I Mean...Maybe He Has 440 Million Reasons He Doesn't Like Playing In Washington...

Buddy sent me this, how do you turn that down? Has to fire his agent immediately

He's also just OK to me
It’s an average salary of 29 million. Not even top 10. He’d be better off taking a 8 year 320 deal and then dip again
Seriously at that kind of money wouldn't you choose where you want to live first then iron out the details after that?
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The Nats had a lot of deferred money in the last few big contracts they handed out but there is no deferred money in the Soto offer. I'm sorry but locking in 440 million as a 23 yr old sounds pretty good to me.
Thats fine but a bad injury or underperformance and you aren't getting 400.

So maybe he “only” makes 100-200 mil instead. What’s the difference? When you talking that kind of money I rather have less and not be stuck somewhere l didn’t want to be.
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So maybe he “only” makes 100-200 mil instead. What’s the difference? When you talking that kind of money I rather have less and not be stuck somewhere l didn’t want to be.
Yeah but who would offer him that? Lol
It’s an average salary of 29 million. Not even top 10. He’d be better off taking a 8 year 320 deal and then dip again
I ran the math quick in my head. I’m not sure he’s “worth” all that but yea…if you believe you are that good you go shorter terms in a minute
I ran the math quick in my head. I’m not sure he’s “worth” all that but yea…if you believe you are that good you go shorter terms in a minute

It not like position players have bunch of career ending injury risk! We not talking bout football., I can’t even recall last position player who career was derailed cause a injury? However he goes about it he gonna earn 100s of millions in his career so if it me I wouldn’t want to lock myself into being unhappy for security im gonna have regardless!
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It not like position players have bunch of career ending injury risk! We not talking bout football., I can’t even recall last position player who career was derailed cause a injury? However he goes about it he gonna earn 100s of millions in his career so if it me I wouldn’t want to lock myself into being unhappy for security im gonna have regardless!
Pulled hammy and out into retirement would make for a great Lifetime movie though!
Pulled hammy and out into retirement would make for a great Lifetime movie though!

If we were talking bout a pitcher id be singing a different tune as I’ve seen plenty of them never be right again. Position player tho? It would be a hilarious movie cause it don’t happen. No clue what risk anyone thinks he taking? He what 23 and considered one the best young players in the game, he gonna make a ton of money no matter what! This ain’t some huge gamble! Hell, Bo Jackson totally wrecked himself playing football and still managed to hit 16 home runs in half a season after the hip replacement!
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I guess he could get into a accident off the field and die and his family would never see all the cash he just turned down but outside of that I don’t see risk for him.
If we were talking bout a pitcher id be singing a different tune as I’ve seen plenty of them never be right again. Position player tho? It would be a hilarious movie cause it don’t happen. No clue what risk anyone thinks he taking? He what 23 and considered one the best young players in the game, he gonna make a ton of money no matter what! This ain’t some huge gamble! Hell, Bo Jackson totally wrecked himself playing football and still managed to hit 16 home runs in half a season after the hip replacement!
Yeah pick your destination, then worry about dollars and cents.

And there is no riskier position in sports than pitcher. No one is paying for the guy, they're paying for the arm.
Yeah pick your destination, then worry about dollars and cents.

And there is no riskier position in sports than pitcher. No one is paying for the guy, they're paying for the arm.

For sure. Even pitchers these days mostly come back but there are still some cases so gotta take the money soon as you can get it. Teams even know when they sign pitchers to the big deals they most likely paying for a year and half on shelf!

Cards have few examples of pitchers. Freaking Reyes should have been one of best in game but never got more than a good year in pen. Flaherty can’t seem to get right either!

Strasberg been a no show but at least nats got a ring out of him 1st:,
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Pretty much TJ and great rehab makes for a more lively arm anymore

Yea. Seems to be shoulders are more often the culprit for guys who can’t ever get it back or even better than before. TJ is basically a given that teams know they paying for a year off.
I guess he could get into a accident off the field and die and his family would never see all the cash he just turned down but outside of that I don’t see risk for him.
Or drive a boat into a jetty high on cocaine (yes this is in bad taste as a comment)

Not as bad as Jeter taking the statue down though
Or drive a boat into a jetty high on cocaine (yes this is in bad taste as a comment)

Not as bad as Jeter taking the statue down though

Isn’t that what happened to one of cardinals stud young outfield prospects? That set us back a few years cause he was supposed to be our next middle the order guy!!
Isn’t that what happened to one of cardinals stud young outfield prospects? That set us back a few years cause he was supposed to be our next middle the order guy!!
Ya but he was on a motorcycle I'm pretty sure in the Dominican

Sucks. But a lot of these dudes grow up so poor it's tough to know what to do when you get that type of money

Opposite of Gronk who's dad didn't let him spend a penny unless it was from endorsements his whole career lol
Ya but he was on a motorcycle I'm pretty sure in the Dominican

Sucks. But a lot of these dudes grow up so poor it's tough to know what to do when you get that type of money

Opposite of Gronk who's dad didn't let him spend a penny unless it was from endorsements his whole career lol

I feel their struggle. I grew up poor and when I started making real money I blew it all like a dumbass. Had I got athlete money I woulda blown it also!! Didn’t figure shit out till after I went to prison, lol.
I feel their struggle. I grew up poor and when I started making real money I blew it all like a dumbass. Had I got athlete money I woulda blown it also!! Didn’t figure shit out till after I went to prison, lol.
I grew up the exact same way. We actually (me and my mom) got evicted. And now I'm back in the same position lol but she's doing really well. She sends me my food

Fuck you go to prison for? Weed?
At least I didn’t get jammed by feds for trafficking over 1000 like some my friends, they all had to do 85% their time, but most of them got cup cake time, only my boy they charged as like head of it ended up doing 85% of a 10.
Pretty sure I woulda got slap on wrist up here but Mississippi they gave me a freaking 10 year sentence, did like 3.5 before parole
That is crazy. 3.5 years. What was it like? Don't share if you don't want to. But I watch sports and crime shows all day lately so I'm beyond intrigued. You can also DM me if that's better
That is crazy. 3.5 years. What was it like? Don't share if you don't want to. But I watch sports and crime shows all day lately so I'm beyond intrigued. You can also DM me if that's better

I sent you one. Don’t wanna fill up forum w all that crap again. Everyone who been around long enough knows my history. I used to talk bout it here and over on sbr back when I signed up at these places after I got out.. nobody wants to hear it all again. Lol
The more in the early years, the more you make off the money itself.

I actually agree with kj .. at this level, pick where you want to be,
The more in the early years, the more you make off the money itself.

I actually agree with kj .. at this level, pick where you want to be,
With almost all of Scott Boras clients the player goes to the highest bidder so that means he probably ends up in LA, NY, or SF. The sooner the Nats move him the better because he obviously has no intention of leaving one penny on the table.