InGame - Wednesday Night World Series, NHL, and NBA X

Mo'ne Davis Chevy commercial... wonder how they got around amateur rules for that. Could see an NCAA suspension for her down the line.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p>NCAA statement: &quot;Mo’ne Davis may be paid for appearing in the Chevy commercial without impacting her NCAA eligibility.&quot;</p>&mdash; darren rovell (@darrenrovell) <a href="">October 22, 2014</a></blockquote>
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Was thinking this and much more about how monotone her voice was... if she wants to be a role model she should spend a little more time reading..Christ
Might be able to put to use my sports law background on this one. Would argue I've had some of the best teachers in the field.
Good luck getting it. Not getting a 2H Arky St cover. Sent you a linked in invite too. It's stalking night.
ya, I got it. I accepted when it came in. I was trying to figure out who the hell it was because I get lots of requests for people I don't know. Then I saw the CTG part and I lol'd.
i had already chocked it up as a loss...great swing. i potentially losing day into a winning day