College Football 2020 Discussion... as it pertains to our current climate

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LSU has 30 players in quarantine...

Again, as long as those kids don't have underlying issues...what GREAT news down in Baton Rouge.
This 30 are guys that tested positive or had contact with.

So, we'll wait on an official number.
I hope I’m wrong but this is the first time I don’t feel optimistic about the season happening :(

I will say, I do think that at least a lot of teams reschedule more regional games (as was being talked about in early May) here soon.

This initial wave of 'shock' that teenagers aren't social distancing will wear off, hopefully.
Are the kids who tested positive as excited about the news as you are?

I understand how this comes off....100%..It sounds like I'm rooting for people to get the virus. I am not but I'm a realist and I can study statistics enough to know this is nothing for most people under a certain age.


Do you think they even had a clue they had Coronavirus?

No, and they never would have if they were not athletes for a major sport at a major college.

The first time they would have known they have it is if they ever got an antibody test.

Let's be real here. If this virus is still around these guys WILL get it. They aren't hiding in their parents houses/then in a bubble on campus. They are hanging with friends, banging chicks etc.

I'll repeat, we only know they have the virus (we'll say 95+% of them) because of mandatory testing. These are THE asymptomatic of the asymptomatic.

Tell me where you disagree, and we'll go from there. Obviously if a player has an underlying issue I hope that proper protocol is being taken AHEAD of their return to campus (if at all).
I was hoping that when players returned most of this would be in the rearview and positive tests would be few and far between. And I think that that would have made an on-time start to the season more highly probable. I guess that's just not the reality, unfortunately.

I don't think anybody on a personal level is happy to test positive and now has to consider who they passed it along to back home. I believe Lousiana was hit harder than other areas in the region.
I was hoping that when players returned most of this would be in the rearview and positive tests would be few and far between. And I think that that would have made an on-time start to the season more highly probable. I guess that's just not the reality, unfortunately.

I don't think anybody on a personal level is happy to test positive and now has to consider who they passed it along to back home. I believe Lousiana was hit harder than other areas in the region.
Okay, so you were hoping that they would have a high antibody positive count?

If that's the case, we're not far off here on talking points.

As far as what they kids did at home...that is between them and their families. I know people watched the NFL draft and saw Burrow sitting in his childhood room and figured everybody was doing that. Well, sure...for a bit... But these guys have been out working out/practicing for a few months now with other athletes. The videos are all over Twitter/IG/Etc

As far as starting the season on time...this is exactly why positive tests now is better than the inevitable in the fall.

I guess to each their own on testing positive. I wish I had already, trust me. As of 3 weeks ago I had not. If a player returned to campus and caught it from a teammate he might actually be happy to quarantine the rest of the month and know that grandma/grandpa at home will be able to be in contact with him now instead of the "what if" game.

Back to the season starting on schedule. It either starts or it doesn't. Nothing is different a month fact, there will be more pressure to NOT play a the longer you let it go. Look at the NBA/NHL for example (NBA especially)...these leagues decided to play again then wait 45 ish days. Why? The virus isn't going anywhere. Again, the ONLY reason for lockdown was to get more tests/PPE/keep hospitals from being overwhelmed. The narrative got changed via media/politics unfortunately.

In a perfect world, these kids live a boring year and not too many get infected. But, we know better than that.
So, something I read and would be totally on brand is that Notre Dame would love to basically reschedule as much as possible to have mostly home games.
One thing, I do think out ahead of this they could of maybe done something to open up the season more and maybe put playoff games later into January. I like the idea of canceling the championship games and leaving those two weeks for make-up games (let's say a big outbreak forces 20+ guys to miss two weeks).

Just a thought.

With schools moving finals up, this would have worked out well. Obviously it is tough with everyone doing their own thing independently.
I was hoping that when players returned most of this would be in the rearview and positive tests would be few and far between. And I think that that would have made an on-time start to the season more highly probable. I guess that's just not the reality, unfortunately.

I don't think anybody on a personal level is happy to test positive and now has to consider who they passed it along to back home. I believe Lousiana was hit harder than other areas in the region.

There was almost zero chance this “was in the rearview” seeing as how everyone was mandated to stay home and “slow the spread.” Both of those things couldn’t have possibly happened. How did you get the impression it would have been in the rearview given the strategy the country took?
That was my thought all along...

If they can get past this first "media wave" then things will go as scheduled.

The media is actually more impactful than the actual disease.

I know, by their actions (and overreaction to kids returning to campus, positive) it appears the majority of the media doesn't want cfb to start on time (or at all).
I know, by their actions (and overreaction to kids returning to campus, positive) it appears the majority of the media doesn't want cfb to start on time (or at all).
True that.

They don't want any sport to continue or start at all.

It's one of the most fascinating things I've ever seen. I cannot figure out their motive. This affects their own livelihood. But, to each their own.
True that.

They don't want any sport to continue or start at all.

It's one of the most fascinating things I've ever seen. I cannot figure out their motive. This affects their own livelihood. But, to each their own.

The majority of the media wants to lock everyone down until there is a vaccine. Of course all lockdowns come with a get out of home free card if you feel the need to protest.
There was almost zero chance this “was in the rearview” seeing as how everyone was mandated to stay home and “slow the spread.” Both of those things couldn’t have possibly happened. How did you get the impression it would have been in the rearview given the strategy the country took?

You missed this part: "I guess that's not the reality, unfortunately"

And not everyone stayed home to slow the spread.
Media members, the same people who preached lockdown, went against their own words either by disobeying lockdown mandates or by openly supporting those who did. Pretty difficult to take them seriously.

Also, if the lockdowns that they've preached for were legitimate, they surely wouldn't need to incessantly omit or otherwise distort information, push grossly bad models and misleading or incomplete statistics, and commit all other sorts of utterly dishonest, fear-generating sensationalism in order to try to justify their agenda.

This case hysteria is so pathetic. People are being conditioned to be surprised and alarmed by positive test cases. Hospitalization and death rates are way down. Hospitalization was the reason given for "slowing the spread." But with more young people getting it, hospitalization rate continues to plummet before peak. Plus, the transmission rate gets reduced. These are good things. Yet people are freaking out due to misrepresentations and misinformation from the media. It's just grossly dishonest.
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Lets all make a good effort to not talk about Corona in here other than how it relates to the CFB set-up this coming season.

I'll simply start deleting posts in here if they are going to cause an issue (including my own).

I have never hated the sports media and media in general so much.

Things are getting better. Clearly. As HHM has shown in the other thread. So why the fuck are people creating panic and doubt over the ability to play? -- Especially as we watch everything go smoothly in Europe. -- This fear-mongering agenda has nothing to do with the virus itself since the level of panic manufactured does not exist in any specific relationship with the state of the virus....
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This thread needs to stay on topic and not turn into attacks on other posters. If you have strong beliefs about the virus, simply go to general discussion thread and talk in there.

Feel free to talk about:

*The results schools are getting back
*Schedule changes
*How teams may be affected in-season
*Anything that relates to the season and how Covid is related

Do not:

*Personally attack others for their beliefs
*Start talking in any political form (no reason CNN, Fox, MSNBC should be mentioned here).
*Discuss anything about this past spring lockdown. Nothing, nada.

The simple thing is before you hit submit, ask yourself this -- will my post possibly derail this thread? Will this post possibly need to be deleted?

This will be going for all the major sports forums. If you want to keep your viewing and posting rights in these particular parts of the forum then please abide and respect the other members. Otherwise, you may be restricted to only the General Discussion Forum.

Thank you.
I'm not too worried about players testing positive. Being on a team is one of the best ways ever invented to ensure that when one player gets something every other player has an excellent chance to get it too. Flu, colds, Mono, all the usual diseases, hit teams and players every year and a bunch of young athletes shake it off without much trouble.

If it were just players testing positive I expect the season to start on time, but if large numbers of the public continue to catch it the future looks darker. They still don't know whether a person can catch it a second time

Right now I can't see strong evidence for or against playing, but at least the death rate should go down just because so many of the most vulnerable have already died
I'm not too worried about players testing positive. Being on a team is one of the best ways ever invented to ensure that when one player gets something every other player has an excellent chance to get it too. Flu, colds, Mono, all the usual diseases, hit teams and players every year and a bunch of young athletes shake it off without much trouble.

If it were just players testing positive I expect the season to start on time, but if large numbers of the public continue to catch it the future looks darker. They still don't know whether a person can catch it a second time

Right now I can't see strong evidence for or against playing, but at least the death rate should go down just because so many of the most vulnerable have already died

death rate is wayyyyy down
Michigan is having students back on campus, it was announced today.

They will be doing online and hybrid to give options.

That was the next step there.

I would expect that if the Washington game is off we hear pretty soon with a replacement team.

Updated capacities are 10-50% at the stadium, as of now.
Looks like WMU will have an open date on Sept 4th open date (so the 5th). It would make sense for UM to swap out Washington for Western..
I'll probably get hammered for this but I wish all sports would call it a day and let this god-awful year pass and we reset in '21. I realize there are tons of dollars at play but all of this has the makings of an epic clusterfuck - stadiums 1/3 filled, teams (conferences?) having to pull the plug mid-season with major testing issues, unforeseen things that we're not even contemplating now, etc.

I should be very excited about the prospect of sports. But I probably won't be until they come back as we know them. Perhaps that will change.
I'll probably get hammered for this but I wish all sports would call it a day and let this god-awful year pass and we reset in '21. I realize there are tons of dollars at play but all of this has the makings of an epic clusterfuck - stadiums 1/3 filled, teams (conferences?) having to pull the plug mid-season with major testing issues, unforeseen things that we're not even contemplating now, etc.

I should be very excited about the prospect of sports. But I probably won't be until they come back as we know them. Perhaps that will change.
I understand this, believe it or not...

But this brings me back to the "if not now, when?' question that gets posed.

You could be talking all of next year as well. Let's not assume that a vaccine ends this (for many reasons but that can be discussed in the GD thread). You almost have to let this virus run its course.

Things will not be as we know them in sports for sometime. It will look weird having stadiums half full (so no difference at places like IU and MSU) at most for example.

As far as money, it isn't just about the teams playing...there are so many layers this affects in these college towns and surrounding areas.

The tweet I posted above, the really need to look at that. I said in the last few weeks they need to cancel championship games and use that week and the next few as makeup weeks (push bowls back, if we even have full compliment of bowls). We'll need that window. As of now, these northern teams have limited exposure to the virus so we could potentially see a 2 week stretch where too many players miss the games and at a certain level perhaps we can have postponement.
These are definitely the tough situations in any phase of life...

The logistics, optics, whatever you want to call them will be very very interesting during the season, if it is played.
I'll probably get hammered for this but I wish all sports would call it a day and let this god-awful year pass and we reset in '21. I realize there are tons of dollars at play but all of this has the makings of an epic clusterfuck - stadiums 1/3 filled, teams (conferences?) having to pull the plug mid-season with major testing issues, unforeseen things that we're not even contemplating now, etc.

I should be very excited about the prospect of sports. But I probably won't be until they come back as we know them. Perhaps that will change.

It's still only end of June, Frank. I'm just trying to stay positive ...logistics will be a mess like you said.

Once students come back to campus, and middle of August will tell us a lot I think.

College campuses will see hundreds of cases right away imo. You got 10-15k kids coming to campus from all over the country, then throw in being in close quarters, being a kid a.k.a partying, fuckin....then we got a problem.
It's still only end of June, Frank. I'm just trying to stay positive ...logistics will be a mess like you said.

Once students come back to campus, and middle of August will tell us a lot I think.

College campuses will see hundreds of cases right away imo. You got 10-15k kids coming to campus from all over the country, then throw in being in close quarters, being a kid a.k.a partying, fuckin....then we got a problem.
Gonna be a lot of cases...

should be NO shock at all

Have systems in place and go from there

(referring to all students)
hey @majent lets keep those posts to here and GD...

The season either starts on-time or they scrap it all.

Waiting a few extra weeks or a month isn't changing anything at all.,

Now, conference only may happen, but again...nothing is gonna be different playing Sept 5 vs Oct 5 vs Nov 5
hey @majent lets keep those posts to here and GD...

The season either starts on-time or they scrap it all.

Waiting a few extra weeks or a month isn't changing anything at all.,

Now, conference only may happen, but again...nothing is gonna be different playing Sept 5 vs Oct 5 vs Nov 5

I dont think it's an all or nothing scenario. The season can start late and be shortened. Some conferences have over 15 different scenarios on the table.

Hey AZ TX and FL - how are you doing ???
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