***NCAAB/NCAAF/NFL/NBA 11/17-11/24 Sippin on Tea In-game***

green got the ball 15 feet away from the basket with open space and said...no it doesn't look good to drive, i'm backing the ball out
Dog is Japanese. Shiba Inu.

He just makes no expression just walks around and sleeps all day. Then scratches the door to sit on the balcony
This is exactly how he looks all day

that's my little guy....he's brindle...caught a rabbit the other day before kill no blood just snapped the neck
i will never understand how teams get in the bonus super early, and then just hand the ball off to each other on the perimeter after that. it is absolutely nonsensical.
not afraid of the second half adjustments GLB? I dont' think you can shoot any worse than what we saw (based on the comments here) and seemed to be some open looks and alot of missed layups
awesome dog

thanks they are bear hunters by nature and he looks like a tiger...he's super brindle...when the lady and I take him for hikes people are afraid to approach cause they think he is a wolf
18-2 adv on the offensive glass.. 12 missed point blank layups. No rhyme or reason to anything they do in their halfcourt sets.
At least a lot of the turnovers in the Utes/SDSU game were due to good defense, these are not
Dayton was stupid to extend the defense the way they're blowing the whistle up top, just fucking dumb