NBA Finals Discussion thread

They aren't gonna call a travel when he's bringing the ball up with no one guarding him... not in the finals...

no way they are going to embarrass the best player in the world.... that should be understood
Re-watch the game and tell me how many times the King traveled and committed an offensive foul.

They also took Klay out of the game when he was heating up in the 1st quarter.

Refs were never going to make the game deciding play in OT because it would make peeps reflect on the whole fucked-up game.

It is what it is.
travelling goes on in 50% of the plays in the league. Klay fouled both times.
One of fouls on Tristan was made up.
At least three times Mozgov got murdered and no foul call.
Don't get me wrong, there were bad calls the other as well.
It was jusr bad officiating night.
They aren't gonna call a travel when he's bringing the ball up with no one guarding him... not in the finals...

It is a violation. Call it.

Or change the rules to there is either no traveling or make it 3-4 steps...

Glad I saw that Moz one in slow-mo now, I was quite curious how the hell he made that move the other night.
The NBA cannot enforce traveling for one big reason...the product would take such a severe hit for a few years while players adjust...$$$$$ talks...
It is a violation. Call it.

Or change the rules to there is either no traveling or make it 3-4 steps...

Glad I saw that Moz one in slow-mo now, I was quite curious how the hell he made that move the other night.

its just the way it works unfortunately... basketball is really the only sport where there is time during play where a player can waste and still be called for a violation, calling that play on lebron is a violation but its just something the refs let slide
God forbid they introduce the sport of basketball to the NBA

It would certainly ruin the entertainment product
The NBA cannot enforce traveling for one big reason...the product would take such a severe hit for a few years while players adjust...$$$$$ talks...
I don't know. Other than Harden, who would you say is a blatant offender?
Remove the word sport, replace with product and you hit the nail on the head

I get it... college basketball is better, professional athletes dont know how to play the sport, yada yada yada

god forbid a college coach teaches his players how to utilize the area of the court 15-18 feet from the basket... college basketball has turned into dribble dribble for 25 seconds... and then chuck up a shot or pass it down low

basically the cavs offense for most of the finals so far
EVERY player in this league. Any Center that gets more than 5 minutes of game, makes at least one travel a game.
Sure, because traveling, by definition, is one step. Harden looks like he's running towards a trampoline most of the time, which is why he manages to get to the foul line so often. Worst I ever saw was Patrick Ewing but, other than that, I don't think it's really that big of a deal.
Sure, because traveling, by definition, is one step. Harden looks like he's running towards a trampoline most of the time, which is why he manages to get to the foul line so often. Worst I ever saw was Patrick Ewing but, other than that, I don't think it's really that big of a deal.
I mean travelling violation if it wasn't obvious...
no one mentioning James Jones getting fouled on both of the 3 point shots that he made?? Clear as fukn day he was fouled both times!

So stop bitching about the refs, jeebus!!!

Only time to complain is if it doesnt go your way. period.
It was +4000 prior to the series beginning. ArizonaKid is in for a nice payday (hopefully he took it) if the Warriors win. I don't see how Lebron doesn't win it barring an epic performance from curry the rest of the series

Yes but limited to $25 on it (local caps payout on props to a grand), I might consider it my best bet ever if it hits.

Thanks. Not sure why guys like Partnow, Pelton, and Doolittle aren't go to guys for ABC instead of Wilbon and Steven A. Smith. Those three are way ahead of the crowd as analysts.

Funny how they mention Green isn't knocking down the mid range jumper off the pick and roll, Maresse Speights is in the league because of that very same skill for a big man.
Yes but limited to $25 on it, I might consider it my best bet ever if it hits.

damn only 25? That sucks. I was limited to $50 on the budenholzer coach of the year prop on 5d but you could keep adding more at different prices.

definitely would be one of the best bets because of how rare it is... but the situation definitely called for it...

Thanks. Not sure why guys like Partnow, Pelton, and Doolittle aren't go to guys for ABC instead of Wilbon and Steven A. Smith. Those three are way ahead of the crowd as analysts.

Funny how they mention Green isn't knocking down the mid range jumper off the pick and roll, Maresse Speights is in the league because of that very same skill for a big man.

I've never seen or heard of any of them speak so im guessing they probably dont have much personality
I think Wade had looked at it last game but total 3pointers is down to 18.5 for this game, albeit juiced.
Lebron cannot be stopped right now. He's in beast mode and the Warriors can't get a defensive rebound for their life.
If Rick, Daryl, Carol, and Michonne ran into the Warriors the last 8.5 qtrs they would have killed them.
Not being able to keep the cavs to one shot is just disheartening. Cavs held possession for 6 more minutes in game 2. Looks to be headed in that direction again tonight
Dubs just need to survive the 1st quarter. Cavs playing with unsustainable energy being the 1st home Finals game. Fatigue will creep in eventually, short rotation and back to back OT games.