***NBA Playoffs In Game ***

This series is a perfect example of what would happen old vs new. If they called it like they did in the 90s Lebron teams would get swept by 60 a game by MJ. If they call it like they did in the Nuggets wins Lebron would maybe steal a game or two from MJ. It’s crazy.
My wife brought home 7 baby chickens today. We’re suburban people. Not farm people. Not city people. We will have to raise these things. I love eggs. That’s why she did it. But I have chickens now. wtf
fresh eggs are great
Game tonight?

I legit haven't done anything in a few days because I haven't stopped laughing

Sport has delivered this week
I put wagers in on Tuesday and am oblivious right now

Think I placed one on Wednesday and have no clue what it was
I’m watching Thibs coach and at what point does it just not mean anything anymore.
Screen hard! Some of these guys are close to 30 and HC like 60.

I’d love to see a month for real uncensored across the 4 major US sports
Whole f'n week has been about Man City winning Sunday morning and the rest was pointless til Scottie got cuffed
Can't wait. Random fella in the club is picking me up...I don't drink/drive but seems a good fella

I offered to pay his tab and he told me he only drinks diet coke so good for me!