Saquon Barkley Scouting Report by VirginiaCavs

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Just so I understand your opinion, Detroit. Are you saying you believe Sandusky was molesting kids but didn't molest the kid in the incident on campus? I just want to make sure that is what you believe. I don't care about whether the charge stuck in court or not, i want to know what you think happened in that lockerroom shower that day or what didn't. I will hang up and listen.

There was not a rape in the shower that day and that is clear based on fact.. This is known from the witnesses own original testimony to police as a 25 year old married Marine who invited Sandusky to his own wedding many years later (JS attended). He repeatedly told police "nothing happened" that night, if I have time I can dig through and find his hand written testimony. Further, it does matter that charges pertaining to this victim were the only one's found not guilty in Sandusky's trial for a couple of main reasons 1. It was the only one where Jerry was charged with a rape at PSU, all other charges we around State College 2. It is the whole crux of the media blowup on PSU and Joe Paterno so if there was no rape at PSU in the shower than night then what the hell was anyone trying to cover up.
I used to go back and forth with Duds on this

You have a pick in the NFL

These guys are available

Lenny Fournette
Kareem Hunt
Saquon Barkley
Derrius Guice
Buddy Love

Who do you take before hittin the 'Quon? Hit the Quon....

1 Quon 2 Fournette
I don't get why people have such a difficult time accepting the facts of the case. What do they think they know that the legal officials who actually worked the case don't?
Ok enough PSU/JoePa/Sandusky rape discussions in this thread. Let's get it back on topic.

Any additional comments not discussing the info provided in the initial post will get a warning. Thanks. :shake:
There was not a rape in the shower that day and that is clear based on fact.. This is known from the witnesses own original testimony to police as a 25 year old married Marine who invited Sandusky to his own wedding many years later (JS attended). He repeatedly told police "nothing happened" that night, if I have time I can dig through and find his hand written testimony. Further, it does matter that charges pertaining to this victim were the only one's found not guilty in Sandusky's trial for a couple of main reasons 1. It was the only one where Jerry was charged with a rape at PSU, all other charges we around State College 2. It is the whole crux of the media blowup on PSU and Joe Paterno so if there was no rape at PSU in the shower than night then what the hell was anyone trying to cover up.
That is a hell of a coincidence. Redhead says he sees a sexual assault in the shower, tells joe Paterno and it didn't happen but it turns out the guy he accused just happens to be a child molestor. Get the fuck outta here with that kind of nonsense and i hope ...i really hope .....that you aren't playing semantic games with the word rape or specific charge of rape.

It takes an amazing imagination to think redhead made up what he saw AND Sandusky was a child molestor. And that accusation came first ....before any so called "come out of the woodwork 'victims' out for a money grab were ever involved".

Do you understand how ridiculous it is to think something didn't happen in that incident?
Saquon has good speed and can catch out of the scouts will like that. It will be interesting to see if they look past the character issues and his inability to consistently produce the tough yards.
Saquon has good speed and can catch out of the scouts will like that. It will be interesting to see if they look past the character issues and his inability to consistently produce the tough yards.

What character issues? Kid is a first class student and citizen. Must have him mixed up with something.
He picked a school to attend that covered up pedophilia. People are going to question his strength of character.
He picked a school to attend that covered up pedophilia. People are going to question his strength of character.

He actually covered up pedophelia too. He attended Penn State, everyone associated with that program or town knew, except Larry Johnson and Greg Schiano at Ohio State or whatever coach from there coaches for your program now. Jim Caldwell, no idea....Tom Bradley no idea....just the Mafia Don.
He actually covered up pedophelia too. He attended Penn State, everyone associated with that program or town knew, except Larry Johnson and Greg Schiano at Ohio State or whatever coach from there coaches for your program now. Jim Caldwell, no idea....Tom Bradley no idea....just the Mafia Don.

Lol. With some people you just can't talk rationally about this. And imagine some of the guys who people tout as being super insightful are the very ones who are the most perpetually blind and absurdly exaggerate every falsehood that they stupidly and stubbornly believe. It's comical and a shame at the same time. But of course if we defend Saquon, people get mad for going on about PSU. Especially when their secretly just jealous of their resurgence. But when we point out such people's ignorance, people get mad at us for offending them. Gee, so it is reasonable to say something when somebody offends you by speaking poorly about someone you have a high opinion of, but only when you like said person?
Honestly, for the most part its people who could not stand Penn St and/or Joe Paterno before any of this. There are a ton of Pitt OSU Michigan etc fans that just despise the name PSU and its not because of the scandal. My step father is a huge Michigan fan like me but he unlike me absolutely hates PSU with a passion therefore blames Joe. Yet his best friend who is a big Michigan fan respects everything about PSU and Paterno and says there is no way that guy would cover up raping of kids, it makes no sense. That same theme goes on and on with my friends whether they are Sparty fans or whatever team. Most are smart enough I will say that they say it makes absolutely no sense and he had nothing to gain by covering up a thing nor would he as his life's work is about kids. I always say do you really think Joe Paterno would cover up for a coach he hated and wanted fired for so many years and then later on a former employee knowing full well he was raping kids all across town. I know hardened criminals who would not let that happen. Covering up did nothing for the football program anyway, it would have been heroic and at one time as the story broke Sara Ganim who was referenced earlier in this post said Joe was the hero in this story as his testimony helped nail Jerry (which the DA and AG agreed).

You have to remember PSU at one time would beat down the teams like Syracuse (huge huge media school, half of ESPN went there which is why Paterno gets blame and Boeheim gets a free pass), Pitt, Rutgers, Temple and they have old rivalries like West Virginia and Notre Dame who's fan bases hate Penn State. Not to mention states like Viriginia where PSU cherry picks a lot of recruits and takes them from the VA schools. I was at a game with PSU fans from Virginia and they said non-PSU Virginia people absolutely hate them. This forum is filled with OSU Michigan Sparty and Pitt fans so its easy to see why so many feel the way they do.
Oh so that's why some of our non-PSU mods and users let the provocative anti-Paterno jokes stand but get mad when we respond? lol. It's a shame that so many people are incapable of rationally viewing the evidence at hand. It's why I think the universal right to vote is stupid, the whole enlightenment concept of the independent rational person is disgustingly untenable. People need a friggin' look in the mirror
He enabled a pedophile. Joe Paterno is the lowest of the low. He is a scumbag, objectively. The most evil head coach in college football history. The world is a better place because he is dead.
Hating on people who enable pedophilia (assuming joe wasn't going eiffel tower with sandusky on a few kids) is not provocative, defending it is.
I liked Joepa before i knew he was actively contributing to future kids getting molested. I can't look the other way ....if only Joe Pedorno was the same.
I am not trying to spark a fire but been reading this shit for weeks so figured I would at least get my 2 cents in. Where you say it feels ignorant for people to run with the narrative and not listen to facts, it also feels ignorant to use those facts to say Joe did "enough" to not be taking heat for this when he was the most powerful person in the state arguably. Did he do "enough" to not be held liable? That is possible, but it does not feel like he did all that he could within the grasp of his power and his internal guilt seems evident.
At best he picked protecting his legacy over protecting kids. At worst he was raping them himself.
There's never an "enough" for you PSU haters
I am in no way shape or form a PSU hater. I actually used to love JoePa and at this point don't know what the hell to think. But my point stands that from an outside perspective it seems as if he did enough to be cleared legally but to think that he couldn't have handled it any better seems wrong.
What should he have done differently?

And your opinion is always welcome to me, especially since you're not obnoxious and provocative like vk
Correct. As long as there are people morally devoid enough to defend his actions and lack of actions, you cannot hate on him or that program enough. A program that clearly should not exist right now. The worst offenders in cfb history.

Shame on all who defend him.

At least his legacy will always be that of the harm his program did to kids rather than whatever football games he won.

What a piece of shit that guy was. I used to hope he was getting raped in Hell until it occurred to me that he might enjoy that.
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O and thanks for clarifying your position on the matter BAR, finally. Your earlier "mod" actions are more understandable now
Let's stick with evidence and facts.
See that is the point. The evidence and facts show only that he reported it. There are also police reports suggesting that JoePa knew years before so there is the reasonable doubt for the general public you were so quick to bash. The fact is practically you would expect someone of that stature and power to have been more forceful with the ousting of a violator and also the disclosure of such situation, and then the reconciliation of the community to grow and heal from that. None of what I just said is what JoePa did.
That isn't really helping the overall point I am trying to hammer home haha
He thinks joeped did enough. I don't think, at this point, you can convince him of anything or make him understand your obvious point. As an innocent prepubescent virgin, you would think he would be extra concerned about such activity but alas...not to be.
See that is the point. The evidence and facts show only that he reported it. There are also police reports suggesting that JoePa knew years before so there is the reasonable doubt for the general public you were so quick to bash. The fact is practically you would expect someone of that stature and power to have been more forceful with the ousting of a violator and also the disclosure of such situation, and then the reconciliation of the community to grow and heal from that. None of what I just said is what JoePa did.

There is no substantiated evidence or facts that Joe knew. You try to say that Joe could have done more even if he did everything to not be liable but then you try to hint at a case for his complicity, which there are all the leading legal officials to decisively deny

When you say to let the anti-Joe jokes stand and say nothing in response. So of course you like the anti-Joe post. I don't believe you had taken a position on the issue, just allowed one side free reign in speaking about kt
The police report I believe you mention actually speaks in favor of the Paterno you are so quick to bash. The allegations at hand (the "first complain") having already been dismissed upon further investigation.
When you say to let the anti-Joe jokes stand and say nothing in response. So of course you like the anti-Joe post. I don't believe you had taken a position on the issue, just allowed one side free reign in speaking about kt
Oh Micheal, relax.

I kinda checked out on this thread till this morning and took a quick look. That is about it.

Just because someone 'likes' a post...
"Internal guilt." They always misquote Paterno. He says "with the benefit of hindsight" he wish he had done more. Its easy to say he should have been superman in hindsight.
Just so we are clear, you would be ok with what JoePed did were it your son or little brother, yes or no?
I don't care what people say to eachother or how they feel about a certain issue or person, everyone is entitled to think and do as they wish, right, wrong or indifferent it's up to them - far be it for me or anyone to say otherwise. Y'all can post what you want. But at what point does this stuff end?
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