Lockout City

I don't think the PA handled this too well. Why address the media without having answers? Fehr shouldn't be saying something or everything is off the table. The NHL's response came on a voicemail, instead of contacting the NHL for clarification he goes to the media with "i dont know"
he's usually pretty calm and deliberate with what he wants to say, I think he really thought they were going to accept this offer
Daniel Tolensky<s>@</s>dtolensky Unbelievable that league says that they're willing to die on the hill of 5 yr max contracts when owners have willingly signed 90 at 6+ yrs.
Daniel Tolensky<s>@</s>dtolensky Two of the owners in the bargaining sessions willingly signed their own players to six yr contracts in the final days of the last CBA.
The PA and every player knew contract term was a hot button issue coming into this lock out. They knew those contracts wouldn't last in the new CBA. Hypocritical of the owners, of course. But it makes sense to get your better players locked under contract under the rules of the current cba.
Ron Burkle, Co-Owner, Pittsburgh Penguins
"The idea to put players and owners together in the same room was a refreshing idea. Commissioner Bettman should be thanked for proposing it and the Fehrs should be thanked for agreeing to it.
The players came with a strong desire to get back to playing hockey. They were professional and did a good job of expressing their concerns and listening to ours. We wanted to move quickly and decisively. We have all spent too much time without any real progress at the expense of our fans, our sponsors and the communities we serve. It was time to make bold moves and get a deal. Many people think we got over our skis and they are probably right, but we wanted to do everything we could to get back to hockey now. We didn't hold back.
We made substantial movement on our end quickly, but unfortunately that was not met with the same level of movement from the other side. The players asked us to be patient and keep working with them. |t's not what they do and they wanted us to know they were committed.
We understood and appreciate their situation. We came back with an aggressive commitment to pensions which we felt was well received. We needed a response on key items that were important to us, but we were optimistic that we were down to very few issues. I believe a deal was within reach.
We were therefore surprised when the Fehrs made a unilateral and "non-negotiable" decision - which is their right, to end the player/owner process that has moved us farther in two days than we have moved at any time in the past months.
I want to thank the players involved for their hard work as we tried to reach a deal.
I hope that going backwards does not prevent a deal."
Mark Chipman, Chairman and Governor, Winnipeg Jets:
"I'd like to thank the NHL for giving me the opportunity to participate in this very important process.
I came here optimistic that we could find a solution. That sense of optimism grew after our first few sessions, including the small group discussions late last night.
Regrettably, we have been unable to close the divide on some critical issues that we feel are essential to the immediate and long-term health of our game.
While I sense there are some members of the players association that understand our perspective on these issues, clearly there are many that don't.
I am deeply disappointed that we were unable to bring this extremely unfortunate situation to a successful conclusion and I wish to apologize to our fans and sponsors for letting them down."
Larry Tanenbaum, Chairman of the Board, Maple Leaf Sports and Entertainment
"I was pleased to be asked to join the Player/Owner negotiation sessions. I had hoped that my perspective both as a businessman and as one of the owners of the Toronto Maple Leafs would be helpful to the process. Like all other teams, this work stoppage has hurt our fans, our employees and our business. Neither the owners nor the players will ever recover the losses incurred with this work stoppage.
I understand how important it is to have a strong league and 30 healthy teams. I must admit that I was shocked at how things have played out over the last 48 hours. The sessions on Tuesday felt cooperative with an air of goodwill. I was optimistic and conveyed my optimism to the Board of Governors at our Wednesday meeting. However, when we reconvened with the players on Wednesday afternoon, it was like someone had thrown a switch. The atmosphere had completely changed. Nevertheless, the owners tried to push forward and made a number of concessions and proposals, which were not well-received. I question whether the union is interested in making an agreement.
I am very disappointed and disillusioned. Had I not experienced this process myself, I might not have believed it. Like all hockey fans, I am hopeful this situation can be resolved as soon as possible. I miss our game."
Jeff Vinik, Chairman and Governor, Tampa Bay Lightning
"After working this week with our players toward what we hoped would be a new agreement, owners presented a proposal we believed would benefit those great players, ownership, and, ultimately, our fans for many years to come. While trust was built and progress was made along the way, unfortunately, our proposal was rejected by the Union's leadership. My love for the game is only superseded by my commitment to our fans and I hold out hope we can soon join with our players and return the game back to its rightful place on the ice."
adater ‏<s style="text-decoration: initial; color: rgb(187, 187, 187);">@</s>adater
We're seeing now the fruition of a two-tier economic system among players. Top guys in Europe, taking jobs, making $. Bottom guys suffering


<small class="time" style="font-size: 12px; color: rgb(187, 187, 187); position: relative; float: right; margin-top: 1px;">10m</small>adater ‏<s style="text-decoration: initial; color: rgb(187, 187, 187);">@</s>adater
This depth player is wicked smart though. May put his name to comments soon. Sorry for anonymous tilt to this. not my style


<small class="time" style="font-size: 12px; color: rgb(187, 187, 187); position: relative; float: right; margin-top: 1px;">12m</small>adater ‏<s style="text-decoration: initial; color: rgb(187, 187, 187);">@</s>adater
....privately, they are feeling powerless as the Ryan Millers and Brad Richards of the world pretend this is a sacrifice for them


<small class="time" style="font-size: 12px; color: rgb(187, 187, 187); position: relative; float: right; margin-top: 1px;">13m</small>adater ‏<s style="text-decoration: initial; color: rgb(187, 187, 187);">@</s>adater
Bottom line here: Players say they are unified, but not what I'm hearing from this depth player. They'll deny that publicly, but...


its what usually happens when a union cracks...

read a couple valid points... 70% of the league will never see a 5 yr + contract, so why be such a sticking point at this stage in the game
because a lot of the guys on the negotiating group of players, are in the elite group who get them

it's like the player said, Richards/Crosby/Miller are all talking about sacrifices, it's a lot easier to sacrifice a years salary when you have made or still have a contract too make 40+ million

a lot tougher for the depth 3rd/4th liners who might play 5 years in the league and have to go on to another career after hockey is over for them
because a lot of the guys on the negotiating group of players, are in the elite group who get them

it's like the player said, Richards/Crosby/Miller are all talking about sacrifices, it's a lot easier to sacrifice a years salary when you have made or still have a contract too make 40+ million

a lot tougher for the depth 3rd/4th liners who might play 5 years in the league and have to go on to another career after hockey is over for them

hopefully they can do what Bettman said and take a deep breath... Fehr looked foolish posturing to media when it would all come out... whipped things into a frenzy

interesting story on Hainsey by Friedman

But, something has gone very wrong between Hainsey and and the league's negotiating teams. It is believed one of the reasons Mark Chipman was added to the mix -- in addition to his moderate nature -- is that it was hoped the defenceman would be more "in line" with his owner present.

I stress I've never heard it on- or off-the-record from any owner, general manager or negotiator -- but there is a rumbling going around that Hainsey will never again get an NHL contract. (He is an unrestricted free agent next summer.)
only good thing to come from this lockout is that the youngsters like RNH will be playing for canada at the juniors
only good thing to come from this lockout is that the youngsters like RNH will be playing for canada at the juniors

ya that team is going to be stacked

saw a story on TSN last night that the last two lockout team Canada's only had 1 draft eligible player make the team (crosby)

too bad the games are on at obscene times
whether its take it or leave it, or actual talks remains to be seen

Bettman said minimum 48 games, which means season needs to start mid-january at the latest before you end up playing in mid-july, so they probably have until the end of the month and then someone will budge off of their 'hill we will die on'
whether its take it or leave it, or actual talks remains to be seen

Legggo!! get a deal done

ya that team is going to be stacked

saw a story on TSN last night that the last two lockout team Canada's only had 1 draft eligible player make the team (crosby)

too bad the games are on at obscene times
It's on like 4 AM Est, so 1 AM for the west coast peeps? it's going to suck to wake up at 4 am to watch the finals :)...Burke came out and said that if any of his players make the team, regardless of the season starting (miracle), he will make sure the players play out the tourny and won't be called back to camp
Happy 20th anniversary Bettman...

Good for Burke to do that, completely understand the Oilers not though

he's their #1 and arguably all ready a top 10 Center in the league
no movement today... no meetings face to face, all through mediators "if this was still on the table would you accept" etc etc
my guess now is that it goes until late december, and the PA agrees to the NHL offer, maybe with like an extra year on the contract limit (so 6 and 8)

the players know the offer isn't going to get any better if the season is cancelled, so they take it now and save half a years salary
this will make Don Fehr's day better

Montreal Canadiens free-agent defenseman P.K. Subban joined us on the Marek Vs. Wyshynski podcast on Friday (listen to the full show here), and for fans desperate to get the NHL back on the ice, the highlight of the interview was likely when he guaranteed that hockey would come back before the entire season was lost:

"We will, we will, guaranteed we will. Guaranteed. I think so. I find it hard to believe that you lose a season on contracting rights and CBA length and contract percentage variances between years. I just don't see us losing a season on that."
Well, there you go. P.K. just Messier'd the lockout.
"At the end of the day," Subban said later on, "I don't think those are going to be deal-breakers. I think that we're going to have a season based on the fact that we're going to be able to negotiate something on those things. When? I don't know. But I'd like to think that it'll happen."

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/L6Ye76dQhuA" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Dan Rosen<S>@</S>drosennhl NHL filed a Class Action Complaint in Federal Court in New York seeking a Declaration confirming the ongoing legality of the lockout
Dan Rosen<S>@</S>drosennhl NHL also filed an Unfair Labor Practice Charge with NLRB alleging that by threatening to disclaim interest, PA has engaged in an unlawful...

Dan Rosen<S>@</S>drosennhl subversion of the collective bargaining process and conduct that constitutes bad faith bargaining under the National Labor Relations Act.