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***NFL In-Game Thread***

I think we need to go with what we know. And that he was stabilized with that seems to be some sort of heart condition. Time is of the essence and I think he had the best response possible. We’d all be long gone under normal circumstances
I didn't hear heart, kinda assumed with the ventilator it's larynx/trachea and lungs. Gotta get that oxygen in the right place so it can get to the heart. Crushed trachea obviously would be like a kinked plastic straw so gotta unkink it before you get brain damage from lack of oxygen.

I've never seen a life incident during a game before. Didn't see Hank live, guess I did see Dan Wheldon in Vegas and Earnhart at Daytona live, but this is so unreal. Not sure how his brothers on the team do this night.
I didn't hear heart, kinda assumed with the ventilator it's larynx/trachea and lungs. Gotta get that oxygen in the right place so it can get to the heart. Crushed trachea obviously would be like a kinked plastic straw so gotta unkink it before you get brain damage from lack of oxygen.

I've never seen a life incident during a game before. Didn't see Hank live, guess I did see Dan Wheldon in Vegas and Earnhart at Daytona live, but this is so unreal. Not sure how his brothers on the team do this night.

Interesting. I thought it was the heart stopping from trauma/shock immediately.
I didn't hear heart, kinda assumed with the ventilator it's larynx/trachea and lungs. Gotta get that oxygen in the right place so it can get to the heart. Crushed trachea obviously would be like a kinked plastic straw so gotta unkink it before you get brain damage from lack of oxygen.

I've never seen a life incident during a game before. Didn't see Hank live, guess I did see Dan Wheldon in Vegas and Earnhart at Daytona live, but this is so unreal. Not sure how his brothers on the team do this night.

All DRs on media talking about heart and arrhythmia
@Dsn150 could probably expound on this but my guess is the force of the tackle collapsed his windpipe. He was able to stand up but quickly passed out. Then with no oxygen his heart stopped. They could administer CPR and AED but they needed to get air into his lungs. They may have done a tracheotomy on the field to get airflow, I don't know. That could explain why they stayed on the field so long.

If they have him intubated and his vitals are OK I think he's made it past the worst hurdles. He will likely need surgery on his trachea.
@Dsn150 could probably expound on this but my guess is the force of the tackle collapsed his windpipe. He was able to stand up but quickly passed out. Then with no oxygen his heart stopped. They could administer CPR and AED but they needed to get air into his lungs. They may have done a tracheotomy on the field to get airflow, I don't know. That could explain why they stayed on the field so long.

If they have him intubated and his vitals are OK I think he's made it past the worst hurdles. He will likely need surgery on his trachea.

He looked pretty casual before passing out. If my throat was broke I’m not fixing my chin strap

That’s exactly what Jemele Hill would say. As we’ve discussed, it wouldn’t seem like the NFL itself was involved that quickly with the 5 minute thing…seems much more likely that was just the officials doing what they always do when a player is carted off. The fact Jemele just tweeted this makes that almost a certainty, when’s the last time she was right about anything?
That’s exactly what Jemele Hill would say. As we’ve discussed, it wouldn’t seem like the NFL itself was involved that quickly with the 5 minute thing…seems much more likely that was just the officials doing what they always do when a player is carted off. The fact Jemele just tweeted this makes that almost a certainty, when’s the last time she was right about anything?

She's a bitch
Demar chose to go to Pitt despite being recruited by many more schools because he wanted to represent the city. His high school is basically a block form Pitt too
Still too much unknown- but the intubation could be as straight forward as finding him pulseless-
Go straight to ABCs

So intubating immediately to secure airway and provide ability to oxygenate/ventilate if and when “circulation” returns would make sense-

Also- perhaps/likely sedated so his respiratory drive wiped out, maybe paralyzed so unable-
so remains intubated until he is allowed to wake

Way too much speculation even in that, but how it could have gone
My full game bets got refunded, halftime bets not determined yet...just an FYI for bovada.
@Dsn150 could probably expound on this but my guess is the force of the tackle collapsed his windpipe. He was able to stand up but quickly passed out. Then with no oxygen his heart stopped. They could administer CPR and AED but they needed to get air into his lungs. They may have done a tracheotomy on the field to get airflow, I don't know. That could explain why they stayed on the field so long.

If they have him intubated and his vitals are OK I think he's made it past the worst hurdles. He will likely need surgery on his trachea.
This seems the most logical

Getting back up means he had the burst of oxygen then it got cut off in a blink

Kinda imagine someone gives you a karate chop in the throat...oxygen flow is disrupted but like a garden hose with a bit of water after a kink, so is the cardiopulmonary system. Some to jolt quickly but then a complete shut off.

Would love to hear @Dsn150 on this, I did not stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night but guessing that's how it went down
Bengals and Bill's wont want to play tomorrow, especially since Bill's are flying home

How much later can they play in week and still play sunday?
Yeah but who cares. It’s not the town square. Less than 5% of the country use it weekly. It’s a private company. Should be able to shadow ban or ban whoever they want. If people don’t like it use other social media and if it’s any good people will go there

Fine, but don't lie about it, which they did.
Bengals and Bill's wont want to play tomorrow, especially since Bill's are flying home

How much later can they play in week and still play sunday?
They are flying home, confirmed?

If so, it's either 16 game season or called a tie.

No possible way to make this one up.
Bengals and Bill's wont want to play tomorrow, especially since Bill's are flying home

How much later can they play in week and still play sunday?
I could see them finishing the game tomorrow afternoon, as long as the news is good. No way either franchise wants to play Wednesday/Sunday ahead of the playoffs.