Reminder tonight, Altitude B2B...

I will personally be focusing on a discount live and/or something for the 2nd half. I despise Nuggets games but tonight I will relent a bit...
Spread is low, imo for a sub .500 team on a back to back off a loss.

Average line for this spot last season was Nuggets -14.2, pass.
Have not gotten in yet

I tried even at a small - ML and couldn't submit...

As high as 254. I think we need a small run here before half. They look bad.
Nothing like a game working out the exact way you call it. Maybe never expected this good but thanks for the tip and reminder. Now just finish out the 4th
Nothing like a game working out the exact way you call it. Maybe never expected this good but thanks for the tip and reminder. Now just finish out the 4th
This was a bonus...

Totally traded big ML's and don't care who wins now.
Can't believe I couldn't get it in at +265, it dropped to +210 and I said forget it and stopped following
Shame on you. You knew I had Orlando because they were 8-3 on Wednesdays and 2 of the refs hated home teams
Wow. U using a local sportsbook? In RI we have mobile betting finally and it's crazy how if you are watching u can legit go say 100 on +180, then a few mins later +180 on other team for 100

I do not expect it to last long though they use William Hill.
For instance I am watching the Celtics and threw a few hundred on Celtics +195 down 8, specifically knowing a Stevens team will get it close. Now it's a free roll for 270. I'm sure most people just say let it ride tho so I get their end of it
Wow. U using a local sportsbook? In RI we have mobile betting finally and it's crazy how if you are watching u can legit go say 100 on +180, then a few mins later +180 on other team for 100

I do not expect it to last long though they use William Hill.
I use a mixture of 3 books fwiw. And yes I know all about trading MLs. It's one of my favorite things to execute.