Sometimes you gotta take a shot...(Boise/OU)

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There comes a time in every sports cappers career where you have to take a shot at one you feel very good about...
Call it a rubber band game, a lock, "bet as much as you want to win", etc....

Today is that day for me!!!!

I have been telling my friends for a week now that 2007 is going to be a big year for me one way or the other, I am either going to have a great money making year or I am going out in a blaze of glory and on to something else in my life....

Oklahoma -6 @-119 (Pinnacle) 14 Units
If any of you have followed my NBA selections you know that I very rarely make a play for more than 2 units. 2.5-3 units is a huge game for me. Today I am letting it all loose on the Sooners. "AD" All Day Adrian Peterson will be back in uniform but that isn't near the biggest reason why I love this play. OU's defense will be the biggest/fastest/best coached/most talented defense that Boise St. has ever seen. Boise squeeked out a 23-20 victory about a month ago at San Jose St. against at the time one of the best defenses they had seen. I personally feel OU is 100% better defense than SJ State. While Boise played teams all year like Idaho, Sacramento St., Wyoming, La. Tech, Utah St, etc and their "BIG" wins against Hawaii (@ Boise) and Oregon St, Oklahoma has went on a run since the absolute raping that the officials pulled on them in Oregon to almost run the table (1 loss was to Texas) without their best offensive weapon and have reeled off victories over the likes of Missouri, TX Tech, Nebraska, Ok. State, TX A&M, etc....
Bob Stoops is the best big game coach in the nation IMO and I am not even an Oklahoma fan. In fact I don't like him that much because I feel he does run the score up when possible.
I think Oklahoma will be surprised to see how much easier it will be for them to move the ball as Boise St. should be one of the slower teams they have played this season.
I don't see Boise scoring more than 10 points in this game and Zambransky will be in shock at the speed of the OU defense. Look for him to have at least 2 INT's and Ian Johnson won't be able to do it himself as the OU defensive line will be on him in the backfield ALL DAY LONG!!!!!

Wish me luck!!!!

I am going to :spank: my book tonight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cant wait to see what AP does tonight.. Bob Stoops is in a class by himself.. Looks too obvious, hope for your sake it isnt G LUCK
abcs said:
Cant wait to see what AP does tonight.. Bob Stoops is in a class by himself.. Looks too obvious, hope for your sake it isnt G LUCK

Lot of people on Boise State, so i don't think it's a sucker bet. I hope at least. :)
abcs said:
Cant wait to see what AP does tonight.. Bob Stoops is in a class by himself.. Looks too obvious, hope for your sake it isnt G LUCK

Thanks for bringing this up....
I forgot that one of my other main factors for this play is that even though it seems obvious to me....
The public is on Boise St.....
The line has dropped from as high as 8.5-9 all the way down to 6-7. The public is pounding the undefeated Boise St. team.
Also I'm not trying to start a conspiracy theory or anything but if Boise was to win tonight and Michigan & Ohio St. both lose do you think that the BCS wants people saying....
"The system doesn't work Boise St. was the only undefeated team in the country after all the bowls were finished and they won a BCS bowl, how can they not be National Champions???"
HELL me the BCS wants Oklahoma to open up a can of whoop-azz on this Boise St. team!!!!
Same Game

I tend to avoid betting spreads in bowl games cause when you give teams 4 weeks to prepare, who knows what will happen when they actually play. I actually like U50 because with two teams that pound the ball and the new rules on clocks, 7+ TD will be tough (I hope) to get in a non-OT game.
Johnny the Saint said:
With you bro! Problem with that is I could not pick my nose right now.......

That is ok Johnny.....
Just count it as me picking it, that way you don't feel like you had any part in it:smiley_acbe:

Sometimes it amazes me how everytime I get out there on a game....
Which isn't hardly ever...
I always get off to a shit start!!!!:down:

I mean really Boise makes a miracle tip catch and gets a bs spot for the first down and next play goes for 50 for a TD against this OU D huh????


It is a loser guys, the crowd is like a fking home game for Boise too!!!!

FK ME!!!!
You need to understand that there are 4 quarters in a game....weren't you cryin' about the Over in the USC game......

Game over for OU backers 14-0 Boise
Boise wins this straight up and blows out this obviously overrated OU defense.

Congrats all Boise backers
Tell you what Austin, I'll let you have as much of my OU bet as you want and I'll pay the juice if you lose??

How much do you want of it, I have OU-6.
Damn gave up already????
Should i remind you of the Georgia comeback?
Howabout the Texas Tech comeback?
You did make your bet for the FINAL SCORE.
Rocky start for sure. But not over. Not yet.

Chill Out.
CenTexGambler said:
Damn gave up already????
Should i remind you of the Georgia comeback?
Howabout the Texas Tech comeback?
You did make your bet for the FINAL SCORE.
Rocky start for sure. But not over. Not yet.

Chill Out.

Did Texas Tech Cover???

I don't doubt OU may come back and win but the cover is done.
Congrats all Boise St. backers.
Not sure why I even tried to help you out.
You've obviouly given up.

Fuk it....I'll take your play. I also have OK -6. Mine will cash.
How do you want to work this out?
CenTexGambler said:
Not sure why I even tried to help you out.
You've obviouly given up.

Fuk it....I'll take your play. I also have OK -6. Mine will cash.
How do you want to work this out?

How could we honestly do it???
Wanna transfer money via Neteller to me???
I like ou to win.. not sure about covering.. Stacks what up buddy, happy new year
tru said:
stinks, do we really need this shit here? save tha drama.

If your on OU....
Just let me do my thing and don't question it....
This worked last game I am going to try it again:cheers:

So like I said...
OU is cooked

Congrats all Boise St. backers....
INT Boise in the Endzone....
OU QB is dogshit....

Congrats Boise Backers
again save tha drama. people on either side of tha game really dont wanna see u postin this 10 to go in tha 2nd Q.

u wanna make another topic sayin what ur play is an keep it normal, feel free, this topic is done though.
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