Nba Wed Ingame


CTG Partner
Staff member
Holla in fellas. No plays tonight...but gonna watch the action a bit and play some cards..

GL to all.

We have some nice situations coming up here soon.
My first thought was sucker bet....but I truly believe that Phoenix wins this game...

Be there or be SQUARE ;)
8-13 in Denver, 5:33 left in the first. I'm not worried at all these guys can, once they find their rhythm, score a ton in just a few mins.
what do the knicks think they are dong.....they are supposed to lose this game....pieces of worthless shit

Tomorrow's card is strikes back Friday perhaps.
the Kings haven't been able to miss, man....nor do they ever foul, apparently.

I'm watching this game....can't believe my fuckin eyes...
when is Charlotte going to understand that they are not any good and will not be any good...the league needs some crap teams and that is where they fit in

red - I felt the same way when I had LAC vs Charlotte...Cats were knocking everything down...