SB 50 Discussion

I don't know, but I brought up Russ already and it was said that he wasn't really black, or something to that effect.

I don't understand what that means. Are people saying you have to think and act a certain way to be "really" black?


That is rich.
Anyway, that is a bad tangent .... let's talk Romo.

oh wait ...

There is a big game coming up, I guess.

Race is a very uncomfortable thing to talk about, but that doesnt mean that the issues dont exist here. I remember not only Carson Palmer, but Stanton as well celebrating a ton during scores ina blowout Cards win, but you didnt hear about it at all.

He's having fun on the field. Thats it. In no way shape or form does that make him a douche, unless its agaisnt your team, and in that case, stop him and he wont dance

If you're referring to that Sunday night game where Stanton was carrying on after that TD on the sidelines (against Philly wasn't it?)....he DID get made fun of for that. It was all over twitter and other media outlets the next day, mocking him for his "dancing" as they were calling it.

The other point is that he doesn't do that EVERY single game, let alone EVERY single TD (if you can find a bunch of videos of Stanton acting like a douche after a Cardinals' TD, I will certainly say I was wrong and call him a douche as well). It was an isolated incident on a pretty big play if I remember correctly. That's spontaneous and certainly understandable. When it happens every single TD of every single game it becomes disingenuous and the douche like quality of it all takes over.
Could spin off all the Cam talk into a new thread (like the Romo stuff). Reminds me of an '80's sitcom
If you have a problem with Cam's celebrations on the field you should also take issue with Mr. Discount Double Check. What's the difference?

most casual fans probably don't even think Wilson is African American tbh
If you have a problem with Cam's celebrations on the field you should also take issue with Mr. Discount Double Check. What's the difference?

most casual fans probably don't even think Wilson is African American tbh

I explained it in my post (so did P-Unit I think). I wonder if you do read the posts at all. Of course, that's only answering for me so it's not how everyone will/should answer.

Russel Wilson is black, it's a fact. He's also a QB, and his jersey leads the league in sales.
I don't mind the celebrations, but it's a whole other matter when everyone leaves the field and Cam is standing in the end zone strutting and gyrating like Mick Jagger 5 minutes after the play. Christ, Greg Olsen had to drag him off the field after one of his celebrations because they were trying to kick the xp.

Do your celebration and get off the field. NOBODY celebrates as long as he does. Discount Doublecheck does his belt move and it's over. 5 seconds. I think we can all live with that. It's completely different. He only really does it when HE runs in for a TD and very seldom when he throws a TD. Cam is a frontrunning douche. Great football player (never thought I would say that but he's the most dangerous weapon in the NFL IMO), but a douche nonetheless...
This was a somewhat interesting topic like 30 posts ago. Then someone mentioned Cam is black and we have a whole new discussion that doesn't even belong in the NFL forum and we have pages of replies that have nothing to do with SB50. Move on guys. We get it - you disagree. Let's talk about the game in this thread.
Well that's the real problem, the game as a whole doesn't appear to be all that interesting on a national level. It's what the SB has become, two weeks to analyze basically something no one really wants to analyze. Who would be shocked if Carolina wins by three TDs or more? You can only talk about Cam vs the Denver defense so much over two weeks, and the real biggest mismatch imo is the Carolina defense vs the Bronco offense, where the front 7 is actually better than Denver imo, and Denver can't remotely exploit what small deficiency Carolina has, their defensive backfield.

But yay! Two weeks to come up with anything else to talk about.
I dont think there is really anything else to talk about with this super bowl.... this is the most lopsided betting % in the SB since at least 2003... probably ever. Its scary.

Books will make their money with prop bets
No player props up yet, but I took "to win MVP" - Ted Ginn @+4000 and Greg Olsen @+2800 - $25 on each
The race discussion is really dumb here. It is the NFL. Not sure the ratio but there are a helluva lot of black athletes in the NFL, and most of them at the skill positions that get recognized. So did people hate Barry Sanders, because he was black or not give him the accolades because of that? Walter Payton? Shit, they have an award named after him for him being the exact opposite of a douche, and adding more than he took from the NFL. The problem is the "Me" mentality rather than the "team" mentality in all sports, but NBA and NFL are the worst. "Look what I did, I got a first down!" Okay, but someone blocked to get the QB enough time to throw it to you, or someone blocked you a hole, etc. Oh look I got a sack, or someone got double teamed and you got free, etc. It's terrible.

New drinking game idea for the SB! Every time someone does a self glorifying move after a play, drink. You'll be fucking dead by halftime.

Saying people are biased against black players in the NFL is like saying people don't buy Lucky Charms because of the marshmallows. Just untrue.
If we can tie the side discussions up in a bow, remember when Cam's Panthers were dogged but still routed the Cowboys in Dallas on Thanksgiving and Romo threw two pick-sixes? Good times. Luckily for Lar's argument, Thanksgiving isn't in December.
I really want to take the points, follow rexy, be contrarian, figure Carolina's not at home, couple weeks to cool off, Denver's D is good, maybe Omaha has a couple bullets left ... but I just don't see it.
The race discussion is really dumb here. It is the NFL. Not sure the ratio but there are a helluva lot of black athletes in the NFL, and most of them at the skill positions that get recognized. So did people hate Barry Sanders, because he was black or not give him the accolades because of that? Walter Payton? Shit, they have an award named after him for him being the exact opposite of a douche, and adding more than he took from the NFL. The problem is the "Me" mentality rather than the "team" mentality in all sports, but NBA and NFL are the worst. "Look what I did, I got a first down!" Okay, but someone blocked to get the QB enough time to throw it to you, or someone blocked you a hole, etc. Oh look I got a sack, or someone got double teamed and you got free, etc. It's terrible.

New drinking game idea for the SB! Every time someone does a self glorifying move after a play, drink. You'll be fucking dead by halftime.

Saying people are biased against black players in the NFL is like saying people don't buy Lucky Charms because of the marshmallows. Just untrue.

I agree. It's irritating. All lives matter in the nfl.
It's nothing silly, if it were JFF doing what Cam is doing in Carolina his jersey sales would be through the roof...having fun, crushing, then giving balls to kids.

To deny that seems devoid of reality, the media plays a strong part in it. There are deeper issues than just black/white (QB, strong leader, off field presence), and I believe Dez is #4 in sales, but to deny it exists at all isn't being honest.

Obviously it would be different if he played for Dallas/GB/PITT/NE, but it really is unfathomable the MVP won't be a top 10 jersey regardless of who he plays for
Isn't the top jersey list a little dated? Let's talk about it in August, I bet he's top 5. Somewhere around there anyway, it's always rock star rookies and guys off MVP-caliber seasons. I wouldn't be surprised if Cam's jersey sales ranking used to be higher. I believe Manziel was number one last year at some point.
Maybe he'll get a kickstart from the Super Bowl, but a guy who did what he did this year would have been rockstar status all year and I remember Kaepernick seeming to have about 10 times the buzz of Cam at this point the season he went to the Bowl. It really is amazing that there are no real talking points about this game that can overtake some sort of Cam controversy. That's a problem. Needed Peyton in his prime I guess..
It's nothing silly, if it were JFF doing what Cam is doing in Carolina his jersey sales would be through the roof...having fun, crushing, then giving balls to kids.

To deny that seems devoid of reality, the media plays a strong part in it. There are deeper issues than just black/white (QB, strong leader, off field presence), and I believe Dez is #4 in sales, but to deny it exists at all isn't being honest.

Obviously it would be different if he played for Dallas/GB/PITT/NE, but it really is unfathomable the MVP won't be a top 10 jersey regardless of who he plays for

It may exist, but how does one explain Russel Wilson having the #1 selling jersey? He's perfectly comparable to Cam...he's a QB and he's black.
Russ is half black fwiw. Uncle Tom and can run. Perfect combo.

Half black is black in the US isn't it?

Jeter, Tiger, Obama, the list goes on and on. They're only called "half black" when someone points out something like this....(not saying you either, just a general statement)

Oh, and VK is gonna love the Uncle Tom comment...can't wait (Bart Scott voice).
The debate can go on as long as you want, in fact it isn't even all that still doesn't change the fact that jerseys for a dbag like JFF would be flying off the shelves right now if he was doing everything that Cam was doing, even in Carolina. Would be a marketer's dream come true.
The debate can go on as long as you want, in fact it isn't even all that still doesn't change the fact that jerseys for a dbag like JFF would be flying off the shelves right now if he was doing everything that Cam was doing, even in Carolina. Would be a marketer's dream come true.

I guess they may be flying off the shelves, but there are just as many people who think JFF is a douche bag and wouldn't buy his certainly may be right though.

The fact remains that it's really tough to claim it's race when a black QB is actually leading the league in jersey sales, and half of the top 22 jerseys are worn by black players. I know you're not making the claim yourself, but for those who are, it doesn't seem to add up.
Maybe oreo is a better term


Nah, if you're an oreo in America, you're usually just (usually, as in 99.9% of the time) considered black. Unless, of course, it doesn't fit the narrative, then they're called oreos and that must be the reason they're liked more than another black QB.

I am a big Cam watching him play.....those who don't like his antics just need to check what if he is doing some things to draw attention to himself and I have a feeling a lot of folks who object to his "antics" have nothing but love for the Monmoth hoop bench antics....and they aren't even on the court

In other news, during the Carolina/AZ game, I said this line should be 7 (ish) is getting, if the market is efficient....

PS...the first line I got was Carolina -4....un-fukkin-loaded..
There are two African American Super Bowl winning QB's. They both beat the Broncos in the Super Bowl. The combined score was 85-18.
Another line bump Car -6, ml -260. Think we see -7 by kickoff?

Car TT o26 - Den has given up an average of >24pts/game against good rushing teams (KC, Min) - neither KC nor Min is as explosive as Car
didnt think it would reach 6! already on denver +5.

maybe this is for teaser purposes and denver wins by 1, we all go home happy..
If we're going to reach back into college to talk about Cam buying a stolen computer, as well as asking to and getting paid by whatever school he transferred to, then why isn't anyone bringing up Peyton Manning's sexual assault his freshman year ? That along with his PED use makes him a much bigger douche in my eyes.