Friday's NBA Plays...


The Truth Is Out There
Record goes here.

0-4 last 4 NBA plays but like 1-10 across the board.

Not unusual as I have one of these shitty slumps at least once a betting season, Sept thru June.

Mainly after Xmas, just a little flat and consumed with other shit like most folk.

Still above .500 but the old bankroll management has been ass so sitting in the negative.

Have to admit it's an odd fucking season.

Teams the metrics love have been a clusterfuck against the spread which should mean post All Star they'll be rolling.

Situations have been off a bit too, better player conditioning possibly but mainly down to Silver tampering with the league, imo.

Not good for my current style initially but shit will correct itself and it will be business as usual.

Good to see some new blood rising to add more competitiveness to the league.

Raps finally grew a pair but whether that translates into playoff wins remains to be seen.

Posted tonight's play in last night's thread...

Warriors -4.5 (3 units)

Was 4.5 at Pinny early last night and my guy mirrors those cunts.

Climbed to 6.5 and dipped back with the Steph news. Now at 4.5 again.

Either way there is some pretty decent numbers on the Dubs covering.

Fly in the ointment is the Dubs have the Raps on deck tomorrow night and just saw them shit-whip the Crabs.

Not sure whether that factored into Curry electing to most likely make his return on Saturday night.

The old road fave off a loss facing a home team off a win the main angle.

Will see...
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Bucks 4-27 SU and 5-26 ATS as a home dog off a win in the Giannis era (2013-present).

Good luck mate, tough game to call for me... hope you win it and start a good run!
Thanks Bad Ass Renegade.

Forgot how good a win feels, hopefully can string together a few.

Also enjoyed that Cavs collapse, apologies to their bettors of course.