New to this forum.......


Resident Newlywed
I have been around, and just wanted to join this forum. Have heard good things about this one.

Hope I can help.

BOL fellas...

Oh yea, I got Mia +3.5 and the over 183.5 in a parlay and straight!!

gl bro hope you enjoy it. the convos on this site for the most part are pretty good and a lot of knowledgeable guys/gals. welcome.
Looking real forward to your posts, Wizard:smiley_acbe:

Got any thoughts for today? The card drives me nuts.

I like the Rockets a lot team wise, but eurotrash have their backs against the wall now.

Similar situation with Lakers and Magic, except you get points with the home team.
Hey Wiz...

can't believe I missed this thread... good to see you here and glad you finally made it in bud...
