Fantasy Football League #2 (2021-22)


CTG Super Moderator
Staff member
Fantasy Football League #2 is back!!! $75.00 buy-in, 12-person league, settings from last year rolling over (somebody double check everything looks the same).

League #2 Yahoo Login

last year we added 2 BN and 1 IR position for COVID. personally i thought that was a little much and didn't allow enough options of players on the waiver at times. any thoughts on reducing? this is our current roster:


league dues as always will need paid before the opening game in Week 1 (Sept. 9). anybody not paid by then will have their roster frozen until they pay. you all should have received a league renewal email, so please login to the league and confirm everything looks correct. i will set up the LeagueSafe in a few weeks to allow everybody to respond.

please post in this thread if you will, or will not be returning. i would like confirmation from everybody. who's back for another year?

last year's standings:
1st Western District Way
2nd cubsker
3rd the real deal
4th renew


Tentative draft date is Mon Aug 30 9:00pm EDT

  1. the real deal = @mogo
  2. gsro = @gsro
  3. FL Fighting Amish = @madshooter
  4. THE TRUTH = @thetruth
  5. T-Squared = @T-Squared
  6. Titties and Beer = @ISU74
  7. Western District Way = @aplous
  8. cubsker = @cubsker
  9. Black Mambas = @Throwback420
  10. Shack's Dirty Birds = @AtlHawks

*GWarner and reNew dropped for this year
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my sister is getting married end of august in a very remote place and i'm unsure i'll even have internet (it's infuriating) so if we can do it before 8/30 that would be really great. Like 8/29 would be ideal

i'm in so long as i don't have to autodraft
my sister is getting married end of august in a very remote place and i'm unsure i'll even have internet (it's infuriating) so if we can do it before 8/30 that would be really great. Like 8/29 would be ideal

i'm in so long as i don't have to autodraft
We usually do this early. I was going to do Aug 26 at first?
Current discussion topics:
  1. Change draft date from Monday, Aug 30 to Thursday, Aug 26
  2. Revise roster back to 5 BN positions. Historical was 5 BN, increased to 7 last year do to COVID.
thanks for the accommodation, will happily donate just to keep that plous loser from being anything but a covid abuser
I’m back.

I’d prefer 6 spots with one being IR. I still think Covid will be an issue for part of the season if not all of it. Sometimes the guy you draft is out 6-8 weeks at some point in the season.

I’m proposing that we switch to a FAAB budget for waivers. This is my only league that still uses the current system we have for waivers. I usually forget to suggest it.

I’m good with draft date and it seems maybe some other people want a different draft date, but same weekend. I’m flexible that weekend.
i'll be honest with everybody - i've continued to run this league to keep the long tradition going. i've tried to keep things with it as simple as possible year over year to keep it from being a burden. i am however no longer near as active in everything, and the amount of time i can dedicate to it is no longer near what it used to be. with more family commitments, and trying to keep contact with close old friends through my other three leagues, this league is at the bottom of my list of priorities during FF season. personally my vote would be to keep Free Agents as Waiver over FAAB.

i will also be on vacation 8/8/-8/22 and will be doing a very minimal amount of check-ins here. i just don't know how much i'll be able to coordinate and get votes from everybody on making many changes. i can add Waivers vs. FAAB to discussion topic, but just not sure we will get enough input from everybody in time.

Current discussion topics:
  1. Change draft date from Monday, Aug 30 to Thursday, Aug 26 - this seems like a go right now, nobody seems opposed to changing to 8/26
  2. Revise roster back to 5 BN positions. Historical was 5 BN, increased to 7 last year do to COVID. - consensus seems to reduce, maybe to 6 BN?
  3. change Free Agent from Waivers to FAAB
Appreciate it Mogo! I gave up my being commish in a long running league with buddies bc i just don’t have the time or energy to set it up (keeper, auction, idp, etc) with a newborn.

I’m fine with 5 or 6 bench and 1 IR. This league is rather traditional waiver, bc it’s easier and I don’t want to dedicate more time to considering FAAB etc.
6bn sounds like a happy medium that shouldn't require a vote and yippee on the draft date

you can also pull the rank card @mogo and just do what you want with the debatable rules since you've been in charge
i'll be honest with everybody - i've continued to run this league to keep the long tradition going. i've tried to keep things with it as simple as possible year over year to keep it from being a burden. i am however no longer near as active in everything, and the amount of time i can dedicate to it is no longer near what it used to be. with more family commitments, and trying to keep contact with close old friends through my other three leagues, this league is at the bottom of my list of priorities during FF season. personally my vote would be to keep Free Agents as Waiver over FAAB.

i will also be on vacation 8/8/-8/22 and will be doing a very minimal amount of check-ins here. i just don't know how much i'll be able to coordinate and get votes from everybody on making many changes. i can add Waivers vs. FAAB to discussion topic, but just not sure we will get enough input from everybody in time.

Current discussion topics:
  1. Change draft date from Monday, Aug 30 to Thursday, Aug 26 - this seems like a go right now, nobody seems opposed to changing to 8/26
  2. Revise roster back to 5 BN positions. Historical was 5 BN, increased to 7 last year do to COVID. - consensus seems to reduce, maybe to 6 BN?
  3. change Free Agent from Waivers to FAAB
1. I cannot draft 8/22-8/27 I don’t know what my internet access will be during that time (traveling).
2.Good with 5 bn, would prefer a 6th being IR
1. Don't care on draft day, just later at night.
2. 5 bench plus 1 IR sounds good.
3. Waivers
1) just preferably after 9pm eastern. Either date works.
2) don’t care, either way but 1 IR would be nice
3) waivers
oops, I thought I accepted on Yahoo. But i'm in and can work whatever works best for the league into schedule.
oops, I thought I accepted on Yahoo. But i'm in and can work whatever works best for the league into schedule.
to be more clear:

1. Any day works for me and can work around it.
2. 5 and 1 IR
3. Waivers
Just enjoying time at the beach still.... Will set leaguesafe up on 8/23.

everybody was okay with moving it? I'm on a plane
most were ok with either date, plus i won't be able to now on the 26th anyways... sorry bud . you still out? going to setup LeagueSafe later today

going to drop back down to 5BN and 1IR

keeping waivers too.
Yahoo updated with 5 BN players

LeagueSafe is setup -

payments are due by 9/9.

Live League Draft in 5 days 02:58:44

Mon Aug 30 9:00pm EDT

Draft room will open 30 min before your draft time. this will show draft order

@GWarner27 - still not sure what you are doing.... you definitely out since this is 8/30?

@Play2win - you still in if Gwarner out?
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i've been pretty clear from the beginning that i needed the draft date changed after you picked a date without asking anyone and you said you'd do it then went back on your word/post
i've been pretty clear from the beginning that i needed the draft date changed after you picked a date without asking anyone and you said you'd do it then went back on your word/post
Sorry, just didn't have time this year to wait around. I've never asked about a date, I pick one and see if it works. You obviously said 30th didn't work for you, then thetruth said the 26th didn't work for them. I let everyone else chime in and everyone else was fine with either. Thetruth has been in the league from the beginning so I leaned that way.

I apologize in advance if I miss the draft. probable Hurricane in Gulf come next Monday’s where it goes, who knows.
If it helps you can drop me, seriously doubt I’ll have power to be able to draft. I don’t want to ruin the draft with an auto and also don’t want to waste money not being able to draft.