College Football 2020 Discussion... as it pertains to our current climate

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Anyone can walk the line and stay on the fence. I like to put myself out there.

When the whole thing gets scrapped way short of a 10 game season (they'll be lucky to get 3 games in).

Again I severely underestimated the need for money (power 5 conferences are apparently very crappy at managing money) and the greed aspect.

This is going to be a trainwreck optics wise.

The NCAA and greed certainly go hand in hand, but in this case it’s not that simple. Many of these schools won’t have ANY sports outside of football and basketball if their football team doesn’t bring in the money they normally do. Seems odd anyone would argue to say fuck every other sport and their athletes when those same people are all about “if we only save one life” BS. Can’t have it both ways.

Also, who cares about “the optics?” The optics are the only reason people are walking around with masks on in the fucking summer being afraid of catching a virus. The optics shouldn’t be a concern, the facts should.
The NCAA and greed certainly go hand in hand, but in this case it’s not that simple. Many of these schools won’t have ANY sports outside of football and basketball if their football team doesn’t bring in the money they normally do. Seems odd anyone would argue to say fuck every other sport and their athletes when those same people are all about “if we only save one life” BS. Can’t have it both ways.

Also, who cares about “the optics?” The optics are the only reason people are walking around with masks on in the fucking summer being afraid of catching a virus. The optics shouldn’t be a concern, the facts should.
More schools die without sports
The pac 12 players who have united are trying to effectively turn it into a mini NFL by demanding compensation. The scholarships and free housing/meals are not enough. I get it. They feel they have the leverage now so they're going to push.

Being the father of two young kids and already pricing out college expenses, I see the other side of that argument too. College years ain't cheap so those scholarships have tremendous value for the 99% that will never play a down in the NFL !!!
I'd agree with some of their concerns and issues, but dont worry about coaches, administrators, and Larry Scott's 'excessive' salaries. It's not your money.
Most players are going to revolt and piggyback off pac 12. Amateurs, don't have any protection or money in their pockets. Or good ones go pro. A complete shit show. I can see many kids getting agents.

Shit changes everyday. But once fall camp is in full swing, that will say a lot. As will cases in the schools... That will determine a lot as well.

Just my prediction, won't go past middle of October if there is even a season.

I do not need or have the feel to be entertained by college athletes during a global pandemic. It's exploitation to the fullest.

Mlb has fucked up royally already. Nfl players opting out already.

Best way to do it is bubble, and it's almost impossible for football.
pretty sure there's some 3rd stringers just hoping qb1 or rb1 puss out.
The players don't get to demand anything, bring in the scabs.

Yea they get a full freaking scholarship. They‘re not being exploited. Not to mention they can opt out. And this isn‘t about entertainment. Besides public morale, college football teams provide a hugely necessary boost to other areas in their university
Yea they get a full freaking scholarship. They‘re not being exploited. Not to mention they can opt out. And this isn‘t about entertainment. Besides public morale, college football teams provide a hugely necessary boost to other areas in their university

A scholarship, not an athleteship. To go to school for 4 years at an academic institution.

Sure CFB provides a boost in a normal year, but this isn't your average year.

This isn't pro football.

Am I misreading this...he's mad because Gary said the n-word in order to call him out for saying it? This is typical fake victim shit. Gary could have been more sensitive in articulating his objection. But he really didn't do anything wrong. The player shouldn't be saying profanities in team meetings and Gary was just concretely calling that out. This is on level with white guys rapping the n-word.
Am I misreading this...he's mad because Gary said the n-word in order to call him out for saying it? This is typical fake victim shit. Gary could have been more sensitive in articulating his objection. But he really didn't do anything wrong. The player shouldn't be saying profanities in team meetings and Gary was just concretely calling that out. This is on level with white guys rapping the n-word.
Yeah...this is a bit confusing...

Of course Mandel trying to break something that seems to, for now, be a bit unclear.
Yeah we have to keep in mind that journalists often care more about being the first to break a story then about accuracy. Details probably still have to emerge here.
Am I misreading this...he's mad because Gary said the n-word in order to call him out for saying it? This is typical fake victim shit. Gary could have been more sensitive in articulating his objection. But he really didn't do anything wrong. The player shouldn't be saying profanities in team meetings and Gary was just concretely calling that out. This is on level with white guys rapping the n-word.

Agreed. Makes zero sense.
Some positive news--Oklahoma is the first school to start formal practice because they play a week earlier. So far no cases. Riley is a very smart guy and they are wearing masks at all times, on and off the field, including during scrimmages and all other on-field activities.

Maybe there's hope for a season after all if schools and coaches will just use common sense, although anyone who knows coaches knows that's a long shot.

One bit of bad new is the OU/Army game at West Point was cancelled.
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Some positive news--Oklahoma is the first school to start formal practice because they play a week earlier. So far no cases. Riley is a very smart guy and they are wearing masks at all times, on and off the field, including during scrimmages and all other on-field activities.

Maybe there's hope for a season after all if schools and coaches will just use common sense, although anyone who knows coaches knows that's a long shot.

One bit of bad new is the OU/Army game at West Point was cancelled.

I don't think the problem will be football-related activities at all. It will be what happens when they aren't in the football facility that sparks a surge in cases.
The one everyone is dreading would be Lawrence, except sports media, it's their wet dream, he has no reason already to play next year

Start working with a QB guru right now for the next 8 months is prolly a better situation for him to be starting in 13 months anyway

Not like boosters could even entice him since hes going 1.1 next year and guaranteed 34m or so, I think that's what Burrow got
Here come the B1G players

If these “lists of demands” are related to covid, that’s one thing. If there’s anything on any of these lists that has to do with BS (“social justice,” “racial inequity,” etc), I hope the schools, conferences, and NCAA tell them to go pound salt. These kids, of all races, colors, creeds, are getting a scholarship to play football...if they don’t like it, they can easily just choose not to play. Doesn’t seem like anything crazy to suggest that either.

Unfortunately, as many have pointed out for over a decade, the pussification of this country, and these kids with their participation trophies and coddling they’ve gotten in their lives has led to this exact thing. Bunch of fucking whiny little pussies who want it all, but also don’t want to do anything they don’t feel like doing in order to get it.
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If these “lists of demands” are related to covid, that’s one thing. If there’s anything on any of these lists that has to do with BS, I hope the schools, conferences, and NCAA tell them to go pound salt. These kids, of all races, colors, creeds, are getting a scholarship to play football...if they don’t like it, they can easily just choose not to play. Doesn’t seem like anything crazy to suggest that either.

Unfortunately, as many have pointed out for over a decade, the pussification of this country, and these kids with their participation trophies and coddling they’ve gotten in their lives has led to this exact thing. Bunch of fucking whiny little pussies who want it all, but also don’t want to do anything they don’t feel like to get it.

Exactly; take the list of demands the LA teacher's union is asking for to return to the classroom as a direct example.
Exactly; take the list of demands the LA teacher's union is asking for to return to the classroom as a direct example.

I can completely understand they want to make sure they’re safe to play football. I don’t agree with it because, of course they’re safe as they aren’t over 70 years old, but I can understand the discussion. Demanding shit that has nothing to do with covid should be immediately dismissed, and they should be told if they bring it up again they can find something else to do with their lives for the next few years because they aren’t playing football for that school, conference, organization.
B1G requests all look perfectly reasonable. No virtue signaling or playing victim like the PAC 12
If these “lists of demands” are related to covid, that’s one thing. If there’s anything on any of these lists that has to do with BS (“social justice,” “racial inequity,” etc), I hope the schools, conferences, and NCAA tell them to go pound salt. These kids, of all races, colors, creeds, are getting a scholarship to play football...if they don’t like it, they can easily just choose not to play. Doesn’t seem like anything crazy to suggest that either.

Unfortunately, as many have pointed out for over a decade, the pussification of this country, and these kids with their participation trophies and coddling they’ve gotten in their lives has led to this exact thing. Bunch of fucking whiny little pussies who want it all, but also don’t want to do anything they don’t feel like doing in order to get it.
Good post Larry
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