NBA Playoffs INGAME...

Just caught that last play before timeout what a smooth move from guy on Utah to shoot the ball hard off the backboard for no reason as DeAndre Jordan always goes up to goaltend like he is fucking God..Ball hit Jordan in the grill prolly not as set up but karna funny shit
Could really use 2 Joe Johnson 3s and 6 Hayward points including a free throw right about now
CP literally had 3 stretches of 7 point bursts that last a few minutes each...

21 total, one short...prop loser.
omg, in and out.

Blake went over too...he was gonna be my playoff for a good 4th for him.
Most important thing for the Jazz and league is to screw the guys that bet the Clips late aka the 'steamers'.
Never consider 8 a key number and what do ya know, got hooked. And Fuck Gordon Hayward. 5/15 show the fuck up twat