My email to the Timberwolves President


Check out my DAD BOD
I have Been a lifelong T-Wolves fan since I was just a little guy. I have always given every move Mchale made some sort of benefit of the doubt. But tonight this was the last straw. It is humiliating when your own Fanbase knows that even when someone is gift wrapped to you, you will still find a way to screw us. You had Mayo a future identity to this team. A player that would put fans in the stands again, a player that would let Minnesota put some of the terrible decisions made by the FO to bed, and clear the slate and start fresh, and get on the road to success.

But as we look back we all knew in the back of our minds Mchale would do it. He would find some way to screw this up. The funny part is, he teamed with Chris Wallace to make this trade, argueable the dumbest GM next to Mchale that still has a job. Its funny because in my job if I continously make dumb decisions that dont make my company money, I get fired. No passing goal, NO collecting 200 dollars, nothing zilch. It seems as if Mchale has some weird thinking that he drafts the player he likes, not the player that the fans want. Bottom line is WE ARE THE ONES THAT SUPPLY HIS PAYCHECK. Now with this decision best believe those season tickets I was going to order are now not even being considered. I would have been a 1st time season ticket holder, and I told myself, I would buy tickets if Mchail and CO. proved to me as a fan and a customer of theres that they were taking this team in the right direction. Especially in a troubled economy, this wasn't something I needed, but my absolute love for the game at all levels...had me excited about the OJ Mayo era here in Minnesota.

The absolute worst part of this deal is that we didnt get the best deal available for Mayo....I will guarentee thtat. We could have traded him to the Clippers, the Sonics, the Knicks...etc. etc. But instead we go with the Grizzlies.

So we get rid of some bad contracts (a Mchail doing) and pick up only one in return. Cardinal and Jaric basically wash themselves we clear 10 million from Walker big deal...who the hell do we have plans to go after in the offseason? What have you shown us that will make us (your fan base) believe you will have the intellectual fortitude to make a good decision. It better be huge otherwise your going to lose even more fans.

Congratulations to Glen Taylor, Kevin Mchail, and Fred Hoiberg. You have officially lost 1 more fan. I may not mean a damb thing to you, but I guarentee I won't be the first nor the last fan to wash my hands of this organization. Eventually you will look into the stands and the only people that will be there are Mchail, Hoiberg, Jimmy Jam, and the Dain Rouscher guy.

I also wanted to let you know that I will not be watching your games on television. I am able to spend 179.00 of my hard earned money to purchase NBA Season Ticket. I can get my fix of the NBA that I need through watching other teams that obviously don't have a bunch of inmates running the asylum.
Heres a simple breakdown of the trade

According to Wetzel of Yahoo Sports:

Memphis got the best player. Minnesota got whiter. And they got more good players

You can always join us in Raptorland.
Are chat forums are going insane. I listened to the local sports radio this morning on the way in and not one person was happy.
Marlo, I'm with you. I told my buddies yesterday that I would be done with the wolves if McHale screwed us over again. Then he redeemed himself by grabbing the best player (right now) in the draft. Then he throws it all away because of a crush on Love. How can a guy that has to think about whether or not he wants to come back each year (McHale) have a job in the first place? He must have some real good dirt on Glen Taylor.

This will be 2 out of three years we trade away the ROY. It's just disgusting. Think about this: Roy and Mayo (what could have been) versus Foye and Love (what we got). WE GOT SCREWED - Period.
Marlo, I'm with you. I told my buddies yesterday that I would be done with the wolves if McHale screwed us over again. Then he redeemed himself by grabbing the best player (right now) in the draft. Then he throws it all away because of a crush on Love. How can a guy that has to think about whether or not he wants to come back each year (McHale) have a job in the first place? He must have some real good dirt on Glen Taylor.

This will be 2 out of three years we trade away the ROY. It's just disgusting. Think about this: Roy and Mayo (what could have been) versus Foye and Love (what we got). WE GOT SCREWED - Period.

Rube chat is going insane. So many people are canceling there season ticket orders they planned, or just not renewing in general I work with 2 guys that have been season ticket holders for 3-4 years....both are not renewing.

This is the end of the line. Hoiberg has scooted around the question of how the fans will react on Mike&Mike as well as PA/Dubay this morning. This is Mchale at his finest right here. This is what we have to deal with until he either dies suddenly or Taylor sells the team. He will never get kicked out of the Country Club.

Like I said Im fucking done with this shit. To many years of it. I'm a patient and loyal guy....but Mchale and Co. have drawn the line.
I know generally jack s**t about the NBA draft (though I did call D-Wade, which may not have been all that much of a stretch).

But that said, I think Mayo is going to crash and burn in the NBA. I actually think he might be out of the league in a few years, either that or end up like Telfair, bouncing around on rosters, but never really finding a home.

Just one Joe's opinion.
Rube chat is going insane. So many people are canceling there season ticket orders they planned, or just not renewing in general I work with 2 guys that have been season ticket holders for 3-4 years....both are not renewing.

This is the end of the line. Hoiberg has scooted around the question of how the fans will react on Mike&Mike as well as PA/Dubay this morning. This is Mchale at his finest right here. This is what we have to deal with until he either dies suddenly or Taylor sells the team. He will never get kicked out of the Country Club.

Like I said Im fucking done with this shit. To many years of it. I'm a patient and loyal guy....but Mchale and Co. have drawn the line.

I'm having a blast reading all of these "letters" to the corporate offices of the wolves on rube chat. The best thing they can do is let their $$$ do the talking and cancel their tickets and refuse to watch the games. Although I have half a mind to buy a ticket behind Mcfail and throw a juicy hotdog at him at the home opener.

The problem with the Country Club is that now they have Hoiberg brainwashed, which means the end of the line for me also. He was the only one that had an independent thought in upper management, and now that is gone as well. He's like a caged lion with that faded look in his eyes. There is absolutely nobody to respect anymore in that organization.

As one other Rube stated, "At least Taylor wasn't able to buy the Vikings." I shudder to think how bad things would be for the purple if Taylor was running the show.
Get on the milwaukee wagon. Skiles is doing some nice things there already. Plus, its prolly closest team to you.
Marlo, you said you'd go streaking if Love ended in Minny during the Brewer game Saturday night. What inning are you planning on doing this?
From the ingame thread

Marlo, you said you'd go streaking if Love ended in Minny during the Brewer game Saturday night. What inning are you planning on doing this?

<TABLE class=tborder id=post922882 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width="100%" align=center border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=thead style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d1d1e1 0px solid; BORDER-TOP: #d1d1e1 1px solid; FONT-WEIGHT: normal; BORDER-LEFT: #d1d1e1 1px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d1d1e1 1px solid">Today, 06:13 AM <!-- / status icon and date --></TD><TD class=thead style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d1d1e1 1px solid; BORDER-TOP: #d1d1e1 1px solid; FONT-WEIGHT: normal; BORDER-LEFT: #d1d1e1 0px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d1d1e1 1px solid" align=right> #357 <INPUT id=plist_922882 style="PADDING-RIGHT: 0px; PADDING-LEFT: 0px; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0px; MARGIN: 0px 0px 0px 5px; VERTICAL-ALIGN: middle; PADDING-TOP: 0px" type=checkbox value=0 name=plist[922882] inlineModID="inlineMod"> </TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD class=alt2 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d1d1e1 1px solid; BORDER-TOP: #d1d1e1 0px solid; BORDER-LEFT: #d1d1e1 1px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d1d1e1 0px solid" width=175>Marlo Stanfield<SCRIPT type=text/javascript> vbmenu_register("postmenu_922882", true); </SCRIPT>
ETGs future brother inlaw

Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: ETG's sisters house
Posts: 5,016

</TD><TD class=alt1 id=td_post_922882 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d1d1e1 1px solid"><!-- icon and title -->

<HR style="COLOR: #d1d1e1" SIZE=1><!-- / icon and title --><!-- message -->Quote:
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=alt2 style="BORDER-RIGHT: 1px inset; BORDER-TOP: 1px inset; BORDER-LEFT: 1px inset; BORDER-BOTTOM: 1px inset">Originally Posted by Fondybadger
Sorry Marlo...

OJ Mayo, Antoine Walker, and others traded to Memphis for Kevin Love, Brian Cardinal Mike Miller and someone else...

Just caught the end on Breaking News on SportsCenter

Are you gonna hold me to that Steaking comment.....since we technically didnt draft him

Im done with this team. I could care a less about them. I have NBA ticket so I can be a fan of any team I want

It was the first thing I saw when I got up this morning. I thought I was still sleeping.

Wolves are done, they wont get 5k people to show up for there games.
<!-- / message --><!-- sig --></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
It's just another one of those silly little statements people on this site make. I mean nobody expects Marlo to do this. I mean did anyone expect Meatballs to stop posting here?
Dude, look at positives you got rid of Toine, another bad contract Jaric had, got some outside shooting and Love. I mean it only cost you 2nd (maybe the best) best player in this draft. :D
It's just another one of those silly little statements people on this site make. I mean nobody expects Marlo to do this. I mean did anyone expect Meatballs to stop posting here?

I plan on drinking alot on Saturday. Im golfing at 805 in the morning with 8 buddies, and then hitting up a pool side bbq....then the game at 615.

Only think stopping me would be spending another night in jail.
I know generally jack s**t about the NBA draft (though I did call D-Wade, which may not have been all that much of a stretch).

But that said, I think Mayo is going to crash and burn in the NBA. I actually think he might be out of the league in a few years, either that or end up like Telfair, bouncing around on rosters, but never really finding a home.

Just one Joe's opinion.

dude you must have not really watched the kid if thats your opinion :shake:

I think he could be better than Kobe
i don't understand the love for mayo. dude was the 4th best frosh in the pac10 behind Love, Bayless and Harden. he's good but hes not a franchise player, not even close.
Mayo would destroy all 3 of them 1-1 and if you was picking teams you pick Mayo 1st.
In fact, if Mayo isnt rookie of year next year i will stop posting on this site. ;)
I'm sorry, but if I was to grade this move, it gets A+. One of the best moves I seen in the playoff in the recent years without a doubt. Mchale wanted Love to begin with, but he managed bot only to get him, but get a solid player as Mller and get rid of Jaric and his contract (that he gave and now corrected this mistake). He got the bad contract of Cardinal, but it not as bad Jaric. About the rookies themselves, Love is a good player and ready to help Jefferson, while Mayo will probably be the next Chucky Atkins - big mouth, small brain. Even if Mayo will be as good as Love or even slightly better, still, Love + Miller are better than Mayo without a doubt. Thumbs up for Mchale since he managed to get the player he wanted and get a few other gifts in the same package.
The 6-foot-10 Love led the Bruins in scoring (17.5 points) and rebounds (10.6) on the way to a 35-win season and a trip to national semifinals, where UCLA lost to Memphis.

i watched enough of this kid to know that he's goona be a solid player in the NBA. his potential is unlimited depending on how coaches manage him.
(i think he would be a great addition to any team) the kid can play !
The only question about Love is his knees.

The questions about Mayo include his attitude, those who surround him, and, I still say it, his game.

But hey, I thought Ryan Leaf was a pretty great QB prospect so . . .
As a Grizzlies fan. Thanks :)

I'm excited about a Conley/Mayo/Yag backcourt.

I think you'll like Mike Miller, he's an excellent shooter but I question the Love move. Now your All-Star in Jefferson is handcuffed playing the 5 for the rest of his career? Ouch. I won't talk about your defense, that would just be cruel.

Question about Jaric. Is he really that bad? I mean, can he be a salvageable 6th man? On a positive note, Cardinal is a 2 year deal, but will never step on the floor again.
I'm sorry, but if I was to grade this move, it gets A+. One of the best moves I seen in the playoff in the recent years without a doubt. Mchale wanted Love to begin with, but he managed bot only to get him, but get a solid player as Mller and get rid of Jaric and his contract (that he gave and now corrected this mistake). He got the bad contract of Cardinal, but it not as bad Jaric. About the rookies themselves, Love is a good player and ready to help Jefferson, while Mayo will probably be the next Chucky Atkins - big mouth, small brain. Even if Mayo will be as good as Love or even slightly better, still, Love + Miller are better than Mayo without a doubt. Thumbs up for Mchale since he managed to get the player he wanted and get a few other gifts in the same package.

Miller is 29 and on a 2 year deal, he won't be around or productive by the time the Wolves are relevant. That's why he makes no sense. He also plays zero defense.

Jaric is a bad deal, but at least he'll play off the bench. Cardinal is an equally atrocious contract and will never play basketball again.

Love is not going to help Jefferson. He's going to make Jefferson play out of position for the rest of his career. Jefferson doesn't have the body of a 5 which is bound to limit his production and probably cut his career short.
But that is the advantage in this trade I believe. Jaric got three more years (if I'm not mistaken), while Cardinal and Miller both have only two. That means that Minni should have cap space in two years and will decide what to do with that. On top of that, if you keep Mayo, you still got all the bad contracts and questionable star player, that can easily turn out to be another Marbury at best and Telfair at worse and they got Telfair so they don't need another problematic potential star in that position.
Minni can't be a candidate for the next two years, but with Jefferson, Brewer, Gomes, Mcants and Love enough that two of the last four will develop to solid player and a guy to go to and they should have than enough cap space to add one more strong player to become a solid team.

BTW, Wallace on the other hand showed his stupidity yet again. First he gives up Lowry, god knows why (I mean he shouldn't have brought Crittenton in the first place), but know he got again, three young promising PG! Mayo will probably play SG, but still, Miller was the last of the old Memphis and Love was a solid big guy and he traded them to get a problematic rookie that plays in a position that already got young talent...
But that is the advantage in this trade I believe. Jaric got three more years (if I'm not mistaken), while Cardinal and Miller both have only two. That means that Minni should have cap space in two years and will decide what to do with that.

This is true, BUT.. Walker and Buckner both have a team option after this year. Grizzlies will actually have free space starting next season.

On top of that, if you keep Mayo, you still got all the bad contracts and questionable star player, that can easily turn out to be another Marbury at best and Telfair at worse and they got Telfair so they don't need another problematic potential star in that position.

Rookie contracts aren't bad. I think you're confusing the NBA with the NFL. The potential and excitement Mayo brings is more than enough to justify his contract. Hell, he'll probably sell his contract in jerseys. And comparing him to Telfair? Give me a break, they have nothing in common.

The max Mayo can get is $3,875,040 in 08-09, $4,165,560 in 09-10, $4,456,200 in 10-11, $5,632,637 in 11-12.

So next year you got Jaric at $7.10Mil, Milicic at $7.54Mil, Conley at $3.88Mil, Yag at $3.28Mil, Crittenton at $1.48Mil, Lowry at $2.03Mil, Mayo at $4.17Mil, Arthur at $1.05Mil, Buckner at $1.06Mil. So $31.59Mil committed in those guys, plus Gasol and Warrick and draft picks next year. That's a lot of room. :)

BTW, Wallace on the other hand showed his stupidity yet again. First he gives up Lowry, god knows why (I mean he shouldn't have brought Crittenton in the first place), but know he got again, three young promising PG! Mayo will probably play SG, but still, Miller was the last of the old Memphis and Love was a solid big guy and he traded them to get a problematic rookie that plays in a position that already got young talent...

I don't think anyone is giving up on Lowry. He'll be great off the bench or starting if he can beat out Conley. Either way, the competition is great and you need 2 good PGs in the NBA. Look at all the good teams; Billups/Stuckey, Fisher/Farmar, Baron Davis/Ellis even Bibby/BJax in the Kings glory days.

Mike Miller is a great shooter, but he plays zero defense. He's a liability on the floor and has no place with Mayo and Crittenton sharing time at the 2 and Rudy Yag at the 3.
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Minnesotas front court defense is going to be a joke. How are they going to match up against a big, fast, athletic frontcourt, that so many teams are turning too. I'm sorry, but from a defensive stand point alone, this trade is a tragedy.

That's where I see the Wolves as the clear cut losers. I think they would've been better off over picking and taking Lopez at the three, than Love. Offensively Love will be solid, and his outside will compliment Jeffersons vast array of inside moves. But a 6'11" and 6'10" frontcourt with terrible lateral quickness, will get absolutely abused by a talented frontcourt. And Mike Miller is irrelevant because by the time the Wolves are ready to compete he'll be on the downside of his career.
Minnesotas front court defense is going to be a joke. How are they going to match up against a big, fast, athletic frontcourt, that so many teams are turning too. I'm sorry, but from a defensive stand point alone, this trade is a tragedy.

That's where I see the Wolves as the clear cut losers. I think they would've been better off over picking and taking Lopez at the three, than Love. Offensively Love will be solid, and his outside will compliment Jeffersons vast array of inside moves. But a 6'11" and 6'10" frontcourt with terrible lateral quickness, will get absolutely abused by a talented frontcourt. And Mike Miller is irrelevant because by the time the Wolves are ready to compete he'll be on the downside of his career.


Dude hit everything!

Hope you like my new avy. They are my new squad
Twolves owner must be one hell of a Celtic fan in the 80's...Had McHale done his homework in surrounding KG with USEFULL personel Twolves would have had a chance in the past....Trading Mayo for another prototypical Darko Milicic white boy sounds crazy to me..

The Joe Dumars dilemma :
Hmmm Melo or Milicic....eeeeeeehhhhhh.....wrong choice........

Either way only time will tell..but Twolves losing Roy last year and Mayo this year just seems a bit off
Mayo's nice but he's not a true freshmen. He's a couple years older than the other super fresh in the draft already. He's got a nice J, solid handle, and good vision.

He's however, not a PG. To me... he for some reason does not seem like he can succeed as a scorer in the league. I liked the idea of him and Wade and think ultimately he can be successful playing with a great guard...

He's just solid IMO. He's not blazing quick, not a great defender, and is only 2 years younger than LJ!

I don't think he has that intangible to get to the line 10-15 times a night... and without that I don't think he'll succeed as a franchise player.