Donald Sterling: Dont bring people to my games!!!

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so when white people are no longer the majority, then guys like Donald Sterling will just be RUDE, not racist
kinda. He played the "power" card too. If you are powerful you are racist. If not you are just prejudiced. dumb thinking.
Whites See Racism as a Zero-Sum
Game That They Are Now Losing
Michael I. Norton1 and Samuel R. Sommers2
Harvard Business School, Boston, MA, and 2
Department of Psychology, Tufts University, Medford, MA
Although some have heralded recent political and cultural developments as signaling the arrival of a postracial era in America,
several legal and social controversies regarding ‘‘reverse racism’’ highlight Whites’ increasing concern about anti-White bias.
We show that this emerging belief reflects Whites’ view of racism as a zero-sum game, such that decreases in perceived bias
against Blacks over the past six decades are associated with increases in perceived bias against Whites—a relationship not
observed in Blacks’ perceptions. Moreover, these changes in Whites’ conceptions of racism are extreme enough that Whites have
now come to view anti-White bias as a bigger societal problem than anti-Black bias.

From page 8...

El... Both sides. Both sides of racism. We don't and won't hear "both". Like Johnny said, mainstream media doesn't and Silk doesn't. American society doesn't. It's a societal flaw.

That being said, yeah, Sterling is a piece of shit and should be forced to sell the franchise.

Would be an interesting trial.

Every owner called to the stand after being vetted and asked if they have ever made any comments that would be deemed racist, homophobic, or sexist ..... then start calling all of the players on the team and ask them if they ever used racist or homophobic words to describe anyone ..... then call known nba criminals to the stand and force them to tell their stories .....

Then play the tape and have league try and explain why this act is so bad in comparison to all the racist things other owners have said or all the racist things players have said or the crimes coaches, owners and players have committed. Why is this the thing that makes a man lose his right to team ownership?

I hope he goes quietly into the night and takes his punishment but if he doesn't ( assuming they vote him out ) and takes them to court ... damn he could make the league look silly.
I think the problem for the league is .... now what do you do when a player does something like beat his girlfriend up ... for instance say Ray Rice or Bobby Cox were in the nba ... They would now have to fire them right?

As long as he doesn't call her a racially derogatory name, pat him on the back and give him a raise.
KJ I am not sure what side of the fence you are on here.

I think it's safe to say that we all agree Donald sterling is a racist

The questions at hand in this thread are this in my mind

1. Does the punishment fit the crime. Players and owners have done and said much worse, and are still in the league.
2. Why can everyone outside of white people be racist and it's ok?
Owners have power, players have very little power, you can't compare the two

And I've addressed it before, I know that racism exists from all forms, and I as a white male am ok with people like me being held to a higher standard, whether racism or sexism, than people of other color or sex because the history involved. Things just don't get better in half a decade or so as much as you may want them to...we deserve to be held to a higher standard. And I'm ok with it. I realize many are not.
I don't buy that. I do not ignore that black people have had a tough history. But first of all so have a lot of people in this world.Second of all the fact that you are ok with it is part of the problem. No one should be ok with it.
We should all be held to an equal standard. I realize that that is not even close to possible as of now. But that's what should be strived for. I honestly believe we are moving backwards as of today
what am I ok with? I didn't say I'm ok with anything other than being held to a higher standard. You are not. I can't tell you where I draw the line because I've not yet seen the line in person, but I'm ok with being held to a higher standard, because I've never once gone to sleep worrying about being at a disadvantage about anything.
We should all be held to an equal standard. I realize that that is not even close to possible as of now. But that's what should be strived for. I honestly believe we are moving backwards as of today

Utopia, it doesn't exist. And you're ok with a man in power being racist. I'm not saying you're off your rocker, I just completely disagree.

Darren Erman secretly taped talks
Chris Broussard [ARCHIVE]

ESPN The Magazine | April 29, 2014

When Golden State Warriors assistant coach Darren Erman was fired earlier this month, the reason given was a "violation of company policy."

It turns out that Erman's violation was secretly recording conversations between the team's coaches and players, according to sources with knowledge of the situation.

Garrett W. Ellwood/NBAE/Getty Images
Darren Erman violated team rules by secretly recording conversations between the team's coaches and players, according to sources.
Sources said Erman, who was coach Mark Jackson's second assistant, would record coaches' meetings, meetings between the coaches and players, and informal discussions among coaches that took place in the team's coaches room -- all without the participants' knowledge.

"He was taping everything," one source said. "Taping pregame speeches wouldn't have been that bad, but he was taping guys just sitting around talking in the coaches' office."

Sometimes Erman would be present during the tapings. Other times, he would leave the room and leave his phone behind to record conversations the other coaches were having.

It is unclear what Erman did with the recordings. The sources weren't sure whether he shared them with the club's owners or front-office executives.

"Was he taping it for himself or was he taping it for management? That's not known," a source said. "But he had a lot of communication with members of the front office."

Meanwhile, Erman has landed on his feet in Boston, where he will be the Celtics' NBA director of scouting, general manager Danny Ainge told Yahoo! Sports.

The Warriors' other coaches began noticing a change in Erman's demeanor and behavior in March, a source said. A few weeks later, they discovered that he was recording them. After being caught, Erman told the club he had been recording the conversations for three weeks. Jackson kept Erman on his staff for another week before Warriors' management fired him on April 5.

The Warriors released a statement Tuesday afternoon standing by their earlier reason for Erman's dismissal.

"As previously stated, Darren Erman was terminated due to a violation of company policy. We were unaware of the violation, and when made aware, we took immediate action. We will have no further comment at this time."

Erman's dismissal was the second bizarre event involving Jackson's staff in less than two weeks. On March 25, management demoted first-year assistant Brian Scalabrine to the club's D-League affiliate in Santa Cruz.

Sources say the team made the move because Scalabrine exhibited a consistent pattern of disrespect toward Jackson and the other coaches. Mainly, he ignored and refused to speak with the other basketball coaches. At one point, Scalabrine went five weeks without speaking to Jackson, one source said.

Scalabrine even avoided the coaches on the team plane, sitting in a separate section, according to one source.

The odd behavior of Erman and Scalabrine is emblematic of the dysfunction that has recently engulfed the Warriors franchise. Although he led the Warriors to 51 wins this season and consecutive playoff appearances for the first time in 22 years, Jackson's job is widely rumored to be in jeopardy.

One source insists that Jackson's relationship with owner Joe Lacob and general manager Bob Myers is fine, which makes his shaky job status hard to understand.
And because of that I'm shocked that the owners would actually vote him out, sounds like a terrible business decision with all the BS that will follow. Adam Silver was the winner today, he comes out looking like the golden ticket.
So he was showing his racism and control by paying them so much? Hadn't considered that angle.

It's possible, we'll never know what was going through his mind, but I'm of the opinion he loved having control over those underprivileged folks. I would point to Elgin as exhibit A. The guy seems bizarre from what I understand of him now.
And because of that I'm shocked that the owners would actually vote him out, sounds like a terrible business decision with all the BS that will follow. Adam Silver was the winner today, he comes out looking like the golden ticket.
that's what I think also. Sets a very bad precedent.
the part you're failing to realize while supporting johnny the racist, is that these are perceived by white folk. it ain't real. point to any data available and tell me that white people are getting arrested at 6 times the rate as black people, or that the unemployment rate for gringos is 3 times that of blacks. when those kind of shifts start happening, i'll concede my point. but to pretend that just because white people in an academia study perceive shit--don't mean it's real. hell, my mama told me i was going to hell the other day, doesn't mean it's real.

You attribute the black unemployment rate to racism? wow.
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