Donald Sterling: Dont bring people to my games!!!

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Can he pass/sell his ownership to his son - in law who runs the day to day operation today?

According to what was said at the presser (and a few comments in this thread), Silver said this only applies to Sterling. Theoretically, one would assume he can sell/transfer the team to his wife, or another family member, and operations could continue.
Cuban is wisely protecting himself and other owners with his comments. I agree its a very slippery slope when you are forcing an owner to sell. Serious anti-trust issues involved if the NBA tries to force him to sell. This could/would go all the way to the Supreme Court.

Cuban just said the Bucks were worth a billion and the new owners got a steal. I have no idea what the Clips would be worth but Cuban has every incentive to talk his book and push that number higher. Just puts more money in his pocket.
It's not going for a billion.

A billion certainly sounds like a lot, but the early indications are that it may get there and possibly even exceed it. It's probably just nothing but speculation at this point however.

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Adrian Wojnarowski@WojYahooNBA <small class="time" style="font-size: 13px; color: rgb(187, 187, 187);"> 12m</small>
Several groups with desire to purchase Clippers are already stepping forward, with a bidding war expected to exceed $1 billion for Clippers.
Cuban is wisely protecting himself and other owners with his comments. I agree its a very slippery slope when you are forcing an owner to sell. Serious anti-trust issues involved if the NBA tries to force him to sell. This could/would go all the way to the Supreme Court.

Cuban just said the Bucks were worth a billion and the new owners got a steal. I have no idea what the Clips would be worth but Cuban has every incentive to talk his book and push that number higher. Just puts more money in his pocket.

I agree with this, and it seems you think they may face an anti-trust lawsuit if he's forced to sell.

But you also said this earlier, which makes it sound like you think the lawsuit wouldn't be worth a damn.

That's not the NBA's fault. That's the problem Sterling created for himself. He personally devalued the team with his comments. Sponsors have left, thus the lower valuation along with public perception...
A billion certainly sounds like a lot, but the early indications are that it may get there and possibly even exceed it. It's probably just nothing but speculation at this point however.

would need to check on a TV contract exclusive to the Clippers...

The team is in the top 2 desired cities for a franchise, is winning and is set up to win long term, while the sponsors have pulled out now, they have all paid and will jump right back in under new ownership, they have a stadium to play in and they have players and a coach that are marketable -
would need to check on a TV contract exclusive to the Clippers...

The team is in the top 2 desired cities for a franchise, is winning and is set up to win long term, while the sponsors have pulled out now, they have all paid and will jump right back in under new ownership, they have a stadium to play in and they have players and a coach that are marketable -


The sponsors would probably have jumped right back in after a while even if the ownership didn't change hands. These sponsors only care about public perception (and money, of course), and once this all blew over, they would have been right back on board (to get that money). The same thing happened with Tiger....the sponsors played moral police (which was laughable as every one of those sponsors has CEOs, CFOs, etc who probably have side pieces), and then came crawling back when Tiger started golfing again.
I agree with this, and it seems you think they may face an anti-trust lawsuit if he's forced to sell.

But you also said this earlier, which makes it sound like you think the lawsuit wouldn't be worth a damn.

I said this because you made the comment about the lawyers arguing about how he could get more if this incident never took place.

There have been anti-trust issues in the past that have been upheld for issues far less serious than forcing the owner to sell. Despite the fact he's a racist and an awful human being, the Clippers are his property and the league is going to have a tough time forcing him to sell IMO.

Silver may force the votes in his favor, but I don't think the owners are going to be thrilled about setting a precedent such as this. They don't want to open that door, ever. This would give a league an out in other situations too such as fraud or other offenses even if they were unrelated to the team (Cuban charged with insider trading but later absolved - what if he was found guilty and had to serve prison time - could they force him to sell because of that???).

This is pandora's box...
as a comparison.

Celtics per forbes are worth 850 million - Don't have any ownership in the Garden (i believe they are still rent free, owner keeps all the concessions).
Don't have their own tv network but now do have about 20% stake in comcast new england..
The Celtics released a statement Tuesday regarding the NBA's decision to ban Clippers owner Donald Sterling. From Celtics managing partners Wycliffe Grousbeck, H. Irving Grousbeck, Stephen Pagliuca and Robert Epstein:
“The entire Boston Celtics organization and our ownership group fully support the decisive action taken by NBA Commissioner Adam Silver today. The Celtics stand for inclusion and equality, and we are proud to be a part of a league that shares the same values.”

I said this because you made the comment about the lawyers arguing about how he could get more if this incident never took place.

There have been anti-trust issues in the past that have been upheld for issues far less serious than forcing the owner to sell. Despite the fact he's a racist and an awful human being, the Clippers are his property and the league is going to have a tough time forcing him to sell IMO.

Silver may force the votes in his favor, but I don't think the owners are going to be thrilled about setting a precedent such as this. They don't want to open that door, ever. This would give a league an out in other situations too such as fraud or other offenses even if they were unrelated to the team (Cuban charged with insider trading but later absolved - what if he was found guilty and had to serve prison time - could they force him to sell because of that???).

This is pandora's box...

Gotcha. That's what the anti-trust suit would contend though, wouldn't it? They would be arguing that he isn't getting fair market value (due to his comments, of course, but he still wouldn't be getting fair market value with a forced sale). His lawyers would concede that the market value may be lower now since his comments came out and this all took place....but forcing him to sell would mean him having to take less that the fair market value (which, after time would probably have gotten right back up to where it was before this incident). It's a pandora's box for the owners for sure, in more ways that one even.

Donald Sterling's one and only friend

a guy i know thinks this is a league conspiracy to get magic johnson's conglomerate in to take over the organization :rofl:
First off....heard the new name for Sterling's nba team is the Kkklippers.

This Sterling story is a little strange. The lady that recorded the conversation is Ms. V. She claims to be an archivist for Sterling and Kkklippers. she legally recorded her conversations with Sterling. He gave her a Lamborghini, two Bentley, and a range rover, plus paid for a million dollar apartment and gave her 240k in cash for living expenses. ...basically treating her like a girlfriend.

Meanwhile...he has been separated from his wife for years (no divorce)....and wife sues Ms. V. To try to get the gifts back because they came from the family's Ms. V. Releases the conversations to get back at the wife....she wasn't trying to get back at Mr. Sterling.
Wonder what tmz is worth now? Leave it to a gossip site to get involved with times have changed.
Do the Clips have a mascot with a mask/oversized head? Better double-check that guy tonight.

Villarreal did their part in taking a stand against racism in soccer Monday by officially banning the fan responsible for racially abusing Barcelona’s Dani Alves Sunday.
During Sunday’s match between Villarreal and Barcelona, a banana was thrown in the direction of Alves as the Brazilian defender was preparing to take a corner. Alves kept his cool and calmly peeled the banana, took a bite, and continued the game.
Despite not enduring the wrath of Alves, the fan responsible was heavily disciplined by the club, which has permanently banned the perpetrator from the team’s stadium, El Madrigal.
“Villarreal CF wants to communicate that the club deeply regrets and condemns the incident that happened yesterday during the match against FC Barcelona in which a fan threw an object onto the field of El Madrigal,” the club said in a statement via their official website. “Thanks to the security forces and the invaluable assistance of the Yellow crowd, the club has already identified the author and has decided to withdraw his season tickets, permanently banning his access to El Madrigal stadium.”
The club also showed their support for the game’s fight against racism, stating that respect is expected from both supporters and players alike.
“Once again our club would like to express its firm commitment to promoting respect, equality, sportsmanship and fair play both on and off the field,” the club said, “and our absolute rejection of any act that is contrary to these principles, such as violence, discrimination, racism and xenophobia.”
As for the club’s efforts on the field, the Yellow Submarine will look to bounce back from the 3-2 loss to Barcelona when they take on Sevilla on May 4.
Can't believe how fast this all happened. The three threads about it on CTG hadn't even drifted to page two yet.
So, now Magic Johnson will try to buy the clippers with his investment group??
looks so fishy to me...if you think about it.
well the nba is pretty crooked..i wouldnt be surprised at the least if this is magics team in a few weeks.
Even if this Magic theory is true it's a brilliant move by him, weak target was vulnerable. Probably makes the league as a whole better anyway.
He would have gotten in a lot less trouble if he would have beaten his girlfriend's ass. Kinda interesting

Is being called a racist the worst thing that one can be accused of today in America? I honestly don't know if the reaction would have been the same had he murdered someone

To answer... Yes, it would be better to be a wife beater or a murderer than a racist
He said he didn't take a poll. An owner would be taking a huge risk by voting no especially if it's public.

He was pretty firm and clear...I think the owners know they are fucked if the vote no..tmz anyone? that shit will get made public. No way to backout unless you're a dumbfuck owner.
A lot of powerful people were involved in this....past and present players, the league losing money..Silver had to..and he did the right thing.
Right wing talk radio's been in all its racist fuck glory the last couple days over this story.
what about homophobic slurs? how are they any different or anti-semitic? kobe anyone?

Yeah, that's what Cuban was referring to about the slippery slope. Kobe simply made a comment though using a derogatory word for gays, it wasn't like he went on a rant about dudes sucking dicks and how it disgusts him. I understand the point about guys using homophobic slurs, but unless it's to the level of the comments and rant that Sterling went on, they won't face anything more than a fine or a small suspension (which is ridiculous to begin with, but that's for another conversation....using the word "Yag" has been no big deal for a long it's offensive to some people so the word has to be taken out of the English language altogether?). If someone says "you're such a ***," they don't really mean you are Yag, and that comment certainly doesn't mean you're a homophobe or hate Yag people....but that's pretty much what it's become in the good ol' land of the free...
calling someone a f*ggot isn't quite the same as pronouncing your hatred and exclusion of multiple minority races
calling someone a f*ggot isn't quite the same as pronouncing your hatred and exclusion of multiple minority races

My post was much more 'winded,' but this is the point I was making.

Using the word f*ggot shouldn't even have the consequences it does nowadays, it's just a word...and if you aren't actually calling a Yag dude a f*ggot (and saying you hate gays), there should be no reason someone can't use the word. The pussification of our country dictates that it now has to be a horrible offense, but in reality it's not.
Love how all the players are applauding Silver. Wait until the next lockout and they will be F.bombing him
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