SB 50 Discussion

Here is my take on cam, if I have money on him.. dab all day long son. If I have money against him I wanna break my tv when he showboats, rubbing it in my face lol

End of the day he is a stud.
Here is my take on cam, if I have money on him.. dab all day long son. If I have money against him I wanna break my tv when he showboats, rubbing it in my face lol

End of the day he is a stud.

He sure is.
Mark me down as #3 on the Cam's not a douche scale. He's one of a few guys in the league who's individual effort is worth the price of admission alone
I've never had a prob with Cam, not sure what Lar's talking about. He hates dancing more than winning.
I've never had a prob with Cam, not sure what Lar's talking about. He hates dancing more than winning.

Jeez. It was unanimous in the in game yesterday that he was a douche bag. Pile on Larry though because it's easy on this site. Makes sense, seems legit.
Until there is an officially approved "Douchebag Scale" I will guess that everyone determines being a douche differently. That being said I don't think he is a douche, I just think he has douche moments.

And his Powerbeats 2 commercial is one of them. That is such a bad commercial.

Also, I know Larry is asking for it but can we lay off the gangbang? Jeez. This was a Super Bowl discussion thread that turned into a kids' shouting contest about someone being a douchebag or not and if one of the most irrelevant QB's in the game, who has never won anything important, is the best in December or big games or whatever he fuck dumb conversation you clowns are entertaining. Let it go. Romo sucks. Period.
Put it this way:

Everyone on this site would say I am an LSU/Saints homer.


I hate the Panthers. Can't stand Auburn. I have said Cam is the deal for years here. And he is not even in the top 50 douche players in NFL.

You know top 10? Former LSU Tiger Odell Beckham Jr.

THAT is how much he ain't a douche.

Not picking on you Lar, wasnt in the in game:shake:
To the game:

Interesting. I have to lean CAR at this point. Would be a peanut bet......interesting game for sure.
To the game:

Interesting. I have to lean CAR at this point. Would be a peanut bet......interesting game for sure.
I don't think it will even be close Twink. They can't corral Cam like they did Brady. Brady played with wooden peg legs in that game. He couldn't get out of his own way. Cam will chew them up at 10 yard clips f they come after him. Manning won't keep up with Carolina's defense. I doubt he'll even last the whole game. I would love to see Peyton finish his career with a Super Bowl win but I think he will have to settle for a Super Bowl appearance.
Cam won a championship starting at Auburn. And if he wins a super bowl he'll have one in the NFL. Has anybody in this era done that? I can't think of anybody. I guess I'll go and google it.
Cam not a douche. Does a lot for the city of Charlotte. Come off as a good teammate and a leader.

Most NFL players do good things for the city in which they play. That has nothing to do with being a douche on the field.
Put it this way:

Everyone on this site would say I am an LSU/Saints homer.


I hate the Panthers. Can't stand Auburn. I have said Cam is the deal for years here. And he is not even in the top 50 douche players in NFL.

You know top 10? Former LSU Tiger Odell Beckham Jr.

THAT is how much he ain't a douche.

Not picking on you Lar, wasnt in the in game:shake:

lol, it's okay Twinkie I'm used to it on here...handle it every single time and simply give it back (yet I'M the's too funny).

Back to this crazy post though...he's not top 50? What about the laying down on the Cards side of field before game on Sunday? What was that? Where do you put the dabbing "countdown" on your douche scale? It was a blowout game in which they were clearly going to win at that point...if you can't just show class there and move on, you're a douche bag. How about starting a fight on the field to get a guy off of him to make sure he could point for the first down and dance (on a play that was called back and wasn't a first down)? If those are douche bag moves, what do you call them?

Agree, Odell is up there himself in the NFL for being a douche bag. (I'll bet you he does a lot for the city in which he plays as well, but most would still agree with you about him being a douche bag)

Regardless of whether or not people think he's a douche bag...the only point, and the ONLY reason it was brought up was that it's NOT his race that isn't getting him as much publicity as apparently some think he deserves. It's that many people DO think he's a douche bag, and his past isn't exactly that of the highest standard (stolen laptops, shady money taking from Auburn, etc)...that may have something to do with him not getting the pub (which he seems to get a helluva lot of publicity to begin with, so what are people even talking about?). It may not, but it certainly may....for everyone to simply jump to race is what he hell is wrong in this country.
I really have no idea how you can think cam is a douchebag. You don't know anything about the guy and just jump to conclusions and call him names? Why? Because he dances in the end zone? I don't get it. You're going to bring up things he did in college? How about you look into the things he does for the community. How much he has grown as a person and as a leader while at the same time improving his game in areas where everyone thought he struggled in.

These guys don't have to conform to what you think a quarterback should act like. Calling him a douche is just plain ignorant.
[h=1]Cam Newton: Panthers' champion, a community's prince[/h]Friday night lights still draw Cam Newton. They beam brightly upon him, casting an expansive shadow that few can escape. Not that many try. To be around Newton, after all, is to be near the magic.
Caylin Newton is the exception. A hair under 6 feet, barely 180 pounds, and bowlegged to boot, he is smaller in every way than his famous brother in the crowd at Grady High School. Beneath the gaze of the Carolina Panthers quarterback, the younger Newton determines to reach beyond the comparisons and rise above the expectations.
MORE: Cam Newton celebrations | You're the problem, not Cam
He longs to be the best Caylin, not a manufactured version of Cam.
"He wants to make a path for himself," Grady coach Earthwind Moreland says.

Just like Cam.
This unconventional style, a pinpoint passer bulldozing through linebackers with abandon, is all his. The dance? That's his, too. Shepherding the Panthers into untraversed territory, Cam Newton is carving new lanes all over the NFL.
Once among the most maligned athletes in the country — labels of cheater, thief, snob and worse hurled at him — Newton is now synonymous with winner, leader, MVP candidate, marketing giant and community activist. Time and experience have taught us to cautiously herald the uber-rich who play games for a living. Many of the most lionized athletes have been disgraced by scandal and crime.
So, there is no pedestal here for Newton to scale. On level ground, he is measured by the standards set by his contemporaries. And by his own bar.
"You're talking about a person six or seven years removed from a stolen laptop," Newton said, pulling back the curtain on his jagged journey. "Things that people don't really want to talk about. A person that had to go to junior college.
"It's athletes in junior college right now asking, 'Am I going to make it? Am I going to get a scholarship?' And look at who I am today. I'm not saying that to brag or boast. I'm saying that because someone's looking at this right now and they may have made a mistake. That happened, but that doesn't necessarily describe who they are as a person. We all make mistakes, but it's all about how you rebound from that mistake instead of giving up."
* * *
"Throw the the ball better."
When it comes to the Panthers, Braylon Beam has no filter. If it's on his mind he says it, and when he met Newton for the first time, it was the thought that popped into his mind and tumbled out of his mouth.
"He said, 'Good thing, Coach,'" Braylon recalled. Then, Newton had a job for Braylon: "Now you have to show me your guns."
Braylon, 6 years old, obliged. The Make-A-Wish Foundation made the meeting possible and the Panthers opened their hearts to him, making him the honorary "head coach." He got to pound the drumbefore the game.
He met all of the players and coaches. And while he'll tell you that as a "coach" he can have no favorites, he holds Newton especially dear.
"He's the best quarterback in the NFL," Braylon, who lives in Dallas, N.C., said. "He is a good person, plays with heart, keeps pounding and finds people open."
Newton is a light to Braylon, just as he is to so many others. A malignant tumor on the optic chasm has blinded Braylon's right eye and while the left is more stable, the threat of stolen vision in that eye looms. Newton cannot restore Braylon's sight. But because of him, Braylon's world is brighter.
"He gave him some Beats (headphones)," Braylon's father, Jesse Beam, said. "He wears them all the time. If I didn't take them, he'd wear them to bed. People don't know how much something like that means."
A celebrity kickball tournament and gala in June for the Cam Newton Foundation, on which his parents and siblings serve as board members, raised $280,000. When the foundation organizers planned to charge the public a $5 entry fee to the kickball game, Newton scoffed.
"He was adamant that we not charge anything," said Kimberly Beal, the foundation's executive director. "We had to change everything. . . . Cam is a big idea person. My job is not to dial him back; my job is to make it happen and to make his vision in the community come together."
It was his idea to launch a school pride program for area high schools. When he learned 10-year-old Elijah Aschbrenner was dealing with terminal cancer, Newton showed up on a Friday night to surprise him at his Halloween street party. They had an ice cream truck, steaks, brownies . . . all of Elijah's favorites.
<iframe id="twitter-widget-0" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true" allowfullscreen="true" class="twitter-tweet twitter-tweet-rendered" data-tweet-id="647568506221928448" title="Twitter Tweet" style="max-width: 100%; position: static; visibility: visible; display: block; width: 500px; height: 616.421875px; padding: 0px; border-style: none; min-width: 220px; margin-top: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px;"></iframe>When Elijah died Nov. 11, Newton said he didn't want to talk about it. Then, he couldn't stop. About the "Pray for Elijah" and "Never Give Up" bracelets they shared. About the tears Elijah told his mother not to shed. About the fight of a young boy who loved Auburn.
"I look at my situation and it puts a lot of things in perspective," Newton said. "Why am I playing this game? Just to give hope to people like that. For him to recognize me as a person that he wanted to meet, it encourages me in the times when I don't want to come up or I don't want to do whatever I have to. It shines a light to everybody across the nation. . . .There are kids all across America that look to football to be their saving grace."
* * *
It's Newton now in the spotlight, flashing that thousand-watt smile in television commercials and gracing ads. He signed a five-year, $118.47 million contract in June. With his endorsements, his lucrative portfolio continues to expand.
A Junior ROTC member as a 14-year-old, Newton has always cared about his appearance. It's evident in the stunning suits he sports in postgame interviews. The partnership with Belk Department Store, based in Charlotte, was a natural. He wanted to send the message that it's OK to wear a tie, dress nice and have style. They've created 200 pieces for his MADE Cam Newton line of clothing found in 300 stores in the Southeast.
It's just one of eight brand partners he's associated with, including Under Armour, Beats by Dre, Gatorade, Carolinas Medical Center, GMC, Dannon, Stack Media and Belk. He's young, strikingly handsome, charming and a brand magnet, especially in the 13- to 24-year-old demographic, said Carlos Fleming, vice president of talent management for IMG.
"He has made his own lane," Fleming said. "In the youth market, he indexes higher than most athletes, not just NFL players."
That first-down pose and end-zone dance that has rankled a segment of football fans?
"It may be disruptive to some people, but the kids love it," Fleming said. "Young people can relate to that."
* * *
Newton sees them at youth league games wearing a towel over their head. It was a look scorned early in his career. He was accused of sulking, of being an immature sore loser. Five seasons later, young players emulate the behavior — a behavior fellow Panthers quarterback Derek Anderson says was always misunderstood.
"People took it as pouting, but that was not the case," Anderson told SN. "He wants to win, and that was frustration in not seeing the result he wanted. It was more just wanting to win. We all want to win."
The Panthers have done plenty of that. The 9-0 record is the best start in the franchise's history. Thoughts of the Super Bowl are not far off. Newton is not having a perfect season, with nine interceptions to his credit. He is perfect, however, for this team at this time.
He's working, studying, when no one is watching. When the receivers need extra throws, he doesn't complain about preserving his arm. It's Newton setting the tone in the locker room and on the sidelines.
IYER: If you want to compare Newton to someone, compare him to Aaron Rodgers
"There's a different type of energy to whatever room he's in," said receiver Jerricho Cotchery. "When he's out there, we feel like we're in control. He's dictating the course of the game. It's in his approach and his personality. He knows when to have fun and when to work."
And how to bring the hurt: "For a guy like him, you have to throw your whole body at him. He's built for it," said defensive end Mario Addison.
The harsh criticism of his play has been replaced by astonishment. His 6-5, 245-pound body takes mercy on no defenders. Whether in the open field or near the goal line, he doesn't hesitate to use every ounce of his being, throwing shoulder and all. Only half-jokingly, he says his least-recognized asset is the strength of his hands, or his "puppies."
He squeezes the ball tightly with one hand as he stretches across the goal line. It appears to be a huge gamble, one defenses may not only notice, but thwart at the least opportune time. But Newton is not worried.
"Some people think it's risky; I call it scoring," he said.
Then there is his soft touch on deep balls. With no elite pass catchers outside of Greg Olsen, Newton has found a way to make them play above themselves. His arm is not only accurate, but powerful, matching his big frame. The Panthers have crafted their offense to optimize Newton's strengths.
"I know this for us: Cam fits what we do and he fits very well," said coach Ron Rivera. "We've done some things to help him in terms of being able to use what he does."
* * *
Newton is a better version of the player who broke all sorts of collegiate records en route to winning the Heisman Trophy and claiming a national championship for Auburn. It was exactly one year of work. He'd left Florida amid the stolen laptop tossed out the apartment window incident, and transferred to Blinn (Texas) College, where he led the team to the national championship.
From there it was on to Auburn, where his legacy is represented in the form of a statue on campus. After becoming the No. 1 overall pick in the 2011 NFL Draft, Newton returned to campus for three spring semesters until he graduated with a sociology degree in May.
"It was important to him and it made a big impression on our players," said Auburn coach Gus Malzahn, Newton's former offensive coordinator. "Our players look up to him."
Malzahn describes Newton as the "fiercest competitor I've ever coached."
THE BEST: All-time greatest Carolina Panthers
The smile, the Superman poses and dabbing in the end zone might belie that, casting a perception of carefree play minus the grit, focus and seriousness it takes to prevail. A Tennessee woman submitted a scathing open letter to The Charlotte Observer to disparage the notion of Newton as a role model. Going back to when he once said his goal was to be an "entertainer and an icon," his character has been questioned in the pros.
None of those characterizations could be less true, Malzahn said. To mistake Newton's blitheness for empty concern would be a mistake.
Even in the most challenging periods, he tries to keep his chin lifted. It's what he did at Auburn when he was under a 13-month NCAA investigation for allegedly being a party to his father seeking bribes for his services. He and Auburn were cleared of any wrongdoing.
"He handled it like a champ; he was a rock," Malzahn said. "It showed a lot about his character. It made him stronger. Cam can handle anything. He's a mentally tough person, and tough physically."
* * *
Two small fractures in his lower back. Sore and aching. Witnesses say a man ran a stop sign at one of Charlotte's most dangerous intersections, less than a mile from the Panthers' facilities at Bank of America Stadium, striking Newton's truck. He flipped, landing precariously close to the overpass wall separating him from the highway below.
PHOTOS: Cam Newton's terrifying auto accident
One game later, he was back on the field. Tough? That's tough. And painful.
He'd worn the hospital bracelet, one of many around his wrist serving as reminders of his faith and strength, daily since the Dec. 9 accident. But it kept falling off during training camp. So he's getting a customized permanent piece of jewelry to commemorate his survival and gratitude. Having witnessed and been made aware of other accidents at that same intersection, Newton implored the city on Wednesday to make it safer. The driver in his accident was not cited.
He has that kind of reach in this city he owns. The Roaring Riot, a vastly expanding fan club with 1,400 members, has seen the city's football culture change because of Newton. He has taken notice of them, too. Hundreds have traveled to see the team play the Titans and Jaguars. New chapters are cropping up everywhere, even abroad.
In its eighth year, some of it is pre-Cam, but much of it is not. In this camp, Newton is not a disrespectful pariah, or "ghetto," as a Facebook post decried after Newton ripped down the man's Packers banner in the Panthers' house. He's the guy they want in their living rooms, the one they honk at while he walks or rides his hover board to work.
"I'm from Charlotte," said Zack Luttrell, founder of the Roaring Riot. "Cam is the largest superstar we've ever had, more than (former Hornets standouts) Alonzo Mourning or Larry Johnson. We know who the guy really is. He's charismatic and he cares about the community."
* * *
What one person calls charisma, another calls arrogance. What one describes as passion, another sees as offensive exuberance. Newton is in that place now, where he is visible enough to be lauded and lambasted.
He'll get all sorts of attention. Just like Caylin. He rushed for 113 yards and passed for 198 more in a 28-27 Grady playoff victory over Northwest Whitfield last week. Thomson High is up next. Moreland, himself a former NFL player who has a Super Bowl ring with the Patriots where he played in the 2004 and 2005 seasons, asks only that his junior quarterback play within himself.
Cam has regularly dropped in to watch. He and the family critique Caylin "because they want to see him do well and succeed," Moreland said. He usually puts undo pressure on himself when Cam is at the game. But it's not necessary.
Even outside of Cam's shadow, Caylin can follow in his brother's footsteps and, if he wants, dance a little.
"If you're not having fun," Cam Newton said, "what's the purpose of being out there?"
I really have no idea how you can think cam is a douchebag. You don't know anything about the guy and just jump to conclusions and call him names? Why? Because he dances in the end zone? I don't get it. You're going to bring up things he did in college? How about you look into the things he does for the community. How much he has grown as a person and as a leader while at the same time improving his game in areas where everyone thought he struggled in.

These guys don't have to conform to what you think a quarterback should act like. Calling him a douche is just plain ignorant.

Good grief. I brought up his past to point out why he may not be getting the "pub" that people are clamoring for.

Yes, he does great work in the community...again MOST NFL players (most pro athletes for that matter) do just that. It's a great thing they all do, there's no need to single him out as if he's the only one.

I agree he's grown on the field and has become a great player, I EVEN SAID AS MUCH.

I've explained why I think he's a douche bag. It's not the celebrating itself. NBA, are you even reading the posts I'm making?
You're calling him a douche because of how he acts on the field? If the NFL has no problem with it and he hasn't been in trouble with the league why do you? Why does he have to behave like you want think he should behave? It's a mans sport. If the players don't like what he does, stop him. They can't.

And you still made that post? Like I literally addressed everything you said/asked in my previous posts. And you tried to change why I brought up his past, as I didn't even give an opinion on his past I simply brought it up for reference (and explained as much).

We all have different opinions (clearly) on what/who is or isn't a douchebag in pro sports. It's okay man, we'll all survive.
You're calling him a douche because of how he acts on the field? If the NFL has no problem with it and he hasn't been in trouble with the league why do you? Why does he have to behave like you want think he should behave? It's a mans sport. If the players don't like what he does, stop him. They can't.

YES. Clearly.

He doesn't have to behave how I want him to behave. Where did I say he did? Why is this about me at all, we're just giving our opinions.
Jameis Winston is a douchebag. Cam is a superbowl Qb, and Tony Romo gets the hottest women. Can we all just agree?
Agree to disagree don't think race is involved in the criticism of Cam and the lack of attention his growth, play, and stats have received.
Not saying he's being ignored, but that if a white guy was out there smiling and enjoying the game, having fun, giving out balls to little kids, in addition to his dominant play this year as well as growth, it would be different. We would not be talking about that Qb not acting the "right' way out on the field. It would be embraced a lot more than it is w Cam.
And Russell Wilson is not an example. He does not have the same demeanor out there as Cam, different styles. Jared Allens antics several years back were celebrated as being wacky and having fun, he wasn't labeled a thug or told he was acting improperly.

And the race thing, we aren't going to agree. I just see subtle differences in the way people are treated in this world, and a lot of people disagree with me, but it's what I see. And you see it the other way, thats fine. And I get that you don't like some of the antics out there. I don't either. If you just got a sack or a 12 yard reception for a first down, pump your fist, yell, then run back in the huddle and get back to work bc you did what you were supposed to do. A lot of the first down gestures are over the top to me (Cam included), but its part of the game now.

Sorry, I guess I started all this with my race claim...screwed up our discussion thread.
And back to the game...I'm hoping this line will stop climbing. I missed the 4, may have to buy it down?

Short on time now, but I just don't think you can stop the Panthers. They have "it" this year...
Not sure this is that true. Others have said it as well, but not sure race is the issue as much as him just being a douche bag. Russell Wilson got plenty of love and he's black as well. Cam is a douche bag, Russell is not.

lets be honest. russell wilson is the kind of black guy white people love. call a spade a spade. race is 100% an issue in Cam's image
Agree to disagree don't think race is involved in the criticism of Cam and the lack of attention his growth, play, and stats have received.
Not saying he's being ignored, but that if a white guy was out there smiling and enjoying the game, having fun, giving out balls to little kids, in addition to his dominant play this year as well as growth, it would be different. We would not be talking about that Qb not acting the "right' way out on the field. It would be embraced a lot more than it is w Cam.
And Russell Wilson is not an example. He does not have the same demeanor out there as Cam, different styles. Jared Allens antics several years back were celebrated as being wacky and having fun, he wasn't labeled a thug or told he was acting improperly.

And the race thing, we aren't going to agree. I just see subtle differences in the way people are treated in this world, and a lot of people disagree with me, but it's what I see. And you see it the other way, thats fine. And I get that you don't like some of the antics out there. I don't either. If you just got a sack or a 12 yard reception for a first down, pump your fist, yell, then run back in the huddle and get back to work bc you did what you were supposed to do. A lot of the first down gestures are over the top to me (Cam included), but its part of the game now.

Sorry, I guess I started all this with my race claim...screwed up our discussion thread.


Race is a very uncomfortable thing to talk about, but that doesnt mean that the issues dont exist here. I remember not only Carson Palmer, but Stanton as well celebrating a ton during scores ina blowout Cards win, but you didnt hear about it at all.

He's having fun on the field. Thats it. In no way shape or form does that make him a douche, unless its agaisnt your team, and in that case, stop him and he wont dance
Agree to disagree don't think race is involved in the criticism of Cam and the lack of attention his growth, play, and stats have received.
Not saying he's being ignored, but that if a white guy was out there smiling and enjoying the game, having fun, giving out balls to little kids, in addition to his dominant play this year as well as growth, it would be different. We would not be talking about that Qb not acting the "right' way out on the field. It would be embraced a lot more than it is w Cam.
And Russell Wilson is not an example. He does not have the same demeanor out there as Cam, different styles. Jared Allens antics several years back were celebrated as being wacky and having fun, he wasn't labeled a thug or told he was acting improperly.

And the race thing, we aren't going to agree. I just see subtle differences in the way people are treated in this world, and a lot of people disagree with me, but it's what I see. And you see it the other way, thats fine. And I get that you don't like some of the antics out there. I don't either. If you just got a sack or a 12 yard reception for a first down, pump your fist, yell, then run back in the huddle and get back to work bc you did what you were supposed to do. A lot of the first down gestures are over the top to me (Cam included), but its part of the game now.

Sorry, I guess I started all this with my race claim...screwed up our discussion thread.
Well said Tito. 100% agree.:shake:
Slow down a second ... there is a reason people don't like Cam. Some for his stealing of computers, some for his recruiting violations at Auburn, some for his selfishness (well-documented) when he entered the league and now a very few talking about his dancing on the field. Guy has been a grade "A" douchebag for much of his time in the media spotlight. I am shocked he is getting the love that he is getting. He is going to win the MVP despite playing the easiest schedule one could hope for and we are worried he isn't getting enough accolades? And beyond that, we are making the monumental leap that it is because he is black and not because he is just an asshole in many people's eyes? Why do NFL fans hate Cam for being black while loving a nearly endless number of other players who are black? It doesn't pass the smell test to me ....

I think he is getting all the credit he deserves (he certainly proved me wrong this year as he developed into an above average NFL QB and had an MVP season .. and who knows, maybe he will go on to be great) ... what more than MVP do you want?

If you are going to say people dislike him because he is black you need a little more than just the fact that he is black and people don't like him......
Do you think this discussion may come up during Media week?
And if it does maybe it throws Cameron's attention away from the game.
Distractions, Distractions, Distractions
Slow down a second ... there is a reason people don't like Cam. Some for his stealing of computers, some for his recruiting violations at Auburn, some for his selfishness (well-documented) when he entered the league and now a very few talking about his dancing on the field. Guy has been a grade "A" douchebag for much of his time in the media spotlight. I am shocked he is getting the love that he is getting. He is going to win the MVP despite playing the easiest schedule one could hope for and we are worried he isn't getting enough accolades? And beyond that, we are making the monumental leap that it is because he is black and not because he is just an asshole in many people's eyes? Why do NFL fans hate Cam for being black while loving a nearly endless number of other players who are black? It doesn't pass the smell test to me ....

I think he is getting all the credit he deserves (he certainly proved me wrong this year as he developed into an above average NFL QB and had an MVP season .. and who knows, maybe he will go on to be great) ... what more than MVP do you want?

If you are going to say people dislike him because he is black you need a little more than just the fact that he is black and people don't like him......

I'm not talking about his past transgressions and that being a reason folks have a dislike for him. If folks don't like him for those scandals, shadiness and all that, I can't argue with that. Although, for people to hate him bc of recruiting violations is kind of funny. You have to hate the entire system of the Ncaa then. Cam's not the first to violate. That is widespread and there a lot of people guilty of that. It's pretty much the culture of college sports/recruitment.
But what I was talking about was just about the critics of his antics on the field. There seems to be more of that than about his play, stats, growth on the field. I'm not worried about or demanding he gets more attention, I think he has received some props for it, but I still am amazed at what he has done. If people dislike him for the stolen computers or violations ok, I can't really argue that (although this is fairly common in the world of the ncaa) and I dislike all that shit as well.

My sole point is if he was white, there would be no questions of acting properly and the right way. It would be received differently by the critics. To me, there isn't much of a question on if thats true or not. But I don't expect all to agree with that. We can respectfully disagree.

And it will be interesting to see how he handles adversity the next time it comes around. And it will of course. If he mans up and handles it like a leader or if he pouts and regresses to a more selfish display
lets be honest. russell wilson is the kind of black guy white people love. call a spade a spade. race is 100% an issue in Cam's image
I really disagree least 100%.

I say this as watching the guy a bunch over the years and living in the Deep South.

I know racists(sadly)....and those guys like him as crazy as it sounds.....that's why I kinda jumped in the convo with Lar
Yes there is a reason his jersey sales are at #22 as Cowherd discussed today and it's not just because he's in Carolina. You can blame the media if you like, but to think that a white guy doing what he's doing wouldn't be in the top 5 would be naïve.
Slow down a second ... there is a reason people don't like Cam. Some for his stealing of computers, some for his recruiting violations at Auburn, some for his selfishness (well-documented) when he entered the league and now a very few talking about his dancing on the field. Guy has been a grade "A" douchebag for much of his time in the media spotlight. I am shocked he is getting the love that he is getting. He is going to win the MVP despite playing the easiest schedule one could hope for and we are worried he isn't getting enough accolades? And beyond that, we are making the monumental leap that it is because he is black and not because he is just an asshole in many people's eyes? Why do NFL fans hate Cam for being black while loving a nearly endless number of other players who are black? It doesn't pass the smell test to me ....

I think he is getting all the credit he deserves (he certainly proved me wrong this year as he developed into an above average NFL QB and had an MVP season .. and who knows, maybe he will go on to be great) ... what more than MVP do you want?

If you are going to say people dislike him because he is black you need a little more than just the fact that he is black and people don't like him......

I just don't agree with this post at all. He had one fuck up in college, went Juco and what has been the issue? He puts a towel on his head? So what?

How is he so selfish?

I talked the race thing, I dont agree

But the other stuff you bring up, I dont agree at all
Let's keep it 100 tho.....most white QBs dont act like him (almost all).....but almost all cant do what he does

2 do

Johnny Manziel, the closest(but he sucks, so...).....people hate him though. and he gets ribbed

A Rod.....does a belt thing on Tds here and there....and may have stopped

Krap....what is he? Samoan tho?

thats just being real

Race is a very uncomfortable thing to talk about, but that doesnt mean that the issues dont exist here. I remember not only Carson Palmer, but Stanton as well celebrating a ton during scores ina blowout Cards win, but you didnt hear about it at all.

He's having fun on the field. Thats it. In no way shape or form does that make him a douche, unless its agaisnt your team, and in that case, stop him and he wont dance
nobody else takes 5 minutes to celebrate. Nobody else taking team photos on the sideline during a blowout victory. nobody else laying on the ground on the visitor side of the field during warmups.

It's not a race issue. It's a douche issue and Cam has the fever...
I actually don't mind anything about what Cam does on the field at this point, he's unique and it's productive obviously

Off the field, his interviews are cringe worthy, roll my eyes almost every time he's got the mic and tries to say something that's witty and funny, but comes across as neither
I'm not talking about his past transgressions and that being a reason folks have a dislike for him. If folks don't like him for those scandals, shadiness and all that, I can't argue with that. Although, for people to hate him bc of recruiting violations is kind of funny. You have to hate the entire system of the Ncaa then. Cam's not the first to violate. That is widespread and there a lot of people guilty of that. It's pretty much the culture of college sports/recruitment.
But what I was talking about was just about the critics of his antics on the field. There seems to be more of that than about his play, stats, growth on the field. I'm not worried about or demanding he gets more attention, I think he has received some props for it, but I still am amazed at what he has done. If people dislike him for the stolen computers or violations ok, I can't really argue that (although this is fairly common in the world of the ncaa) and I dislike all that shit as well.

My sole point is if he was white, there would be no questions of acting properly and the right way. It would be received differently by the critics. To me, there isn't much of a question on if thats true or not. But I don't expect all to agree with that. We can respectfully disagree.

And it will be interesting to see how he handles adversity the next time it comes around. And it will of course. If he mans up and handles it like a leader or if he pouts and regresses to a more selfish display

Yup, just agree to disagree. I don't like him and it has zero to do with him being black and zero to do with him dancing on the field. In fact, I am all for celebrations. If the opponent reacts with violence then he needs to be punished not the guy who just succeeded. We seem to want to penalize success and not offend people who just failed and it should be the opposite, if anything. It also takes the fun out of the game. I love watching the guys celebrate, the fans in the stadium love it, and the players themselves love it. The only one who doesn't like it is the person on the losing end and the occasional PC guy.

Twinkie mentioned Manziel and I agree that is a good example of what is going on with Cam except that Cam had a great season and JFF hasn't done squat yet. But the dislike is rooted not in the actual dancing, not in their color, and not in their relative abilities .. their choices and personalities just rub people wrong.

Agree to disagree.
Yes there is a reason his jersey sales are at #22 as Cowherd discussed today and it's not just because he's in Carolina. You can blame the media if you like, but to think that a white guy doing what he's doing wouldn't be in the top 5 would be naïve.

This may be true, but there are plenty of black guys ahead of him in jersey sales, so it's tough to pin it all on race. Russel Wilson in the #1 selling jersey on that list. We can joke that Russ ain't a "real" black dude, but he's a black dude...and he plays QB.

12 of the top 25 in jersey sales are black, 12 are white, and there's a Mariota in there. :o
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nobody else takes 5 minutes to celebrate. Nobody else taking team photos on the sideline during a blowout victory. nobody else laying on the ground on the visitor side of the field during warmups.

It's not a race issue. It's a douche issue and Cam has the fever...

Exactly. I would say the same thing about a white QB (or any other position) who acted the way Cam does on the field. It's NOT the celebrating itself, it's the complete over the top, douche like way he goes about it. Anyone who acts like that is a douche. Johnny Football is the perfect comparison in this...he's a complete douche on the field (and off it seems as well, which Cam doesn't seem to be at all).

The A Rod and his belt move are also perfect for this. That's one thing he does (or did at one time) after a TD, and not even every TD. He seemed to do it when he was fired up, or it was a big spot, talking smack to an opponent, whatever....if A Rod posed in the endzone for a few seconds, then gave a 1, 2, 3 countdown before he did the belt move, he would be a complete fucking douche. He doesn't do that though, and I don't know too many other guys who carry on like Cam does. There certainly may be a few out there...I would have the same opinion of them regardless of the color of their skin.
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