NHL 2nd Round - In-Games

first off, league WON'T suspend him from a revenue aspect and from how they've treated other higher status nhl players don't think ovie gets it...and if he does get suspended, league really wants pens to go on to the finals, cause without ovechkin, the caps aren't as tenacious or effective or a threat.

Good point.

All that said, just like your stick, you need to control your body. That the guy had to be helped off the ice seems to merit more than just a two minute minor.
also carolina has been playing some damn good hockey; maurice has his boys clicking and ward has been spectacular;
For the record, the Versus intermission team never once mentioned it.

They talked about Gonchar getting hurt, yes, but never mentioned the hit or how it happened.

That right there tells you nothing comes of this.

Now, if Gonchar doesn't come back in this game, and the Pens raise holy hell after the game, maybe they get the league to look at it, but I highly doubt anything happens.
hahah; "i think it was a cheap hit i hope he gets suspended, there should be suspension with an intent to injure" - Ruslan Fedetnko
ya CBC spent half the intermission talking about it and then they had that quote from Fedetenko that gsro just wrote
cbc reporters said there is no provision but it will more than likely be brought to the attention of the league
ya CBC spent half the intermission talking about it and then they had that quote from Fedetenko that gsro just wrote

Versus talked to Guerin, didn't even ask him about it.

And there, in a nutshell, is the difference between the two networks.
If Bettman is a true Stern disciple his action won't depend on the severity of the hit as much as what happens the rest of the game. If Gonchar returns a suspension is unwarranted. If the Caps come back to win a suspension could set the series up for 7 games. And if the Pens win its kinda up in the air.
Boston turning into the San Jose Sharks right before our eyes.
not trying to downplay the bruins, but they were essentially the same team from the year before...adding recchi is leadership thatr's about it...think they also played a little out of their own this year and it's catching up to them
maurice has his boys clicking and ward has been spectacular;

There are certain coaches that you want to bet on or want to bet against. In these playoffs, Maurice is a guy you want to bet on.

Personally, I want to bet against Joel Quinville.

I also never had any faith, at all, in Therrien. He's a regular season coach, not a playoff coach.
If Bettman is a true Stern disciple his action won't depend on the severity of the hit as much as what happens the rest of the game. If Gonchar returns a suspension is unwarranted. If the Caps come back to win a suspension could set the series up for 7 games. And if the Pens win its kinda up in the air.
this is bringing back the memories of raja rondo...i've said my piece on it and wont' bother indulging here, but it's more than likely that ovie wont' be suspended, i leave in leagues hands to prove me wrong
Looking at the replay Gonchar did do a little shift to his left that opened him up for the hit a little worse.
maurice has his boys clicking and ward has been spectacular;

There are certain coaches that you want to bet on or want to bet against. In these playoffs, Maurice is a guy you want to bet on.

Personally, I want to bet against Joel Quinville.

I also never had any faith, at all, in Therrien. He's a regular season coach, not a playoff coach.
i'm still angry from how the canucks handled themselves, how do you sit back on a 1-0 lead against the hawks? i don't care if you have luongo, he'll bail you out but it'll eventually catch up to him

joe, i also have to refresh
i'm still angry from how the canucks handled themselves, how do you sit back on a 1-0 lead against the hawks? i don't care if you have luongo, he'll bail you out but it'll eventually catch up to him

I said it during the in-game. The Canucks are the worst prevent defense hockey team in the playoffs, by far. They cannot sit on leads. They just don't know how to do it--and Chicago is excellent at opening it up and taking chances. It's a horrible combination.
i'm still angry from how the canucks handled themselves, how do you sit back on a 1-0 lead against the hawks? i don't care if you have luongo, he'll bail you out but it'll eventually catch up to him

I said it during the in-game. The Canucks are the worst prevent defense hockey team in the playoffs, by far. They cannot sit on leads. They just don't know how to do it--and Chicago is excellent at opening it up and taking chances. It's a horrible combination.

It was their first loss this season when leading after 3 periods, they were something like 23-0-1.

They definitely should have pressed more in the third to try and get the 2 goal lead but I think when they get the lead tomoro it will stick.
It was their first loss this season when leading after 3 periods, they were something like 23-0-1.

They definitely should have pressed more in the third to try and get the 2 goal lead but I think when they get the lead tomoro it will stick.
doesn't matter, why is a coach essentially asking/teaching his team to sit on a lead and let other teams back into game...granted if it's 2-0 lead one thign but 1-0..no way
doesn't matter, why is a coach essentially asking/teaching his team to sit on a lead and let other teams back into game...granted if it's 2-0 lead one thign but 1-0..no way

He and every one the team said after the game that it wasn't the plan. Vignault ripped every line except the 4th line yesterday for not forechecking etc.
Local broadcast said Pens are saying Gonchar's return is questionable.

Translation - He'll play if we get in trouble, but since we have control we'll try and sit him out and push the league for an Ovechkin suspension for Game 5.
Translation - He'll play if we get in trouble, but since we have control we'll try and sit him out and push the league for an Ovechkin suspension for Game 5.

Utterly fine with me as long as he's OK and we hang on.
He and every one the team said after the game that it wasn't the plan. Vignault ripped every line except the 4th line yesterday for not forechecking etc.
not trying to say it was done purposely, i think it's the coaches job to keep the players in check, and if both are coming out saying they were at fault ultimately it comes down to the coaches head; he's the one that's supposed to deal with the in games and spice things up etc, adjust..but vigs didn't do that,

i'm a canadian boy and am all for cdn teams advancing, but that display of hockey was boring last night and utterly frustrating
i'm a canadian boy and am all for cdn teams advancing, but that display of hockey was boring last night and utterly frustrating

Should Vancouver advance, hopefully it does the trick and teaches them a much needed lesson.