Business as usual tonight for the Trolley-Dodgers... Make that winners of 10 of 11.

Now this is pretty amazing:

In just over 24 hrs, the Dodgers have gone from 5th place (last place) to 2nd place in the division. Unreal.

Also... Puig (.440) and Hanley (.412) both over .400 now after Hanleys 4-for-5 night.
what thread.

anyways, you, NOLA, and twinkie have some work to do if you want to even be in the conversation for "homer of the year" ( appears smokedawg will finally lose that title)

nah. i dont want to be homer of the year. thanks though.

where is smoke anyways. did i miss something big
what thread.

anyways, you, NOLA, and twinkie have some work to do if you want to even be in the conversation for "homer of the year" ( appears smokedawg will finally lose that title)

Let's not leave CG, Ivy, divol outta the mix on this, braves.
doyers are rolling, bout time they started paying me back for all the times i lost on them earlier in the yr..kemp paycheck stealing ass even went yard tonight.. .more important tho is puig gonna be ok? i know he stayed in after the collision with wall but saw he was taken out later on..
Yeah, it seemed like it was just precautionary...guess we'll have to wait and see tomorrow.

Little 2013 MLB trivia...

What NL team boasts the top two hitters in all of baseball with at least 80 AB's?

Answer: Los Angeles Dodgers (Yasiel Puig, .440 and Hanley Ramirez, .412)
Yeah, it seemed like it was just precautionary...guess we'll have to wait and see tomorrow.

Little 2013 MLB trivia...

What NL team boasts the top two hitters in all of baseball with at least 80 AB's?

Answer: Los Angeles Dodgers (Yasiel Puig, .440 and Hanley Ramirez, .412)

Atleast huh.

can you phrase the question like this?

What NL team boasts the top two hitters in all of baseball with at least 80 ABs but no greater than 110 ABs.

you made it easy.

thats like me saying. something like...

which team in the NBA last year which had less than 28 wins would have had the best record?

answer: New Orleans!
Makes absolutely no sense, bruh.

You get the point I'm sure. There's no point in bringing up BAs of players that have 80AB when the rest of the league has over 300. It's like crowning the hitting champ a month into the season. We get it, Puig is a stud. The Dodgers are lucky to be in the worst division in baseball this year or they would have no chance of winning a division title.
how was my statement inaccurate or make no sense exactly now?

you just left out more specific qualifiers. mine was specific enough. no more than 28 wins. go check it, i think you can find it without me having answered the question.

i get in the game, the point is to win the most.

but fuck, in baseball to actually qualify for a stat you have to... well qualify for a minimum # of ABs, which neither player does if were talking best BA in the league.

its actually a near identical situation.

you made it easy.

thats like me saying. something like...

which team in the NBA last year which had less than 28 wins would have had the best record?

answer: New Orleans!

This is like saying what MLB team has the most hitters batting between .225 and .240 .....I'm talkin bout best in the league. You're talkin bout bottom of the barrel.
how was my statement inaccurate or make no sense exactly now?

you just left out more specific qualifiers. mine was specific enough. no more than 28 wins. go check it, i think you can find it without me having answered the question.

i get in the game, the point is to win the most.

but fuck, in baseball to actually qualify for a stat you have to... well qualify for a minimum # of ABs, which neither player does if were talking best BA in the league.

its actually a near identical situation.

Who did I leave out and how many AB's do they have?

There are only two other position players in MLB that could be in the mix on this (hitting better than .412, Hanleys current BA) of them has 13 AB's, the other has 7 AB's.
simple matter is they dont even qualify for the minimum number of ABs to be considered amongst "league leaders"

we get theyre hitting well with more of a sample size than 40 ABs, but 80s not an absurdly high amount.

its akin to some nfl team starting out 3-1 and extrapolating that over the rest of the season.

weve all seen hanley suck balls in years past. hes had great years too.
you seriously dont see the logic or youre just doing this on purpose.

this feels like arguing with VK about marijuana.
Puig doesn't look like a guy that's gonna hit .250 the rest of the year... Whatta you think his final season BA will be? (we'll come back to this in September)
idk. i dont watch dodgers baseball. i dont really watch baseball. ill say .345.

and hanley. atleast i know he can shit the bed despite his talents
if we look at how mike trout did in 2011 in the bigs, you might as well have called him a bust then.

just like what Im interpreting as yall calling puig the best MLB player in history, ever.

thats all im saying. i dont get why its so difficult to get any of this or again youre doing this on purpose.
Fair enough... .345 ain't too shabby, I'd guess that would end up at least top 5 in the league.

Hanley I'm not as sure of, but, I certainly hope he keeps it up AND stays healthy. He's having fun out there and seems rejuvenated.

people generally blow things out of proportion here, lol. hard to know who is having fun and who is just crazy.
@BertDbacks: #Dbacks today finish stretch of 24 of last 33 games on road. AZ led NL West by 1.5 when road stretch began. Lead division today by 2.5.
Fuk the lame ass, no sense of humor having prick mod who chgs these titles..
Just saw Puig Babip is .506. Yeah, that's not gonna last. Gonna see what adjustments he makes when that falls into human territory.

Way too early to tell. His start (and approach) is too close to Francouersnp for me not to be concerned.
I remember francouer, the frenzy was crazy, he was a local product from parkview..he had no plate discipline
Then again, from the hopeful Dodgers fan perspective, some guys just come up, start hitting, and never stop. Guy looks pretty good.
I doubt he keeps up .440, that's not gonna happen...I don't see anywhere that anyone is saying it will. That would be ludicrous.

As for him turning into Francoeur...I very seriously doubt that will happen either. This kid is obviously a special player. Just how special? For that, we will have to wait and see.
Business as usual tonight for the Trolley-Dodgers... Make that winners of 10 of 11.

Now this is pretty amazing:

In just over 24 hrs, the Dodgers have gone from 5th place (last place) to 2nd place in the division. Unreal.

Also... Puig (.440) and Hanley (.412) both over .400 now after Hanleys 4-for-5 night.

Did anyone else notice this? (the part about "In just over 24 hrs) Pretty crazy... Kinda got lost quite a few posts back after all the fun last night.
I think Puig's batting average will be around .340 by the time the season is over. That's pretty good. And so is the future if you guys can lock him up long term.
Did anyone else notice this? (the part about "In just over 24 hrs) Pretty crazy... Kinda got lost quite a few posts back after all the fun last night.

It's not that crazy when they play in the NL West. Is the leader even at .500?
Francouer was on the cover of SI and considered one of the top 5 tool prospects in baseball. How soon we forget. His first month up in the bigs he hit .413/.413/.913 with 6 homers.

Behind the glitter, there are some red flags that he will certainly have to improve on cause .500 BABIP aint lasting. All of these numbers are actually inferior to Francouers.

-Puig right now is walking 3.3% of his at bats. He is striking out 20% of his at bats

-He's swinging at 40% of pitches thrown outside of the strike zone

-He's swinging at 58% of pitches overall

-Contact rate of only 70%.

-Swinging and missing at 17% of pitches in the zone

I've also noticed the guy dives in at the plate really hard leaving him vulnerable to pitches on the inner half. Guy has crazy talent and is on an insane heater right now. But, there are red flags that he will have to improve on to become a consistent star.