NHL 2nd Round - In-Games

People can complain about Sid all they want, but that he will stand on the doorstep and take that punishment to get those goals--particularly given his size--is what I want on my team all the time.

its funny, i usually hate the "faces of the league" type players, but i really like crosby. dont understand all the hate for him. i take him over malkin in a heart beat.
its funny, i usually hate the "faces of the league" type players, but i really like crosby. dont understand all the hate for him. i take him over malkin in a heart beat.

Geno needs to up his game here in the playoffs. He does this and it drives me nuts, disappears at times in big situations.

I think people don't like Sid because his image is, or seems to be, so squeaky clean.
oh man the guys name slips my mind, but the play by play guy for buffalo is one of my favs haha

He's an institution, he may be a HOF broadcaster. I just don't like him.
More penalties coming.

Looks like this is how Washington is going to deal with the Pens' speed. Fine with me, as long as the Pens don't get baited into retaliating.
YOu guys fucked me over tellin me 5.5 was safe OVER

Nobody told you it was safe, but some--like me--think it's got a lot of legs.

After five minutes I thought this game had 6-5 written all over it. I still wouldn't be surprised to see 5-4. Lots of time left.
Gurien says they can't rely on Sid and Geno every night, which is all the more true when Geno doesn't show up.
ya no doubt joe. pitt must feel like they left a few out there. they should come out with some extra intensity to start the 2nd. first 5 mins will tell the story for pitt i think.
I'm sitting here in my head thinking of who Malkin is starting to remind me of. I wanted to say Jagr, but that comparison doesn't work because Jagr was stronger and would show up in the post season.

Now I'm starting to think he reminds me of Federov a bit. Really strong in the regular season, but only occasionally brilliant in the playoffs.

I would expect Geno to have good games back home, but once again it seems like we're going through the 'coach ________ told Malkin not to press too much and just do what he does naturally' stories. Which means everybody knows Malkin's MIA and there's genuine concern about it.
you really have to credit the caps goalie for keeping them in this game.... Pens had quite a few really solid chances to score but varlamov came up big.... you really have to credit him for keeping them in this right now...

can he continue to do it though? i don't think so, i think he'll eventually let up ... the Pens need to keep shooting 15 times a period and they'll cash in soon... the floodgates will then be open!!!!
long way to go slap. over is still in play. btw i recommended pitts team total over.

what'd you put in that parlay anyway? c's win tonight i think.

Sorry Joe and Tiger lol...I just got back from the pool after killing a 30 rack with some homies,

I just saw 1-0 after 1, see 1-1 now lets get 3-1 penguins after 2