best bet from the best baby GOY winner

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Heard somebody on the radio say that Trubisky could be first QB taken in the draft if he comes out? I don't know.

Lots of bad decisions today by him if this is going to be his last game. Uncharacteristic on his part, a quality D can do that. Throwing picks, overthrows, taking sacks instead of throwing ball away.
Wow. Quite the finish! Everywhere I saw for lines had 2.5-3 still at kick. I had 2.5

Gotta say D8, don't always know what is going on in this thread, but I like your style. Hard to miss all the winners!
justed i sorry yeah all are the same amount only if you got it in last night
Great work Dil With North Carolina full game pick! I had 2.5 as well so the hook finally worked for me! haha
your not kidding that finish was exciting.. In Canada they didn't show that game sadly but wow did we ever need that last TD and missed convert! lol Worked too Perfection!!!
sorry guys about nc

WTF are you apologizing about D8....every fukkin break went against NC and they still covered game at pretty much every number pre-kick......the half time didn't work out, but it happens......right side, right plays....push at worst for are damn good if have to apologize for a da man.....keep firing bro....
ty jimmy I real much Appreciate it guys I bet FS+6.5 2 HALF FUCK MICH
MF I was waiting to see what happened to much speed for FS U of M cant keep up the black guys from down south
STEED and Eerybody I was wrong U of M is slow just like my brotherr said he told me don;t me mad after U of M get killed FS hasto many black guys guys itnot over but a freshman qb is kicking ass everywhere jim h went that mf lost the bif game U of M wont win this game i'm 100 percent sure of it bol
the qb for U of M nexT year this team is fucked in the ass its still not over I know it but a MF freshman wow
7.26 of the clock and only got 3 points if fs can score next the party is over fS its 7 i['m going to sleep because its called speed but lets see if fs scores watch fred sanford hit my trick in the parken lot I spelled that wrong lets see whaat happens next score will tell you every thing
all fs has to do is throw a mf bomb its eaSY u OF m can't cover or watch that to mf slow
guys i'm not going to lie I bet fs+6.5 for the 2 half and under 24.5 halftime guy I had no time to post im sorry my brothers
guys U of M might win but this is called speed and U of M doesnt have it I have a APP at U of M hospital on jan 3 for my headeaches fuck itt i'[m going to the party store for BELVEDERE thats better then anything U of M hospital has MF losers I never thought U o M would play this mf slow
Uof M got lucky but ot shows you what speed can do its not over with yet but U of M will need to score fast because like I said speed kills BELVEDERE BABY
i'm watching but like I said not really i'm more into stats fs is killing U of M running wild on them U of M can still win cover forget it to sleep its over
guys you don't find bigger fans then me on U of M but I was wrong U od M better get some players from down south fact speed id fs scoes even a3 points i'm going to sleep the party is over my brother was right he told me watch your wager ecause U of M has to moany white guys
STEED your 100 percent right that MF team got me yesterday no I never bet U of M but this MF team stilL got me
U of M like I said no speed and I was wrong was U of M robbed when play ohio state yes for sure but steed is right MF losers U of M is nothing more to be said I like jimh but the MF never won anything yes anything a MF loser
betting wise U of M was never in that game never not even close number 1D U of M yeah playing tee team teams my brother was right when U of M plays a bad ass team from down south they lose all the time 1 word and i'm not kidding losers . and I have a MF TATTOO on my arm of U of M say just that U of M from the big house fuck losers
yeah when i'm wrong i'm wrong I will tell you and i'm wrong about U of M there good team but playing teams like ohio state bama forget it at least I could say this U of M wwins the best colors of any team any sport they win it every year. but what does that get hem goose egg nothing o
STEED one other thing i'm done with BELVEDERE I was drinking 1 bottle a day I have 1 left but no more . guys whoever going to get married don't do it please I don't care what she tells you the girl is the smart one the guy is MF dumb its sick please there are good people that are married I get it but the percent tells you 1 thing the big D and that doesnt mean D8 and i'm into percentages . alot won't listen but like they say you can lead a horse to water but you cant make the horse drink it don't get married .
know enough to know that marriage is a losing proposition... spank as many as you want along the line... hell even grab a few to snuggle up to... but never give her a blank check by marrying her.. absolute sillyness.. you will lose your nuts.. hate your life.. my favorite saying ever...

"find the hottest girl, and ill find a guy thats tired of f@cking her"