May In-Game

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fitting his last game, he gets sent off with a red

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brief description of what that watford thing was about?

Just from watching the 2 videos that were posted (so I very well may be wrong)....Watford and Leicester were tied in the aggregate 2-2 and in extra time of the 2nd leg. Leicester was awarded a seemingly weak PK, especially seeing as how if they scored they would win the aggregate and advance to Wembley. They failed to score on the penalty, as well as the rebound, and Watford went the length of the field to score the winning goal. What a turn of events to go from what must have looked like a sure loss after Leicester was awarded the PK to winning and advancing to Wembley in dramatic fashion.
Just from watching the 2 videos that were posted (so I very well may be wrong)....Watford and Leicester were tied in the aggregate 2-2 and in extra time of the 2nd leg. Leicester was awarded a seemingly weak PK, especially seeing as how if they scored they would win the aggregate and advance to Wembley. They failed to score on the penalty, as well as the rebound, and Watford went the length of the field to score the winning goal. What a turn of events to go from what must have looked like a sure loss after Leicester was awarded the PK to winning and advancing to Wembley in dramatic fashion.
yea i get the scoring

but what was the outcome? did watford get to go play with the big boys next year or something?
Looks like some money is out there waiting to be taken.
If fucking Sergio didn't choke like the Ducks, I would have had lots of fucking money yesterday
don't know wtf Rooney wants to go. If he goes to PSG, he's gonna be on a team full of prissy primadonnas led by Zibra anyway. Not like he's gonna be any happier there.
He'd be a perfect fit for Chelsea, but nfw United sell him to Chelsea or City.
Maybe Dortmund? Not sure if they are gonna wanna be buyers. BM is linked to every fucking striker in Europe.
Can't see him going go Spain.
FFS, Tendulkar getting his wrist looking at. Fucker is thumping them, this doesn't bode well for my Mumbai Indians :prayer
ooof, Mumbai done. Injury to the little master just killed them.

Gonna play a small bet on this Israeli over. Home side doesn't concede much, but if we get one early, things should open up (same as normal). Maccabi Tel Aviv always up for an attack. Shouldn't be a shit fest.
Not sure I'm going to play anything on the England game. Hopefully Billy will come in and grace us with a winner there :prayer
my god, it takes a lot of skill to miss from that close

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Morning fellas. :cheers:

Real shit storm of nothing today - will need to wait for EPL action a bit after lunch.

Until then, just going to watch the cricket. Big upset in early game - I don't think CSK is going to lose in the late game, but too rich for my blood.

Be back later to make some more fucking money
Just no idea how the fuck to cap these English games.

In one, you have Man City with nothing to play for, going up against Reading with nothing to play for. City coming off a disappointing cup final loss, and without a manager - what team is going to show up here? Reading has been pretty much shit for most of the season - although they do love conceding goals. Of course City like to knock it around and not score anything.

In the other you have one team with everything to play for in staying up and coming off a huge cup finals win, going against a team with everything to play for in securing a cl spot and the millions that come with it - added with the glamour and prospect of adding players rather than having them jump ship.
I had backing Arsenal with a passion - one of my favorite teams to fade - but at home they generally do play better.
Fuck it, if I'm not winning, I'm not making money.
I'll play ManCity/Reading o2.75 today. Time to cash :cheers: