NHL 2nd Round - In-Games

Just as I feared - the 1st 0-0 period of the series, all tight now, 2-2 into OT

Gonna ignore the last 10 minutes of the period?

Granted, I fear the over, too, but there's still a lot of time.

there's not enough time for 2 legitimate goals given what's on the line, and EN's are not to be banked on.
I don't understand how you can have a PP this bad with Sid, Gonchar, and Malkin on your team.

I like Bylsma, but our PP sucks.

Caps PP working fine

gotta pray for an EN, because as I've said repeatedly

Pens blow goats
letang off for good

Yeah, that shoulder didn't look good. Hey, Bet, what feed do you get on the Internet for these?
fuck.... 3-2 caps is THE WORST .....

Yeah, that would be the worst possible result for us. Twice in two straight games would be hard to take.
Not just his five hole. He couldn't catch a beach ball

I'm not sure Ovechkin was going to be denied tonight. Although this win is Varlamov's as much as anybody's. He won't get a lot of credit for it, but he saved them from getting run out of the building early.
Jagr was great but he could never shoot like that.

He never shot has hard, but he was as strong, if not stronger on the puck and created shots for himself like Ovi.
Crosby getting beat on a number of big draws tonight.

Pens chase continues Wed in Pittsburgh. If they flame out in 4 well dang it all.
look at the 1 goal stats thread, and compared Pitts record to Wash's.

then you'll know why one team has won both of these 1 goal contests

Pitt ok, Wash outstanding