NBA Finals

Yes, I'm sure the LAkers were a fools bet tonight. Laying chalk vs. the best team in the league on the road.

How can anyone who bet them not think of themselves as a complete bafoon right now? I know that's what I would be calling myself.

I mean people actually trying to support why the Lakers were -200 to win the series without home court. anyone who knows anything about sports wagering/NBA knew that line was comical.

Red is watching from beyond the grave.
You were right Handy, completely right. I feel like a complete bafoon.
Now they have to get one of these next 2 in LAL. I know they play 3 there but if they allow this thing to go 2-2 and it becomes a best of 3. I would lean Lakers to win series.

They did what they had to though... protect home court. Nothing to be alarmed about w/ my series bet.
The biggest joke is matchbook has boston favored to win the series at -178 up 2-0. I hope Boston loses game 3 so I can buy more.

The team which goes up 2-0 in a 7 game series wins 94% of the time.

Anymore fools out there want to give me reasons to think LA wins the series?

Red is watching from beyond the grave.
awfully cocky...

for a backer of a team that let a 24 pt. lead go to 2 in 6 minutes. Don't think the refs will bail your boys out with the free throw disparity in la la land. Lakers take all 3 at home and then I like my chances with phil and kobe to take 1 of 2. Then I expect we won't hear from you for awhile...:pillow:

In all the years of the 2-3-2 format only one team the Miami Heat was able to win all three middle games. The past means nothing but don't count on it happening. It's highly unlikely and Boston wasn't the best road team in the league by accident. Remember, they went into TExas and swept all three games in a matter of 4 days.

Too many of you simply don't understand how good Boston really is. Yes, they clearly lost their focus in the 4th but the mountain was too tall to overcome.

I think LA wins game 3 but after that it's road dog in one of the next two. I think Boston wins game 4.
Matchbook is down to -155 on Boston to win it all. WTF? Who is buying LA at that awful price? Chances are LA is going to need to win 2 games in Boston. It's just the way the cookie crumbles in the NBA Finals 2-3-2 format. Very hard for the team without home court to win it all.
for a backer of a team that let a 24 pt. lead go to 2 in 6 minutes. Don't think the refs will bail your boys out with the free throw disparity in la la land. Lakers take all 3 at home and then I like my chances with phil and kobe to take 1 of 2. Then I expect we won't hear from you for awhile...:pillow:
Go play across the street at blankets. :shake:
I think im going to throw a little more on the celts SERIES after the fakers win game 3.

and also on pierce for MVP.

let kobe have a huge game 3, steal bostons thunder, and get back in the publics graces, and start convince people that the fakers are going to win this series again.

-130 - -135 would be excellent
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how the C's aren't at least a 2-1 fav to win the series right now is absolutely beyond me.
C's are catchin 9 points in LA on game 3.... Not sure thats as ridiculous as LA laying pts in Boston, but that just seems way to high.
how the C's aren't at least a 2-1 fav to win the series right now is absolutely beyond me.

don't ask "why"....just go along for the ride

if a cashier gives u back a 20 dollar bill when u were expectin a 10 dollar bill as u give it back???? say "thank you" and walk out:smiley_acbe:
no theyre not.

i also love how the media and 'analysts' were all touting that the lakers had the better bench. thats horseshit, and it showed tonight.

celts are the much deeper team. the only position they could use more depth at would be at the point i guess.....alien doesnt cut it. but they havent really needed to use him which has been good.
No way the Lakers are -9 for Game 3. Now that's ridiculous.
All I gotta say, is that LVSC and friends loved the fact the lakers stormed back in the 4th tonight.

I'm highly confident it fits right in with their plan to draw more money in on the lakers.

But it is the NBA finals and with Kobe you never know. IMHO Celtics in 5 or 6.
Matchbook is down to -155 on Boston to win it all. WTF? Who is buying LA at that awful price? Chances are LA is going to need to win 2 games in Boston. It's just the way the cookie crumbles in the NBA Finals 2-3-2 format. Very hard for the team without home court to win it all.

Maybe the same people who bought it the 1st time when they were favored without homecourt . The line couldnt get much higher then -170 adjusted because if they plan on making LAL -9 pt favs when they are home that a pretty huge ML and basically says they wont win one in LA. My guess at least,,,
Everybody expects Celtics to drop game three, that's why there are not many buyers for the Celtics to win the series right now. They are sitting game three out.
Books that do not balance their action will give back some of their profits from the first two games because LA bettors will likely prevail Tuesday night. It is hard for me to create an argument against LA tomorrow night. The epitome of the infamous Game Three situation that my entire thread is based upon. Health to you Boston backers tomorrow.
I think you're insane if you take LA -9, the ML is almost a definite but not worth it. Beware of Steve Budin on Tuesday, he'll release a 100 dime play on the Lakers Moneyline, that son of a *****. Anyway I really like Boston +9, and hopefully the public does as well so I could possibly get the hook when I take the Celts tuesday. The one thing to pay attention to is if the refs giftwrap the game in LA like they did for Boston in game 2. David Stern already put in the call to Mr. Bavetta. :popcorn:
don't ask "why"....just go along for the ride

if a cashier gives u back a 20 dollar bill when u were expectin a 10 dollar bill as u give it back???? say "thank you" and walk out:smiley_acbe:

Love it. :cheers:
Well game 3 likely goes to LA. The line most definately should attract Celtics bettors but I believe that's the books intention. Chances are Boston will lose this game so why would you want them vs. a team in a near desperate situation? I want nothing to do with them tonight. However, I'm still not interesting in laying 9.5 pts.

The biggest eye opener continues to be the series price. Just about any time a team is down 0-2 in a 7 game series vs. a legit opponent the series price escalates to a minimum price of -400. I know LA has been dominant at home but -140 on Boston up 2-0 is a bargain. If they lose the series they lose the series but they only need to win 2 of the next 5 while LA has to win 4 of 5 and play two of them on the road.

My feeling is the books are laughing all the way to the bank. They got everyone on LA in games 1 and 2. Now game 3 bettors will take the juicy 9.5 and possibly lose again.

Good luck and enjoy the game!!
agreed, i can not believe that series price. Made my biggest bet of the year on it before the series, so its not worth adding more now, but if i hadn't, i think this is a great line for a Celtic buy.

I'm wondering how it will move if the LA wins game 3 and then game 4.

Considering they are a 5-1 to favorite tonight, i'd assume the Series line won't move too much becuase they are clearly expecting a C's lose. The C's won't be a dog again up 2-1 will they? I'd guess it will be close to a pk with a LA win tonight, and you might see the same initial series price with the series tied 2-2. If the C's win game 4, i'd love to see what they do with the series price.
Every bet on Boston just gets better and better. No, I didn't bet game 3 because I didn't like the Celtics situation. I figured it was LA's game to win so why pray for a cover.

Anyways, I don't see LA winning this series. Period!!
any guess at the game 4 line, btw I'm done losing my money with LA.
Doe Vegas not want Lakers fans to win money? -8? Why wouldnt people take Boston again, when Pierce and Garnett played terrible.
only a fool buys into these prices on LA. GAme 3 I can understand why the line was so high because the books were afraid of a big laker blowout. Now that it didn't happen I have no idea why they're hanging this number. Perhaps they just keep getting so much laker money that it doesn't matter what line under 10 they post.

I think Boston wins game 4 between 5 and 10 pts. LA will get game 5 and lose in game 6.
only a fool buys into these prices on LA. GAme 3 I can understand why the line was so high because the books were afraid of a big laker blowout. Now that it didn't happen I have no idea why they're hanging this number. Perhaps they just keep getting so much laker money that it doesn't matter what line under 10 they post.

I think Boston wins game 4 between 5 and 10 pts. LA will get game 5 and lose in game 6.
