Friday 03/08/13 NBA discussion thread

I bet Boston - the points

seems like we skated...I bet it on some BC posts from before, but sounds like we stole one

anyway, shouts to BC
Is it easier to stop Houston's 3's than Miami's? Yes, no question. But the idea that good 3 point shooting isn't a crucial part of NBA success now is silly, all of the recent champs have had an inside out system built around a devastating 4 with shooters surrounding him.
Strong disagreement. The only way to beat Miami is to muck it up and limit their 3's, saw it with Boston and Indy last year.

you think there is anyone that can beat Miami 4 times in a 7 game series, this year?
you think there is anyone that can beat Miami 4 times in a 7 game series, this year?

I don't. The team is too freakin good. Mike Miller and James Jones don't even get minutes. Miami is just fooling around until April
yeah me too, I think INdy presents problems, but not enough to beat them 4 times.

Lebron is too good, and Dwayne is healthy

The one wildcard is San Antonio, since they really have played them a bunch the last two years( i think they have played twice, and one game was when the big 3 did not play) . I would like to see that series, but I dont San Antonio can beat Thunder, so prolly wont happen
Lebron's too good and him and Wade are creating synergies now to boot since LEbron is hitting the 3 now (remember when the asterisk about them playing together was IF one of them can develop that shot?)

And again, Lebron is too good. And they've saved his heavy lifting defensively with Battier doing a lot of dirty work during this regular season. Durant is a 50/40/90 scoring champ, having literally a top 10 offensive season of all time, and even that pales in comparison to the all around season Lebron is having.
I bet Boston - the points

seems like we skated...I bet it on some BC posts from before, but sounds like we stole one

anyway, shouts to BC

credit to you for betting it, twinkie. I stayed off as previously posted due to the fact they won in Indy. I think you'll find they'd have done Atl *easily* in regulation if they'd had the night off vs Indy (which would've made sense as their approach to that game when trailing by DD entering the 4th, but for some reason they didn't and that ended up fucking over my approach towards tonight).
credit to you for betting it, twinkie. I stayed off as previously posted due to the fact they won in Indy. I think you'll find they'd have done Atl *easily* in regulation if they'd had the night off vs Indy (which would've made sense as their approach to that game when trailing by DD entering the 4th, but for some reason they didn't and that ended up fucking over my approach towards tonight).
:shake: BC I didnt watch a minute of the contest, only the diatribe written here.

Still my pocket is fatter because you pointed it out.....gracias
[TABLE="align: center"]
<TBODY>[TR="class: GameBannerAuto"]
[TD="colspan: 8"]HALFTIME SCORE: HOUSTON 50[/TD]
[TR="class: GameBannerAuto"]
[TD="colspan: 8"]GOLDEN STATE 48[/TD]
[TR="class: TrGameEven"]
[TD="align: left"]Mar 08[/TD]
[TD="colspan: 2, align: left"]2H HOUSTON[/TD]
[TD="align: right"]+½-102<INPUT value=0_1659650_0.5_-102 type=checkbox name=text_>[/TD]
[TD="align: right"]o110-102<INPUT value=2_1659650_-110_-102 type=checkbox name=text_>[/TD]
[TD="align: right"] [/TD]
[TR="class: TrGameEven"]
[TD="align: left"]
[TD="align: left"]11:59 PM [/TD]
[TD="colspan: 2, align: left"]2H GOLDEN STATE[/TD]
[TD="align: right"]-½-102<INPUT value=1_1659650_-0.5_-102 type=checkbox name=text_>[/TD]
[TD="align: right"]u110-102<INPUT value=3_1659650_110_-102 type=checkbox name=text_>[/TD]
bro if i missed GS wearing mesh uniforms as breaking earth shattering....


fill me in

you haven't googled it yet? Or looked for the thread that was here on CTG about them?

It was made a big deal of a couple weeks ago, I know that much. And I don't watch the 4 letter network either, but saw stories about it on at least 3 sports news sites.
you haven't googled it yet? Or looked for the thread that was here on CTG about them?

It was made a big deal of a couple weeks ago, I know that much. And I don't watch the 4 letter network either, but saw stories about it on at least 3 sports news sites.

The tranny Pastor even modeled the new uniforms for the Warriors.
