***Niners-Chiefs Super Bowl In-Game***

I understand you in your own territory and all but 4th and inches w a huge QB I would sneak it every time. Especially the way this game goin, i wouldn’t be punting back to pats right now.
i live near the airport and I swear one day 2 planes are going to collide in air and debris is going to fall down on my house. It always quite a light show at night in the distance... its actually pretty cool to sit on the patio and watch
Wow. This only time of year pats usually vulnerable and they curb stomping pit. Plus AB still coming. Might as well skip all this nonsense and get to the kc/pats afc championship game. Lol
remember when john smotlz and brad penny finished out their careers for the red sox? i think they could do what porcello is doing this year..
So 10 yards different and they go. When this was a full yard, had to pass while the other was a easy sneak?? Tomlin and his in game coaching in mid season form! Lol
true. i think if they had fallen behind 17 at that point they wouldve. they were still "in the game" at that one

At that point was 10-0 going on 17-0. Maybe I’m too aggressive but think anytime I got inches (like seriously inches!) and I’m outside my own 20 I’m calling a sneak when I got a 250+ pound QB! Obviously game situation matters, not doing it in my end w a lead in second half. I’d think you should convert that a good 90+% of the time no?
Honestly, now that you step back and look at the environment in Pittsburgh, I can understand/believe the stories about old grandpa Rooney protecting/enabling AB all these years. You go to Oakland, you have nobody even close to that to "make it okay".
in Oakland you've got Davis, Gruden, Mayock, and Carr...and none of those guys are the warm embracing loving type. just not the "raider way"
At that point was 10-0 going on 17-0. Maybe I’m too aggressive but think anytime I got inches (like seriously inches!) and I’m outside my own 20 I’m calling a sneak when I got a 250+ pound QB! Obviously game situation matters, not doing it in my end w a lead in second half. I’d think you should convert that a good 90+% of the time no?

there are very few times i wouldn't go for it...it's just a bad percentage call to punt in those situations...unless you're up with a minute to go or something when all you need to do is play the clock.
WHOA WHOA...can we get a replay of that unlabeled bottle with the white/milky substance Brady was drinking? Steroidgate...go go go
This lopsided score is really gonna make the under tough. Steelers already havnt been very dedicated to the run, imagine they will abandon that altogether now. Might not matter cause pats d is dominating! And on bright side pats should be looking to milk clock whole half!!
there are very few times i wouldn't go for it...it's just a bad percentage call to punt in those situations...unless you're up with a minute to go or something when all you need to do is play the clock.

Yea I agree. Unless I’m up 2 scores in second half I’d have to punt.
big ben has gotten time, it's not like he's running for his life. but nobody's getting open. and the few deep balls he's thrown actually haven't looked too good though