NHL 2nd Round - In-Games

I can already hear two day's worth of bitching about Malkin coming on Pittsburgh radio.
look at the 1 goal stats thread, and compared Pitts record to Wash's.

then you'll know why one team has won both of these 1 goal contests

Here's my problem with that, and it's two-fold.

First, if you've watched these games--and you have--you know how even they are so to say it like it's just as easy as one stat over-simplifies it.

But more importantly, second, going forward I'd much prefer to use stats from either the all star break on, or even the trade deadline on. Because I think whole season stats, weird as this may sound, don't tell you how a team is really playing this time of year.

Look at the Sharks, by the time the playoffs rolled around, they were basically nothing. Meanwhile the Ducks weren't healthy the majority of the year, but got healthy now--and made a couple of deals at the deadline. So they're not really the same team they were that racked up all those numbers.
He is at like 14% in the circle why is crosby taking those faceoffs

He was dominant against the Flyers. The whole team was. But we learned in Game One, the Caps aren't the Flyers.
I can already hear two day's worth of bitching about Malkin coming on Pittsburgh radio.

As well there should be.

F**king Sid scored three goals tonight. What the f**k else does he have to do? OK, win a draw. Fair enough, but I counted maybe three shifts where I thought Malkin worked hard.

Not to mention the PP that won the game was on Malkin. Now, I thought that call sucked, but it's just more reason to jump on the guy.

There was a lot of talk and heat put on Jagr early in his career, and maybe Malkin will be fine eventually. But he's disappeared in these playoffs. Both Sid and Staal are dramatically better on this team right now. It's not even close.

Hell, I'd say even Fedotinko played a better game tonight than Geno.
Here's my problem with that, and it's two-fold.

First, if you've watched these games--and you have--you know how even they are so to say it like it's just as easy as one stat over-simplifies it.

But more importantly, second, going forward I'd much prefer to use stats from either the all star break on, or even the trade deadline on. Because I think whole season stats, weird as this may sound, don't tell you how a team is really playing this time of year.

Look at the Sharks, by the time the playoffs rolled around, they were basically nothing. Meanwhile the Ducks weren't healthy the majority of the year, but got healthy now--and made a couple of deals at the deadline. So they're not really the same team they were that racked up all those numbers.

I hear that, but at the same time it's about the experiences of winning in tight situations. Teams dont turn over their whole roster after the trade deadline, and while form wanes and waxes, long term learning experiences aren't lost because of form slumps. Those stats seem to apply least in 1st round series, where teams are either on or off. Once you're beyond the 1st round, they seem to apply more.
I can see the relevance to one goal games for the reason you point out, for sure. Especially when you talk about how teams learn how to win, or learn how to lose. And it's not really as relevant in this series, although the Pens did have a couple of late acquisitions, but even going into these playoffs I was worried about some of these numbers and I really would like to see if numbers after the AS break really paint a more accurate picture.

On a somewhat related note, f**king Malkin. The guy's like a bench player on an NBA team when he goes on the road. He f**king turtles. Ugh.
Can't argue with any of that Joe.

Funny thing is Semin is just as invisible on the Caps side.
Funny thing is Semin is just as invisible on the Caps side.

I thought he got shaken up early in this game. But you're right.

Here's what'll happen, by the way, Geno will show up for one of the home games. Which is fine, but stars come to play on the road.

Right now Ovechkin is proving that all the MVP chants in the Igloo are nice, but really they're nothing more than wishful thinking right now. Geno's an excellent regular season player. Ovechkin is an excellent player whenever, wherever who elevates his game when it matters.
The beauty about this Over result, is it wasn't the 9 goal game we all know this series will put up. I wonder if it's that kind of game that will break Pitt's home Under streak.
This is a horses**t call.

You're supposed to let the guy stand there and take whacks at your goalie? F**k that. You can't call that if you're going to let them take axe chops at your net-minder.
see halak get chopped by his own teamate in the world championships? lol

I didn't.

I'll say this for Chicago, they seem like they're interested in old-time hockey supplemented with some speed. I don't like this team all that much, mostly historically, but it's hard not to admire that style of play.
Great road period by the Canucks

Good kill, but they miss Salo on that PP. It would be nice to see them get one on what's left of this man advantage coming out of the break.
Dude. You don't have to play periods, but I'm sure you're watching the game and have an opinion for me...that's all I really ask,

I've been watching this Atl/Cleveland garbage, about to find a NHL stream to tune into the 2nd period
Not enough shots being taken it looks like to bet the Over 1.5 though,

Gonna hope for 2-1, 1-1 Blackhawks after 2
Chicago is just not into this game. Every time there is a scrum after the whistle every canuck rushes over. The hawks take their time or don't go at all
hate hockey right now

So, the NHL is not the NBA, but I think the Pens are going to get a lot of chances tomorrow night. Probably a significant amount of PPs.

Just sayin'.
Really smart play by Burrows. The more I see of that guy, the more I like.

(No, Steed, this thread's about hockey, not what you think.)
Wow @ how close that was Joe

It kind of did a caterpillar dance on the crossbar there, it was extremely lucky. The building would have gone berserk.