MLB Regular Season In-Game Thread 2018

Eovaldi no-no thru 6
Must feel cool pitching in Oakland I like the whole vibe with the little fog horns and cow bells
Damn Wacha shoulda had it in 2013 where he was one out away and asshole got lucky in-field single

He owns this team. No no doesn't mean all that much to me. Hit or no hit the win all that matters!! Has there been one this year? Seems like there were a ton last few years but been a minute since I recall one.
Snell looks incredible in seattle! His pitch count gonna be way too high to go full game but he has struck out 8 of 9 guys he has faced! Really like that kid!
Snell looks incredible in seattle! His pitch count gonna be way too high to go full game but he has struck out 8 of 9 guys he has faced! Really like that kid!

Yea me too I remember scouting him and Pivetta last year. Great young talent
All s sudden freaking 0's popping up at coors. Shit I hate when I get close to a over in first few innings then have to sweat out last couple runs. Lol
Tanaka injured running bases. So dumb to not have DH in NL, O‘s announcer is saying. Thoughts?

It is just what you prefer. Baseball was meant to have every guy hit and field. Baseball is still one of the most pure sports.

Everyone has their opinion.

Many managers have said they like to manage in NL due to the strategy and all...
Good god Cmart is walking a bunch of guys since coming off dl!! All I caught was last few innings after he was gone on radio, they were talking like it rained throughout the game maybe?
Great for jimmymo, UW score 2 in the bottom of the 10th to go to Omaha for the first time ever
Matt Bush has no business being in the majors. Complete dumbass needs to not only learn how to pitch but rework his entire fundamentals. Fucking piece of shit!
Padres perfect game thru 5 @2daBank

Kinda kicking myself for not playing pads some that series, did well w the unders but let’s be real those prices were steep considering if ya Take away our 9-10 games vs the reds we essentially are the pads!! Sad as that may sound.. obviously there big differences in the clubs but ultimately both teams struggling to stay around .500 (minus all the reds wins of course).. we got so damn much money tied up in deadbeats that supposed to be helping in the pen it not even funny and not even mathenys fault for a change, well unless you wanna say him complaining about needing a closer resulted in the holland deal. Just off top of my head holland, gregerson, and Cecil costing us right around 30 mil this season and have actually cost us games!!
Kinda kicking myself for not playing pads some that series, did well w the unders but let’s be real those prices were steep considering if ya Take away our 9-10 games vs the reds we essentially are the pads!! Sad as that may sound.. obviously there big differences in the clubs but ultimately both teams struggling to stay around .500 (minus all the reds wins of course).. we got so damn much money tied up in deadbeats that supposed to be helping in the pen it not even funny and not even mathenys fault for a change, well unless you wanna say him complaining about needing a closer resulted in the holland deal. Just off top of my head holland, gregerson, and Cecil costing us right around 30 mil this season and have actually cost us games!!

All GM‘s fault? Zero ability to evaluate talent!
All GM‘s fault? Zero ability to evaluate talent!

Well I didn’t say that, matheny certainly gets plenty of the blame for way he misuses the guys he has. Just don’t think as much as years past because he has very few good options to deploy. Most curious thing he has done lately is using hicks multiple innings in games we trailing, I get keeping your team in it but think you wanna have him available as much as possible in games we have small lead or tied..

Far as the talent evaluation the front office finds plenty of gems so hard to say they can’t evaluate talent. Unfortunately they seem to strike out far too often when throwing money at the pen problem! Like I mentioned those 3 guys we paying close to 30 mil this season and they contribute most positive results when they on dl!! Wish Cecil would go ahead and join those other 2 freeloaders on it!!! Can’t really fault them for fowler, nobody was thinking it was a bad deal when they signed him, no clue why his production has fallen off a cliff??? Gonna be hard to address the offense w all that money tied up in a bottom 10 pen and Fowler’s Mendoza line hitting ass making another 18 mil or whatever he getting for next 3 years after this!! (That a problem!!). Waino money around that will come off books and holland only a 1 year deal thank god!!! Been hearing they talking w Marlins again for a couple of their pen guys. They gonna have to do something before deadline to have chance to compete this season. The offense just gonna have to work itself out in form of guys who should be producing doing so! Ozuna been looking like guy he supposed to be lately. Hopefully he continues playing well and few other guys get on track.
Damn Cards getting embarrassed. Cubs aren‘t the Reds, sadly

Looking back at my notes on this one with hindsight and all I guess the price should have had me looking more at cubs opposed to under. From what I expected out of Lester wacha and pen would have had to been really on their A games to have a chance. The offense just can’t be counted on to do much scoring (why I been looking at their unders w regularity of late!), outside of 2 guys the pen can’t be trusted. This gonna end up getting really ugly assuming we gonna need 3-4 pen innings and none will come from hicks or Norris.
Yea after whar you wrote about Lester I was thinking Cards tt under

God damn, should have live bet cubs minus bunch of runs after saying it was bout to get ugly. Had that part pegged!!! Lol.,

Why did matheny leave wacha out there to get shelled for so long?? I guess it probably didn’t matter in this game considering our offense vs Lester, took away any chance of total tho and that what important!! Lol. I guess maybe just a sacrificial lamb to try and save the pen? But shit we always have one or 2 kids in pen he pretty much refuses to use, this would have been a good time to give them a chance