best bet from the best baby 1 game

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AZ+4 unreal bad line are you kidding me the better team is getting points WTF ty oddsmakers for this line and the public follows it was+3.5 wow what a bad line I dont get it wow UCLA is nothing easy winner
I had G-men ml if win over first half of the memphis game and under 23. Second half i have under 23 BIGGGGGGG. I usually take the opposite of the first half total. If it goes under first half then I take second half over or vice versa. But I have G-men over 23.5 for the game. I can win both or just push. We shall see my friend.
I had G-men ml if win over first half of the memphis game and under 23. Second half i have under 23 BIGGGGGGG. I usually take the opposite of the first half total. If it goes under first half then I take second half over or vice versa. But I have G-men over 23.5 for the game. I can win both or just push. We shall see my friend.
Jeff good job on NYG guys the headaches are back if someones asked me a Q and I dont get back sorry. but today the bets
eastern car+10
ball state+20
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Dollah Dilll is in Da Howse !!!
Much appreciated D $$$
Praying for your health +++
CFL = $$ any input is appreciated !!
BOL BRO $$$:cheers
tony real bad day sorry but the week never is over until its over lets see what tomorrow will bring
guys i'm so MF sure of OHIO STATE today i'm nt kidding 100 percent a blowout by halftime
i'm not even worried I 100 percent no the coach for ohio state coaches my god WTF its going to be a killing just like MANSON back in the late 60s this game will get ugly fast
Jeff I never let the guys down sure we are down but the week is not over we will have a great day
ARKANSAS+7 guys there is your parlay 4-0 i'm sure of it and the ML +240
lot of the same plays in tout newsletters........check for yourself doo wah ditty
its crazy because I was talking with my partner last month i'm not kidding I was saying the same thing about 95 percent of my bet's right after I post the MF line drops i'm not saying everybody is watching but this is getting me real mad . from now on i'm going to bet my play 1 then i'm going to post i'm losing a lot of point's by postuing before I make my wager
Tony it real crazy because what RIP was saying I was thinking about that for over 1 month I was talking with my partner if I told you what happened you would not believe it every game that I post it drops like a MF rock that would not bother me but it drop's before I get a chance to bet it . guys i'm not saying everybody is watchimh my bets but its real funny how this happen's ever y week I even posted a play that nobody would bet just to see what would happen right away it drops a full 1 point unreal. from now on i'm going to wait after I bet then i'm going to post I try to help others but then I get a bad line unreal
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