best bet from the best baby 1 game

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ed in the CFL under24.5 1 half I think real low scoring both teams have real big time QB problems
CINNY under58
good morning guys split yesterday 1-1 anytime you split your a winner . but I have found 1 game thats looks real good the bulldogs are giving to many points on the road. SC will be waiting for an ambush this team will be waiting just like Indians waiting to attack but I think sc has a great chance to win this game outright the bet
guy's this is the last week for me to try to make some money the 1-3 weeks of football are done the oddsmakers already are making the lines harder . but the season has just started we will try to find some winners during the weeks I really like these games a lot I hate saying that because when you like games like I do today crazy shit happens lets try to go 2-1
SC+7 outright winner this game will go right down to the wire but please bet at your own risk. I can't lose I found my moose to carry all that money from the bank Monday I might have 1 or 2 more games later I have a lot of running around to do today if not I will see you tomorrow in the pro thread bol goodnight:moose:
well guy's i'm looking at 1or 2 more game's the oddsmakers must have fallen out of an tree when making this line the bet
NEVADA+20.5 ty oddsmakers for this line yes NEVADA can win this game .
well guy's its getting late i'm starting to get a real bad headache its time to get a little sleep . we are taking the bookmaker to the cleaners so far 2-1 with SC winning the game like I said easy winner ML. and toronto winning easy its going to be a great day guys I hope you had a winning day goodnight here is the moose to carry all that money:moose:
good morning another real big day 4-1 with sc winning the game BG winning the game
Great job
UTSUX ty yeah it's been a great year but it's going to get harder now . like I said before the best time to win money in football was the 1-3 weeks of football. the oddsamkers really have no clue what line to give to the public but now the lines will be a lot harder bol this weekend
like I said I never post this early because most gamblers can't get there game in. but 1 game that I see my god the oddsmakers are fallen out of the trees like crazy real bad line I pick this team to go a long way this year you never give K STATE+10 points at KS your giving me double digits are the oddsmakers crazy the bets
K STATE+10 most places have 8 my book gave me +10 ty oddsmakers guys don't forget please bet at your own risk
K STATE +10 with this coach unreal bad line oddsmakers ty:moose:when you see the moose that means one thing more money
good morning guy's I'm posting 1 game that I really like alot I keep saying the oodsmakers make bad lines all the time you just have spot the game's. guys it getting harder the 1-3 weeks of football are finish the oddsmakers are making harder lines but this one a real big mistake . I hope the public bets this game to 7 the team i'm talking about is IOWA +6 this will be my 5 star bet guys all my games are bet the same amount there are a few times I make a real big wager this will be it GOY I only make a few GOY bets but please bet at your own risk in gambling anything can happen INT turnovers the bet of the year GOY IOWA+6 keep a real close eye on this line i'm hoping the public keeps betting pitt and thinks PITT has a good team and bets this game to 7 or more ty oddsmakers mint gov mint to the bank:moose::moose::moose::moose::moose::moose::moose::moose::moose::moose::moose::moose::moose:yes 13 moose to carry all that money after Monday the banks will have no more money left I hope again guys please bet at your own risk. can this team lose 100 percent yes I just dont think so bol my brothers
i was eyeing this game from the start of the season. love it. K state makes me a little nervous with that D. but gl!
I just broke out in hives after reading this post?
al nothing is 100 percent a sure bet but I like these 2 bet's a lot like I said sooner or later I will hit a losing streak . but IOWA should win this game pitt QB will be running for his life
silky its all good at least one of us will win . it might end up a push
88 ty it really should be a good game playing at K STATE bol this weekend gl
UTSUX ty yeah it's been a great year but it's going to get harder now . like I said before the best time to win money in football was the 1-3 weeks of football. the oddsamkers really have no clue what line to give to the public but now the lines will be a lot harder bol this weekend

I agree
good morning guys there is no stopping me . AUBURN was real lucky winning that game another big winner K STATE good night don't forget IOWA this team should win . mint gov mint:moose:to the MF bank my bank is running out of money
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