best bet from the best baby GOY

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HUNT:cheers3: thanks guys i'm looking at this MONT game
if NE can pull this off the bookmakers are in big time trouble they are taking a beating big time . like I said I won't even leave him 1 dollar for a rotten Doughnut and some coffee
well guys we really took are bookmaker to the cleaners are bookmakers really took a bigtime beating
GREEN BAY-6 winner
AZ pick winner
TB+7.5 winner
TB+290 ML winner
cfl ED-6.5 winner
NE+3 winner
nhl MONT+140 winner
cfl BC+3 loser
KC under 43.5 loser
guys with the TB+290 ML it was like wining 3 games so today its like we went 8-2 what a beating are bookmakers took I hope my brothers made a little cash goodnight I take that back its like going 9-2
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JROCK nice hit the best part about gambling is when your bookmaker tells you no more I can't beat you its coming it always does but its a great feeling we are not finished with are bookmakers
Thats a nice run big dog..way to clean house.lets keep the momentum going Baby!!
good morning guys what a great feeling it is when you wake up in the morning and counting your money:money:boy what a diff it is from winning to losing money won is so much sweeter then money Earned. women are something else like my wife said to me well you won that money you did not work for it are you kidding me I tell her what you think that the money fell right from the sky. I tell her I putt in hours of work trying to find a mistake by the oddsmakers if thats not work I don't know what is sure I have my own hours but I still have to put in the hours the good part I don't have to fight the cold winter . but I tell her it is work and its hard work 99.9 percent of the public knows that there getting paid Friday putting in 40 hours of work at least some put in a lot more hours . I never no when i'm getting paid I might not get paid for 1 month or longer I have no 401 nothing I don't win I don't eat or we don't eat its funny when I lose she said why did you bet that game if I win good job baby win i'm a hero lose i'm a Goat she puts up a lot with me
good morning guys i'm waiting for 1 game in the NFL my god this game I call the Perfect Storm. like I said i'm waiting for my line to come out i'm hoping the oddsmkers make a mistake with this line like a pit bull i'm waiting baby
guys if you can jump on SEATTLE-6.5 take it right now this might be the game of a life time. can AZ win yes 100 percent but this game is a game where SEATTLE will be waiting like little INDIANS the battle at big horn custer last stand there will be 12 little INDIANS waiting for AZ CUSTER and we all know what happened this will be a big time beating . SEATTLE there season is on the line lose and your 100 percent done case closed I can't bet this game yet seattle is not the same team playing at seattle az will have big real big problems
Great day yesterday....u like anything tonight...thnks

ty/bol Brutus if I was going to bet this game I would bet PITT under Ithink tenn will try to run the ball with this QB that;s the only way tenn can win
I could never bet money on a bad QB tenn PITT loves playing Prime time its PITT or nothing but the better bet is the under 23.5 1 half fuck the full game tenn will not throw the ball running means clock bol
D8 I think the steelers will destroy the pathetic titans team, however the steelers scare me. I am thinking about Pitt 5 unites. It would be a perfect ending for the weekend. 1h steelers and game sound like winners to me. What do you think?
I will wait until game time to pull the trigger or pass on this game. The steelers screwed me against the Jets so I don't trust them
D8 I think the steelers will destroy the pathetic titans team, however the steelers scare me. I am thinking about Pitt 5 unites. It would be a perfect ending for the weekend. 1h steelers and game sound like winners to me. What do you think?
Eagle I really had no clue who to take
Defaz you are the man you crazy:rofl:
guys if anybody can get NC+6.5 and buy it to +7 you have a winning bet I think NC wins this game I really do the ML has to be great always back yourself up and take the :badass:points bol
tony no pro if I was going to bet I would bet the under 43 or 44 but we have 2 winners in college football
good morning sorry I did a write up on the college thread but I will make this fast the bet yeah its going to be a real bad day MF headaches I will see you at halftime
2 team teaser
D8 Montreal today? Yes or no?
bones I think its a good bet I really do i'm going to lay off just because I like the 2 pro football games a lot but if NE and SEATTLE was not playing I would make a play of MONT+3.5 last week this D just killed BC MONT is playing good at the right time
bones i'm really thinking about pulling the trigger MONT D is good real good I can't see HAM beating this team the next game will be a great game CALGARY vs ED
bones I think its a good bet I really do i'm going to lay off just because I like the 2 pro football games a lot but if NE and SEATTLE was not playing I would make a play of MONT+3.5 last week this D just killed BC MONT is playing good at the right time
i took them
I checked the score for the 1 time I wish I posted a few other games but like I said I will only post the games that look powerful its early but almost every game is winning that I liked MF