Official French Open IN-GAME

My dog has been whining at the door while I wanted to see the second set end so I have to go out, as much as I don't want to but, I'll be back in like 30 for the 3rd

You Alcatraz boys can prob get him at a good price now
3rd set was -150 and didn't go in but problem with him serving first is that's probably as low as it will be without him getting broken

But really have a hard time seeing this over in 3
I thought I'd be outside for a long time but lasted one minute (yes that's what she said before anyone makes the joke) cause I wanted to watch how this plays out

Wonder what ALCATRAZ was live 3rd set
I thought I'd be outside for a long time but lasted one minute (yes that's what she said before anyone makes the joke) cause I wanted to watch how this plays out

Wonder what ALCATRAZ was live 3rd set
Lowest I saw his set bet get to was -110 when he faced break point
Need a quick 10 minute run to the store but don't want to miss 10 minutes of this
Pretty pissed I didn't lay some lumber on that break, knew Alca wasn't going away easily, that would have been a no sweat break
I am sure taking the teenager live would've paid insane

Not really sure what Zverevs strategy is here. Guessing he's just trying to hit the lines
I am sure taking the teenager live would've paid insane

Not really sure what Zverevs strategy is here. Guessing he's just trying to hit the lines
Just that one game was obvious after he got broken that he wouldn't just fizzle out

I still have zero clue who wins this
Just cheering for Joker to win the tournament since he was robbed of his australian open opportunity and now trails nadal in career slams because of it. Would likely be 21-20 the other way.
What were the odds before today on Zverev to win the tournament because I'm sure it was some insane value. Djokovic better beat Nadal and win the tournament.
Great start to the day with that last match gets marred by a shredded tire at the grocery store. Had to Lyft home and now figure out who can go remote with a new tire and change it. Considering I might drive 10 miles/week at most that a fuckin' bad beat.
I got my unemployment today and the parlay I have (everything hit) all comes down to Djoka

I should just post my shit so people can fade
What the fuck was the chair ump doing with that guy in the crowd chanting Rafa shit everytime Djoka went to hit
Man I took 4 years of French and have no clue why it takes ten minutes to say Quiet Please