Defense wins championships. But we knew that already...
The team who lost the most fumbles in the NFL is playing the team who took the ball away from their opponent 39 times (best in the NFL). Who are you taking?
[TABLE="class: tableOdds"]
<tbody id="oddsBody">[TR="class: row-odd"]
[TD="class: team"]2/02

6:30 PM

101 Seattle Seahawks
102 Denver Broncos
[TD="class: pct"] 21%
[TD="class: pct"] 41%
[TD="class: pct"] 48%
Everyone seems ready to lick their chops to bet the, not so much

I think SF was a worse matchup for Denver personally
So do I. Frisco shoulda won if Kaepernick didn't fist himself at the end. But a team with a defense as shitty as Denver's wins almost never.
So do I. Frisco shoulda won if Kaepernick didn't fist himself at the end. But a team with a defense as shitty as Denver's wins almost never.
its doesn't help Denvers D's stats that they are always playing on short rest since the O scores at will
Everyone seems ready to lick their chops to bet the, not so much

I think SF was a worse matchup for Denver personally

Vegas/books have already taken a shit-ton of ding on the high-octane Doncos, what the majority of this board thinks is irrelevant.

Only thing really going for Denver is the conspiracy angle and the venue to a smaller degree.

All the things that matter are in favor of the Hags.
true, but betting on a defense that is as suspect as Denver's is a bad bet. I don't care who the QB is. The only time a number one O has beaten a number one defense in the SB is the Niners vs the Doncs in the 1990 Super Bowl. But that Niners team had the third ranked scoring D.

Even the most stubborn Denver backer would have a hard time convincing themselves that Sea is a better football team when you consider the matchups and the team as a whole. And history is very much on the side of Seahawk bettors.
And Welker doesn't often drop the ball often (actually he does) but when he does, he prefers the super Bowl be on the line..
Give me one advantage Denver has over Sea aside from Manning Twink....

okay now you're going a little too far... i like seattle too but lets not get crazy

the seahawks defense is very good, but the denver receiver corps are deadly... if and only if the weather is decent
people dont believe that nearly 80% are on the broncos because the 10-20 posters on CTG are adamant about seattle...

sample size ftw!
Denver Receivers are better than Seattle's but I don't know if the matchup is even an advantage when they are going vs SEA DB's...
The non-gamblers I know like Denver. Sample size, people around the office.
Denver Receivers are better than Seattle's but I don't know if the matchup is even an advantage when they are going vs SEA DB's...

healthy Harvin equalizes that matchup considerably... changes everything for Denver defense even if he doesn't touch the ball... you have to account for him... I like Denver's receivers but they are gonna get jammed the whole game.. Historically Superbowl refs try not to be part of the game and instructed as such.. Given a little freedom Seattle defense could dominate this game and Peyton is certainly used to getting dominated vs elite defense in the playoffs..
healthy Harvin equalizes that matchup considerably... changes everything for Denver defense even if he doesn't touch the ball... you have to account for him... I like Denver's receivers but they are gonna get jammed the whole game.. Historically Superbowl refs try not to be part of the game and instructed as such.. Given a little freedom Seattle defense could dominate this game and Peyton is certainly used to getting dominated vs elite defense in the playoffs..

Tee, we certainly share the same viewpoint on Sea but I've got Percy a lot farther down my list than you to. If Petey is smart he'll dominate TOP and control line of scrimmage and run Lynch til his legs fall off. The less Seattle throws, the more chances we get paid.
Haven't had a chance to read through entire thread yet, but...

What's the early forecast? Anybody putting anything into possible weather factors here?
Tee, we certainly share the same viewpoint on Sea but I've got Percy a lot farther down my list than you to. If Petey is smart he'll dominate TOP and control line of scrimmage and run Lynch til his legs fall off. The less Seattle throws, the more chances we get paid.

don't have to throw the ball to Harvin.. put him in motion and run lynch, then hand off to him 3rd or 4th time, then run lynch 4 more times with same motion.. Caroll had that going vs NO before he went out and it changed the entire look of that offense... go back and watch the tape.. watch the safety when Harvin came across the zone.. glued him every time cause you have to.. People forget, when healthy (legs, not head) harvin is a game changer.. we just haven't seen it in awhile.. I predict we will here
Let the record show that, for the $11 million he earned this season from the Seahawks, and for the first-, third- and seventh-round picks the trade cost Seattle, this was Percy Harvin’s 2013 output:

Seattle games: 18.
Harvin games: 2.
Number of Seattle offensive plays: 1,087.
Number of offensive plays for Harvin: 38.
Number of Harvin offensive touches: 5.
Offensive yards by Harvin: 47.
Harvin touchdowns: 0.
I just found it interesting that Harvin said a couple weeks back that he feels the best he has felt ever. Saying that his body is faster than what he ever thought was possible. Hopefully he's all set to go in 12 days
Wilson's last 6 games he's played some pretty good defenses.....SF, NO, AZ for starters. Denver without Von, Harris and away from Mile High not top tier IMO. Seattle will be able to run, play action, etc.

If Harvin can play I love Seattle.

Also like that Hauschka has kicked in wet/shitty weather a lot. Prater kicks in the thin air.....might be able to find a + money prop that Prater misses one.

Let's not pretend that Prater can only hit long FG's because he's in Denver. The guy has a cannon for a leg and can hit from long range at sea level as well. Seattle has some match up advantages, kicking isn't one of them IMHO.

Those talking about the Seattle secondary trying to bump, grab, are right. They will try to get away with anything the refs allow. On the flip side, Denver will run rub, pick, etc all day long until the refs call it and then they will keep doing it. Sherman is a great DB no doubt and I'm sure he will be on DT, I still think DT will get his and if he doesn't JT, Decker and Welker will get theirs.

I also think the Denver OL is better than many on here give them credit for and quite honestly I think that is where this game will be decided. If the Seattle DL/LB's get to Manning, Seattle should win easily. If they don't, I think the same will be said for Denver. I don't care how many squares appear to be on Denver, I think they are the better team on a neutral field. I'd be all over Seattle if this was at CL but it's not.
agree Utes....Some of my fave cappers at CTG are lining up for SEA and I respect those dudes so much

we just gonna be "good healthing" this one:shake:
I just found it interesting that Harvin said a couple weeks back that he feels the best he has felt ever. Saying that his body is faster than what he ever thought was possible. Hopefully he's all set to go in 12 days
until he gets another unbearable migraine
agree Utes....Some of my fave cappers at CTG are lining up for SEA and I respect those dudes so much

we just gonna be "good healthing" this one:shake:

Agree. It's a pretty impressive list of Seattle backers and it does worry me a bit but I'm still riding the Denver train. Now if FF is on Denver then I'll really start to worry. :seeya:
I also think the Denver OL is better than many on here give them credit for and quite honestly I think that is where this game will be decided.

I remember the Denver/KC games and the whole thing came down to: Can they get pressure on Peyton.

They never could, they got killed.

Don't hear me saying Seattle is KC. Seattle's defense is better than KC's. That said, the whole thing with Peyton and those WRs is going to be timing. Can the DL get pressure and can the DBs throw off the routes. Based on the way Denver has schemed to date, I have more faith in the latter simply because that's more on individual matchups.

But the problem is, Denver has as many weapons in the passing game as Seattle has faced all year. The only other offenses that come close are Indy (who put up 34) and SF (at least in terms of talent on the outside). But SF was on the road, turned the ball over multiple times in the fourth quarter and still had a shot to win the game.
While I'll be on Seattle, I don't think they will be knocking Peyton down every play. Denver gives up the least sacks in the NFL, partly because their line is decent, but mainly because Peyton gets rid of the ball so fast. Seattle is 8th in the NFL in sacks, but they aren't a blitz happy team who is going to be bringing the house all day. The strength of their defense is more in the defensive backfield. They'll be on these receivers tight on the line and will play their triangle/cover 1/whatever you want to call it defense. I think Seattle's corners are good enough to play man with Denver's WR's with the safety cheating over the top. I think this is where the game gets decided. If the WR's are open, Manning will hit them. If they aren't and he tries too hard to get them the ball, Seattle should coast to an easy win...
Agree SC.....Seattle can get pressure but more important is a great secondary that can cover....that is Seattle. Not to mention their LB's are hard hitting studs that can stop the run without a ton of support from DB's and they can make sticks on crossing routes. Denver running game is not super's just a change up.....have to be able to make tackles. Bobby Wagner might be the best tackling LB in the game.