Lockout City

<small class="time" style="font-size: 12px; color: rgb(187, 187, 187); position: relative; float: right; margin-top: 1px;">20m</small>CapGeek ‏<s style="text-decoration: initial; color: rgb(187, 187, 187);">@</s>capgeek
Teams can retain salary/cap hit for up to three SPCs, to a maximum aggregate cap hit of 15 per cent of upper limit. <s style="text-decoration: initial; color: rgb(102, 176, 208);">#</s>NHL


<small class="time" style="font-size: 12px; color: rgb(187, 187, 187); position: relative; float: right; margin-top: 1px;">20m</small>CapGeek ‏<s style="text-decoration: initial; color: rgb(187, 187, 187);">@</s>capgeek
Under the new CBA, teams can retain salary/cap hit in a trade. Conditions to follow. <s style="text-decoration: initial; color: rgb(102, 176, 208);">#</s>NHL

@HLundqvist30: Well @BizNasty2point0 it's obviously a big relief. The toughest shot to stop is from players that have no clue where it's going...
[h=1]Trades, cheat deals and more CBA details[/h]January, 7, 2013

<cite class="byline" style="margin-top: 6px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 16px; margin-left: 0px; padding-top: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 0px; border-top-width: 0px; border-right-width: 0px; border-bottom-width: 0px; border-left-width: 0px; border-style: initial; border-color: initial; outline-width: 0px; outline-style: initial; outline-color: initial; font-size: 12px; vertical-align: baseline; background-image: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; background-color: transparent; font: normal normal normal 12px/14px Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; color: rgb(153, 153, 153); display: block; overflow-x: hidden; overflow-y: hidden; background-position: initial initial; background-repeat: initial initial; ">By Pierre LeBrun | ESPN.com</cite>

NEW YORK -- On Sunday, I broke down the more obvious key components of the tentative agreement.

Now after getting our hands on more details of the agreement from a source, we bring you more:

This was Brian Burke’s baby, an idea he pushed for years at GM meetings. Under the old CBA, teams could not absorb any part of a salary from a player they were trading -- unlike baseball for example.

But in this new agreement, teams will be able to do that.

Here are the main parameters of the rule: a club cannot absorb more than 50 percent of the players’ annual cap hit/salary in any trade. Any NHL club can only have up to three contracts on their payroll where the contract was traded away under the retaining salary proviso. Also, only up to 15 percent of your upper limit cap amount can be used up by the money you have retained in trades.

For example, let’s say the Maple Leafs want to trade little-used blueliner Mike Komisarek and his $4.5-million cap hit ($3.5 million salary this year) to the New York Islanders(hypothetically). The Leafs could retain half the cap hit -- $2.25 million -- and half the salary -- $1.75 million -- in order to facilitate the deal. The Islanders would pay him the other half. This should facilitate more trades around the league, no question.

This is another rule from the league aimed at hammering current back-diving deals (front-loaded, "cheat deals." However, this has changed from its original form when the NHL first proposed it in October.

In the original formula, if a player like Roberto Luongo was traded and retired before the end of his deal, the Canucks (the team who signed him to the contract) would assume his remaining $5.33-million cap early hit in retirement. The new rule in this tentative agreement is different. Now, for any contract in excess of six years, both teams involved in a trade on a contract like Luongo’s would be penalized if he retired before the end of his deal.

To wit: let’s say the Canucks trade Luongo soon. Luongo has played two years of his 12-year contract, the Canucks paying him $16.716 million in salary but only absorbing a $5.33 million cap hit each year. That’s a cap savings of $6.056 million over two years so far for Vancouver. Under this new rule, should the Canucks trade him now and he retires with three years left on his contract, Vancouver would be charged that $6.056 million in cap savings over the final three years left on his deal from 2019 to 2022. However, let’s say for argument’s sake Luongo gets traded to Toronto, the Maple Leafs also would be subject to cap penalties if Luongo retires before the end of his deal.

To wit, part 2: If Luongo were to play the next seven years of his deal in Toronto before retiring, the Leafs would be paying him $43.666 million in salary but only counting $37.31 million against the cap over those seven years, a cap savings of $6.356 million. So if Luongo retires with three years left on his deal (because his salary falls to $1.618 million in the 10th year and then $1 million in the last two years of the deal), the Leafs would get charged that $6.356 million on their cap spread evenly over the remaining three years of his deal.

And obviously, if players under these back-diving deals are never traded, but retire before the end of their deals (Marian Hossa in Chicago), their current teams get charged the cap savings spread evenly over the remaining years of the deal.

Teams will be allowed up to two buyouts over the next two summers -- 2013 and 2014 -- either one in each summer or two in one summer and none in the other. The new detail here that I found interesting is that any player bought out under these circumstances CANNOT be re-acquired by that same team during the upcoming season, not by waivers, not by trade and not by free-agent signing.

Obvious reason here: league doesn’t want teams to cheat the system and get a player back under a cheaper salary (since the buyout doesn’t count against the salary cap).

The pension plan shall be frozen at the termination of this CBA, whether that’s in eight years or 10 years. The NHL and the NHLPA will have to either agree to continue the pension under similar guidelines in the next CBA, or renegotiate new terms for it. No small detail there, given the acrimony over this pension negotiation, which was only resolved at the 11th hour Sunday morning.

Similar to the NBA, the NHL has instituted a free-agency interview period prior to the actual signing period. UFAs will be able to meet and interview with potential clubs from the day after the NHL draft until June 30, prior to the July 1 opening of free agency.

What’s interesting about this is that I don’t think you’ll have a Parise/Suter situation where you wait all the way to July 4 to sign with a team. Instead, their decisions will be made by June 30 for the most part, you would have to assume.

Similar to the NBA, the NHL has instituted a free-agency interview period prior to the actual signing period. UFAs will be able to meet and interview with potential clubs from the day after the NHL draft until June 30, prior to the July 1 opening of free agency.
Does that mean 'sign and trade' is an option now?

[h=2]Devils’ Ilya Kovalchuk only current NHL player remaining on KHL all-star rosters[/h]The Kontinental Hockey League released the updated rosters for its All-Star Game Sunday in Chelyabinsk, Russia. The rosters were revamped because of the departure of players to return to their NHL teams.
The only remaining current NHL player is Devils left wing Ilya Kovalchuk, who has been playing for SKA St. Petersburg in the KHL during the NHL owners’ lockout. He is listed as the first forward on the West squad.
Pavel Lysenkov of Sovietsky Sport spoke with KHL vice president Vladimir Shalaev, who explained why Kovalchuk is still scheduled to play in the game.
“The CBA will not be signed until Sunday,” Shalaev told Lysenkov. “So Kovalchuk (has) no employment relationship with the NHL, and he is going to Chelyabinsk. ...We are disappointed that all the other NHL stars were quick to go to North America. ... Will Kovalchuk play in the KHL till the end of this season? Do not hurry up. Wait till Sunday…”
Actually, the electronic vote to ratify the new CBA is expected to be completed by the players on Saturday (NHL’s Board of Governors are voting today) and training camps expected to open Sunday, but that is not official yet. So, if camp does open Sunday and Kovalchuk does play in the KHL All-Star Game, he would miss the first day of camp with the Devils (which would likely be physicals).
Devils general manager Lou Lamoriello said Kovalchuk has not asked permission to play in the KHL all-star game (directly or through his agent), but he’s not jumping to any conclusions at this point because the dates for ratification and the start of camp are not official, yet.
“I’m just going with the same, that I have no reason to believe he won’t be here,” Lamoriello said. “I don’t even know what day the ratification is. I don’t even know when we start, yet. There’s too many unknowns to make any decisions, so I’m not even getting into anything.”
When asked if he expects Kovalchuk to be in New Jersey for the first day of camp whenever it is, Lamoriello replied. “I have no knowledge of him not being here. That’s the best way I can answer that.”
I finally reached Kovalchuk’s agent, Jay Grossman, this morning, but he remained tight-lipped.
“I’m still working on the situation, but I don’t have anything to say about Kovy’s situation,” Grossman said.
When asked about Kovalchuk still being on the KHL all-star roster, Grossman replied, “I don’t think it makes any sense whatsoever to inflame the situation at all, so I don’t want to say anything more than that.”
Among the NHL players who were scheduled to play in the game and are no longer on the rosters are Pittsburgh’s Evgeni Malkin, Washington’s Alexander Ovechkin, Detroit’s Pavel Datsyuk and Boston’s Zdeno Chara. In an interview with SportsDaily in Russia, KHL and SKA St. Petersburg president Alexander Medvedev said some players asked their NHL teams for permission to play in the KHL all-star game and were turned down.

Bob McKenzie<s>@</s>TSNBobMcKenzie Toronto Maple Leafs have apparently fired Brian Burke as general manager. Working on official confirmations.
I can see both why you would fire him and why you wouldn't fire him...I want Eakins up there next year, but some of the trades that Burkie has been able to pull..mainly that Jake Gardiner one, has been decent...he actually built a farm team and the product at the NHL is exxagerated in terms of how bad they are
the timing is what gets me... you dont fire a GM in september since things are set up. There are so many scenarios due to his personality.

who knows until it comes out, it just seems strange.

hope eakins is in too
the timing is what gets me... you dont fire a GM in september since things are set up. There are so many scenarios due to his personality.

who knows until it comes out, it just seems strange.

hope eakins is in too
Totally agree, the timing is definitely the issue he must have rubbed the right people the wrong way
this also means Nazem Kadri now can breath a sigh of relief as both Wilson and Burke are gone and were two of his harsher critics
the timing is what gets me... you dont fire a GM in september since things are set up. There are so many scenarios due to his personality.

who knows until it comes out, it just seems strange.

hope eakins is in too
Did you read about Toronto FC's hire for their new head coach? MLSE is not exactly the most competent organization in the world...
Off the top of my head... Mortgaged the future for Phil Kessel, terrible deal for Mike Komisarek, ridiculous deal for Dion Phaneuf, couldn't pull off the Rick Nash trade, signed (I can't remember right now who from the Blackhawks) to a terrible deal.

A lasting legacy that befits the organization...
Did you read about Toronto FC's hire for their new head coach? MLSE is not exactly the most competent organization in the world...

just with futty they screw things up for the most part...in terms of their value as a business they are kicking ass..so to the owners they are doing fine, to the fans they are sucking
Darren Dreger<s>@</s>DarrenDreger Timing of Burke dismissal very odd. He and all brass were at Marlies game last night in Hamilton. Truth will surface. Something fishy.
Off the top of my head... Mortgaged the future for Phil Kessel, terrible deal for Mike Komisarek, ridiculous deal for Dion Phaneuf, couldn't pull off the Rick Nash trade, signed (I can't remember right now who from the Blackhawks) to a terrible deal.

A lasting legacy that befits the organization...

believe that was Kris Versteeg
looking at what Burke's done on a FA/Trade level he did jack, but he turned a putrid farm into something respectable, so much that they were in the finals last year but got plagued wiht injuries.
fact is he never delivered on his promise of truculence etc... IMO he was stuck in the old NHL and had 5 years to build something and we are maybe a bit better off than JFJ...

relied too heavily on NCAA talent, and couldnt turn the franchise around
ok 2 good moves, lol
don't get me wrong, he did fall short of what he siad he was going to do nor am I deending him; just it's odd to see him get fired like that, as mentioned above by the reporters and everyone else..probably told the new boss to piss off in Hamilton last night
The guys in the States complain about ESPN - I'm not even going to bother turning on TSN and Sportsnet for a minimum 48 hours...

oh jeebus kypper pressed mclean and he would be interested:puking:

that whole segment was great

"I need to go to the bathroom"

come back from a taped interview and McLean and Kypper both gone

then McLean trying to skirt it and Kypper pressing him to answer
I like Nonis, people loved Burke myself included but the man who is supposed to be the best evaluator of talent, overvalued our goalies season in and season out, gave a guy a C who isnt the personality of one, and made too many silly decisions just because that was his belief, ie. no trade clause, offer sheets etc etc...
I honestly dont think it was hockey related, or personality related... there has to be something there. dunno, too quick, without a backup plan... its not like firing JFJ to get Burke if they had him in 12 hours

Burke was supposed to be on a flight this morning, and then gone... dunno sneaky
this is getting fun, I was fully ready to be happy with Kadri + a 2nd + maybe Bozak (and I still think something like that is most likely)

now the Flyers are in, Bobby Mac says the Panthers still really want him

could we get something around one of these guys

Gardiner???? Simminds???? Couturier?!?!?!? Huberdeau?!?!?!? Bugjstad?!!?!?!?!?!?
Leafs need to figure out that price us too high for a guy who will get them into the 6th seed at best... And a guy who got run out for not winning the big one (in NHL playoffs) do they want to make playoffs or build a contender

In tired of building the wrong way... Sigh.... Tslking zbout this slready And the lock over isn't officially over yet lol