Just sign up Wasssuppp!

Swine Flu

Infected poster
Just want say sup to everyone. Want to thank you Killa, BAR, Sportnut, and Hawaiiguy for making the $$$$ for me. I'm new to the capping game, but learning as I go. Hopefully I'll have ok season.

great to have you here bro...I'm sure all of those guys mentioned appreciate it.
Hey GL, just make sure to take it slowly, manage your money, and don't chase early on in your capping game. It's a lesson I learned a little too late.
gpcyan3 - thanks bro
inspekdah - nice to know theirs another niners here
huntdog - your having great season too, thanks for making me $$$
BAR - U da MAN
sportsnut - love your writeup
dreamer - thanks
duy - thanks for the picks my asian brother