***NBA Playoffs In Game ***


I like the US open.

The -21 PGA wasn't my taste.

Right? The PGA puts on ONE difficult tourney a year and somehow it's an issue with people. \

Whether or not a bogey "wins the title," or the vast majority of the field is over par, the fact it was down to the wire and there was the battle there was at the top is really the only thing that matters. To most sane people, anyway.
It's insane how much people want to baby these fucking guys. They're professional athletes, and they're not even asked to play games every other day at this point, they're playing every 3rd day. Give me a fucking break they're tired.

Just carrying water...
Those who don't know, I'm pretty open about it. My father lives in Columbus OH and is Yag, married to a tranny. I have learned to embrace it, like what's the other choice? So the Father's Day call is hard work. My mother destroys me about it.
Homeless VA peeps


I can do this all day. The guy you will vote for dodged the draft.
Homeless VA peeps


I can do this all day. The guy you will vote for dodged the draft.

Didn't both of the candidates do that? Seems an odd thing to focus on given that fact. I know, I know, facts and "woke" lefties are not friends.
Those who don't know, I'm pretty open about it. My father lives in Columbus OH and is Yag, married to a tranny. I have learned to embrace it, like what's the other choice? So the Father's Day call is hard work. My mother destroys me about it.

That’s so much to take in. I actually give you props for giving your dad the call. If my mother (rest in heaven) had issues with my father leaving her to play dress up with a yag. I’d likely beat the piss out of him (my dad is still alive thank god).
That’s so much to take in. I actually give you props for giving your dad the call. If my mother (rest in heaven) had issues with my father leaving her to play dress up with a yag. I’d likely beat the piss out of him (my dad is still alive thank god).
I haven't seen him in person since maybe 2004 or 2005

Was in the works last year but had some surgery, hopefully in the near future. The he/she is not invited, I'll pretty much dictate the trip if/when it happens.
I’m 40 and never had Pacificos until last couple days. And I think a lot of corona and modelos
Lol Pacifico is the best

Modelo is what you take home to drink, but Pacifico is much better than dos equis. Corona is shill. No lime needed in any of them (other than Corona which is how you know someone is drinking Corona, only Mexican beer that needs a lime!)
Happy to say that 2daBank is alive and well, he banged the first five under at Wrigley tonight. Very much keeping up the pace but pretty worn out, good text convo though.
Lol Pacifico is the best

Modelo is what you take home to drink, but Pacifico is much better than dos equis. Corona is shill. No lime needed in any of them (other than Corona which is how you know someone is drinking Corona, only Mexican beer that needs a lime!)
1. Negra Modelo
2. Pacifico
3. Dos Equis (amber or lager, either one)

Just my opinion.
Game 5 result makes Game 4 look even more disgraceful. Fix your league Silver or get back onto the mothership and return to your planet.
Game 5 result makes Game 4 look even more disgraceful. Fix your league Silver or get back onto the mothership and return to your planet.

Yeah a 60 point swing over 2 games makes no sense.

League has too much variance and really ruins skill.

Bring back hand checking and get rid of moving screens.

Let’s see who really is the best.

Celtics dominate this format for sure.

But Mavs are a fringe playoff team. Thunder are a joke. Wolves pathetic. West sucked. East besides Celtics sucks.

Let’s move beyond this 3 point variance and get back to who is most talanted?

An elite team of role players just won a ship in all time dominance.
Yeah a 60 point swing over 2 games makes no sense.

League has too much variance and really ruins skill.

Bring back hand checking and get rid of moving screens.

Let’s see who really is the best.

Celtics dominate this format for sure.

But Mavs are a fringe playoff team. Thunder are a joke. Wolves pathetic. West sucked. East besides Celtics sucks.

Let’s move beyond this 3 point variance and get back to who is most talanted?

An elite team of role players just won a ship in all time dominance.
This time of year is so boring I caught my mom watching the UFL championship game yesterday and she immediately changed the channel when I called her out on it
I think the West teams just need another year under their belt. Think y’all are being a little harsh there.

Now where y’all are NOT harsh is the Finals have been awful after what was actually a pretty fun early rounds( the West in particular )
But man, that thing was poo and I’m an NBA apologist. Styles make matchups especially in basketball. I personally don’t like Celtics games on the eyes, but hey that’s just me.
I also think y’all are all quick on the repeat shit. Vehemently disagree there