Saquon Barkley Scouting Report by VirginiaCavs

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The greatest pure runner ever played behind horrible lines 7 of his 9 years in the league...imagine of he played behind Dallas line in the 90' would have shattered...

But, alas, he did not. But, he still averaged 5.0 ypc (top 10 all-time including QB's) behind just brutal lines.
I’m only on page one, so forgive me if Sanders is later mentioned.
Him and Lamar get overrated by being the only playmaker on the team. Nobody else to steal any of the shadow. But yes some are better at running through holes than others. And the difference explodes in magnitude. Give a good running back those holes...
This is where I am lost. Jackson doesn’t get holes. He simply embarrasses defenders. Shakes the out their shoe strings (thanks Big Boi) while watching him, as he leaves them in his wake.
This is where I am lost. Jackson doesn’t get holes. He simply embarrasses defenders. Shakes the out their shoe strings (thanks Big Boi) while watching him, as he leaves them in his wake.

He gets like 70 plays or however many plays and the O is all him. Barkley doesn't get nearly as many opportunities tö wrack up numbers. And so much of Lamar's destruction comes in garbage times against prevent defenses
He gets like 70 plays or however many plays and the O is all him. Barkley doesn't get nearly as many opportunities tö wrack up numbers. And so much of Lamar's destruction comes in garbage times against prevent defenses
Finally, you get it. The offense is him. He has no playmakers around him, a bottom third defense, and a shit O-line.
You can't talk about psu objectively on the forum, i honestly tried. Despite my disagreement I wanted to dignify the blame others assigned to me for my role in the lack of objectivity surrounding psu. I watched footage and listed strengths and weaknesses. Just trying to stick to empirical evidence like I did with Fromm. By putting vk on ignore I honestly thought we'd have a reasonable discussion. So many smart guys here. I had thought better of you bar and i think it's absurd that a group of adults can't discuss psu.

And no i won't report you threatened me with ban if i did plus i'm sure your colleagues are too loyal to you, if you're saying i should report you. Maybe they'll turn on me as a "fan boy" for depicting saquon's strengths and weaknesses.
I am sure this comes up, but I think he is one of the original partners.

Look, Fondy is probably the BIGGEST homer (although I’ve never seen him) on this site. He is Wisconsin through and through, up and down, he plays all their games (including GB, at fault). He doesn’t push them on others though.
I find it rather unfair that every time I try to make objective points about saquon I am "pushing" psu. But bar is not pushing um when he brings up higdon in a saquon thread?
I find it rather unfair that every time I try to make objective points about saquon I am "pushing" psu. But bar is not pushing um when he brings up higdon in a saquon thread?
Meanwhile Sandusky was "pushing" little kids fudge back while Joe pretended it didn't happen.
I find it rather unfair that every time I try to make objective points about saquon I am "pushing" psu. But bar is not pushing um when he brings up higdon in a saquon thread?

hes not pushing him, if anything hes pointing out how someone splitting carries in the same conference is doing similar things and aint gettin a free flight to new york
hes not pushing him, if anything hes pointing out how someone splitting carries in the same conference is doing similar things and aint gettin a free flight to new york

Agreed. And i'm not pushing saquon, i'm just pointing out his strengths and weaknesses and starting a discussion based off of that
Meanwhile Sandusky was "pushing" little kids fudge back while Joe pretended it didn't happen.

Accurate. The Penn State fans are a fucking disgrace. Not only did they create the culture that enabled pedophilia, but they also never owned up to the reality of what happened. They just slammed their locker REALLY LOUD, and hoped it would stop.
Cavs, these losers can't talk anything about Penn St anything without spitting out like a drunk babbling idiot..... but joe paterno covered up child rape that didn't happen at psu by a coach he couldn't stand who no longer worked for the program even though he followed the letter of the law in reporting according to any credentialed professional in the case.
Cavs, these losers can't talk anything about Penn St anything without spitting out like a drunk babbling idiot..... but joe paterno covered up child rape that didn't happen at psu by a coach he couldn't stand who no longer worked for the program even though he followed the letter of the law in reporting according to any credentialed professional in the case.

Wait, a kid wasn't raped in the Penn State locker room? I guess he wanted it, huh
On the topic at hand, Saquon Barkley is fantastic. He can do everything on a football field you would ever want. His workout numbers are off the charts and he will shred the combine. He is misused if not under used at Penn State and his OL is absolutely horrendous. People don't get pass blocking is different than run blocking. He can run between tackles with power, bounce it outside with jump cuts, house it with 4.33 speed, catch the football, return kicks and pass block. He's not going to win the heisman, he shouldn't. But what great pros do? He is everything I would want in a RB and his one fault may be trying to make too much out of something that is not there because of his talent. If the Lions got him in the NFL i would do backflips and he would take them to the playoffs every year.
Wait, a kid wasn't raped in the Penn State locker room? I guess he wanted it, huh

Correct, there was not a rape of that "victim". Jury found Jerry Not Guilty on those charges, the only charges at PSU campus. PSU did pay the victim in civil case millions as they did repeatedly to anyone who claimed abuse without vetting the victims. Simple facts of the case
It's disgusting really, he's borderline ok and you need some bullshit to hang your hat on. Desperation nation knows no shame
Correct, there was not a rape of that "victim". Jury found Jerry Not Guilty on those charges, the only charges at PSU campus. PSU did pay the victim in civil case millions as they did repeatedly to anyone who claimed abuse without vetting the victims. Simple facts of the case

So the red headed coach made it up, huh? Lied about it because....?
Guy is a known liar. He didn't say there was a rape to anyone.

I honestly don't think there is any way to better illustrate my point about Penn State fans never coming to terms with reality and never dealing with the sick pedophilia enabling culture in their midst than your posts in this thread.
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I honestly don't think there is any way to better illustrate my point about Penn State fans never coming to terms with reality and never dealing with the sick pedophilia enabling culture in their midst than your posts in this thread.

I don't think there is any way to better illustrate my point about brainwashed sheep never learning basic facts of the case because they root for teams that do not like Penn State and blame the completely wrong group of people for the failures of our society enabling sexual predators to roam free than the posts from you in these threads.
I hate PM, you think I gave you the time of day?

I don't PM about kid rape anyway, that's sick
I don't think there is any way to better illustrate my point about brainwashed sheep never learning basic facts of the case because they root for teams that do not like Penn State and blame the completely wrong group of people for the failures of our society enabling sexual predators to roam free than the posts from you in these threads.

It's really a window into how it happened in the first place
I hate PM, you think I gave you the time of day?

I don't PM about kid rape anyway, that's sick

Hey man,

don't take what i say on the board personal, i actually think you bring some interesting points. i will forever believe that the whole penn state thing was a massive cover up/mafia type thing from day one, and i don't trust a fan of the program to give me anything of importance at this point...i've done my due diligence. right or wrong, i think the attitude around that place was certainly loose to say the least

no need to drag it through the mud, i have my opinions and you have yours. i just can't stand it when people play the media card as if no one else is capable of doing their own research. just peeves me to no end because most educated folks i know do their own's become cliche to tell people not to follow the media

yes, i firmly believe that the "community" was involved in the vicar deal, i just can't see another angle. it's so easy to do in a place like state college where everyone buys into THE PROGRAM. could be wrong, but i would love to be proved it. until then, i actually pull for them, although i probly shouldn't. wish they could understand it was an awful thing that was being covered up, and at their expense. but those fans won't.

have a good night detroit

KJ, Apr 6, 2013
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