***Season Long NCAA In-Game***

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Friday night fuckery, would expect no less on the night everyone is expected to have money.
Even aside from gambling its getting hard to watch as a fan anymore. You can't even cheer for a good defensive play without waiting for 30 seconds first to ensure theres no nonsense penalty. This shit is killing football
trying to turn a violent game safe for all the p.c losers this country is full of. they put on the pads. they know the risk. but no now we got some loser in the booth buzzing the ref for a legit hit that ended with his helmet his other dudes helmet. big fucking deal
I'm all for player safety, but the answer has to be technology....helmut technology...Vicis on the edge of changing things...
I'm all for player safety too but its not really about that...its about marketable player safety. They want to protect QB and offensive skill players. None of these leagues give a rats ass if a DL or DB goes down with a concussion.
Colorado State is getting absolutely raw dogged by this officiating crew. 2 TDs taken off the board due to offensive PI and they just got a 3rd offensive PI.
Be curious some of your preseason Heisman picks....mine was Browning and James Washington but Washington will split votes with Rudolph likely

Obviously we all know Darnold is the best player in CFB, I'm reserving judgment to call him the 2nd best QB I've seen after Luck and in front of Peyton (who I still think should be lower on my list for never beating UF) but Darnold doesn't quite get there yet til mid-season after I see how he handles the pressure of being the next best thing. Kinda think he doesn't give a fuck about pressure which is incredible.
Can't believe at 3:30am on what many consider Christmas morning that no one is up discussing this shit. Either we're just getting older or more mature, I sure as hell hope it's not the latter....it's game day
Im up it's game day. Let's open presents!
Which present is the Nintendo!
Gotta charge up all my devices for toady. iPads, phones, laptop.
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As long as we can make it until the end of Noles/Bama. Hawaii / W Carolina may be pushing it for me
I wish they would have split up all these games from today - Monday. Sunday has 2 very interesting games. And Monday only 1 game! Come on. Treat Sunday like an NFL Sunday. And throw us more than2 gms on Sunday and 1 gm on Monday

And Sunday's games are at the SAME TIME!
Very interesting no one is in here, should be very lively right now. Sun's going down.
Don't go there, woke up at midnight and 99% positive of a concussion yesterday

It's all about will power
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