NHL 2nd Round - In-Games

Youre definitely right BC, but have given up on the PL at least.

would be happy to push on the -1 at this point.

another wasted bruins PP and thats where they will most likely lose this game.
This will be the craziest goal I've ever seen.

I mean, it's like in football when they can put a piece of paper between the ball and the yard-marker.
By the way, had I known I'd have been fighting the ghost of Steve Chaisson (sp?) who died ten years ago today, I never would have touched the Bruins.
I think if they would have called that a goal it would have stood. It's just tough with that replay to be sure that's white ice there or not.
They just didn't want to step out on that limb of saying that they had "conclusive" proof and hang their hat on a couple of pixels that may or may not be ice. It sucks for Carolina, but they're controlling the game so it's not like they really lose all that much.

Speaking of which, I'll take this loss so long as Carolina wins the game. Then I can chase Bruin wins on the road. If they lose tonight, I'm pretty confident they'll split in Raleigh.
Now...I wait for the game to end before I call in right? If Boston wins the 3rd Period, I don't call in, if Carolina does, I call in and say they fucked up and to check the tapes...right?

That's probably the smartest way to go.
Chance for boston to go 0/4 PP here.

I hate rooting against my bets, but this PL is long gone. Just win the game Carolina and we Bruin bettors will have a chance to make our money back.
Hockey is the toughest sport to bet game to game IMO. These guys never seem to take a night off like they do in the NBA.

This is the first year ive had a bad season. Ive had a bad gambling 2009 matter of fact

Losing in every sport other then baseball
Home chases done, road chases almost done, what on earth will we bet on the rest of Round 2?

You know, the goddamn road chase system burned me so bad in the first round that I didn't play it here. Sure enough, three of four--maybe (hopefully) even four of four. And in the second game, too.

At this point I am looking at these:

Chasing Detroit on the road
Chasing the Pens
Chasing the Pens over
Chasing the Bruins next win

I might hop on Vancouver on the road as well. That Vancouver total, though, has me lost.
I wasnt around yesterday but put this in here....

Am I the only one who loves the sound of a packed arena in triple OT when the home team loses?
Am I the only one who loves the sound of a packed arena in triple OT when the home team loses?

As long as that team isn't the Pens. I've been there for that. It sucks a whole lot.
If they scored 3 goals in the 1st in game 1 and couldnt go Over, looks like we need a scoreless 1st & then we'll get a 7 goal final bonanza
People can complain about Sid all they want, but that he will stand on the doorstep and take that punishment to get those goals--particularly given his size--is what I want on my team all the time.
haha oh ya. what do you guys think of brickley as the color guy. i listen to him all year with the bruins. think he does a great job, but how he lags his voice sometimes pisses me off haha. him and jack edwards are fun homer guys to listen to.
him and jack edwards are fun homer guys to listen to.

They drive me nuts whenever I have to listen to them, but that's only because they are homers. I'm sure Steigerwald and Errey drive other people nuts, and I'm sure there are a lot of Mike Lange haters out there, too. And I love Edzo but that's me being a homer from his days preceding Errey.

But your guys are not at the top of my list, though. The Buffalo team and the MSG guys in NY are probably tops for me as most disliked. Though I don't like the Carolina guys a bit either.