best bet from the best baby 1 game

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i cant wait till 2:30! lol.. think ill play iowa, not sure why they switched to dogs in this gm but minny so freaking 1 dimensional ill take my chances.. later on playing the am/aub ov 68, your plays, and prob utah later tonight... gl brother
bank whats my brother I think you have a winner MINN like you said this team has no QB bol
Like any games tonight Dilaudid?
Eri89 no after losing both game like I did ND made it close but to many int but the game that was a big burn was U of M but K STATE is my big bet if K STATE wins i'm all good if they lose I take a bath
tony yeah it was bad the game that made a a real bad day was K STATE U of M what a bad way to lose NW had no rushing yards unreal going yesterday 1-3 but the big game was a loser
the day would have been the worst day I ever had if I bet all the games I liked I would have lost 8 or9 more games thank god
good morning guys lets have a big week last week my bookmaker got me and got me real good 1 time this year the bets
BUFFALO +3.5 I never give points on the road home dogs is a winner in the long run you will be 1 happy guy bol
D8 bro good luck tonight. I was thinking the same thing about buffalo tonight plus bowden blows
Eagle ty yeah he is bad i'm not crazy about the way buffalo played last week this team looked real bad but playing at Buffalo makes all the diff .and UNI looks real bad this year this team is not playing good football TOLEDO getting +4.5 I really think this time the wrong team is getting points bol
Toledo QB Logan Woodside might not play- i think he's listed as questionable
jih ty for the info but he should be good but if not TOLEDO has problems I think he will play UNI has there own problems
guys i'm taking UNI-.5 for the 2 half there is no way I could take a team with no QB
guys even after I bet UNI we still went 2-1 yesterday I had to take UNI-5 FOR THE 2 HALF when I found out who was QB for TOLEDO can't bet a 4 string QB I was hoping UNI to win by 4 points that way I could have won both bets but like I said still yesterday was a good day going 2-1
Uni coach is retarded, they screwed me last night. I had uni -3 1/2 and they are up by 10 inside Toledo 20 in the 4 quater and instead taking the field goal on fourth down he went for it. Wow
Uni coach is retarded, they screwed me last night. I had uni -3 1/2 and they are up by 10 inside Toledo 20 in the 4 quater and instead taking the field goal on fourth down he went for it. Wow
Eagle I 100 percent agree with you I bet TOLEDO+4.5 thinking the starter qb was playing for TOLEDO. after the half I canceled my wager big mistake but I would do the same thing over again UNI should have coverd that game UNI was the better team. like you said coaching is so important in football its unreal how these coaches make 7 digits I wish I was coaching now a days you don't have to be a good coach you have to go to school and get your Diploma thats all that you need and your hired
He was awful the whole game, Toledo was stacking the box with 8 people to stop the run yet not one play action the whole game unless I missed it. They won the game but Toledo gave the fits with wr who was playing qb. And he calls time out on 3 and 20. Awful oc and coaching
lets see if we can win a few more bets
BG-13.5 I see big time killing
guys I see 1 game that looks real good I looked over this game for the last 3 days.
CINNY+3 wrong team getting points
guys I never do this I was thinking to my self should I post a sport that I don't know. I found 1 game that's so unreal like I said i'm not a b ball better so please bet this game at your own risk guys this is gambling anything can happen can this game lose 100 percent yes I don't like betting anything other then the money game football. but every now and then something or someone gives you a gift and if your wondering how I got this info lets just say its a early Christmas present NJ+5.5 like I said if you lose this game don't say I didn't worn you bol
well its looks like someone else knows about this game MF the line is +4.5 now WTF unreal
Defaz my man yeah its not my game somebody that I really trust but its gambling
Defaz somebody betting BK hard from +5.5 to 4.5 it went right down a full point
its crazy because I dont know anything about this sport but i'm betting it I don't want to get into betting b ball just this 1
kent st is pathetic team. I took -14 1/2 for a small play and they might just cover; I didn't expect them to cover but bg is going to blow them tonight. its 17-0 in the first quarters.

umass vs ball state is actually a decent, tight game that might go to the wire. I might add umass at half depending on the spread
kent st is pathetic team. I took -14 1/2 for a small play and they might just cover; I didn't expect them to cover but bg is going to blow them tonight. its 17-0 in the first quarters.

umass vs ball state is actually a decent, tight game that might go to the wire. I might add umass at half depending on the spread
Eagle bol
I don't understand why bg bother to run the ball, kent st dbs are bad plus bg has a decent qb, so why let throw it. i understand you need to run the ball for the play action to work however i feel like bg should attack the dbs more. i sense another back door cover for kent st coming, oh well
Eagle i'm not watching any football most of the time I don't I get updates from time to time its better to watch a good movie
d8 you might be right bro but i need to watch and study the teams for future bets. watching Mac football used to be fun but they have awful, pathetic teams, and coach's.
Eagle what a bad day going 0-2 and dropping the b ball game . but nothing you can do but on to the next game 1 bet
guys i'm going to try some thing DIFF I found out a way to take out the bad word BAD BEAT. BURN GOT FUCKED . guys it still can happen but not as much this happens almost every day I been following this stat for a long time. I could keep to myself but I always want the guys at CTG to win like I said I have been following this for a long time the saying is bad beats even out 100 percent wrong they never even out its not even close its like in black jack the house always wins guys be truthful how many times did you bet a game winning in the 1 half looking like its a lock there is no way I could lose but in the 2 half something crazy happens at the end and you lose with no time left . you have to bet the 1 half and bet the whole game back your self up because most of the time when betting if you bet the 1 half and you lose well guess what most likely your going to lose anyway . but by betting the 1 half you wont have to worry about the whole game most gamblers think if I bet the 1 half it feels like i'm getting cheated because I have the 2 half it does not matter most of the time if your going to lose the 1 half your going to the the game . i'm not saying to do this in every game every game is diff some stats might say no the 1 half is not a good bet. but for the most yes the 1 half is the best bet I have percentage that is unreal its really hard to pull the trigger like 1.000-2.000 or more on a 1 half but thats where the money is at like I said I have been following this for a long time . you can drop your bad beats big time yeah I no what your saying it still can happen yes your right it can. your thinking well at least I have the 2 half most of the time you would lose anyway and if your betting O/U it really comes into play big time . i'm not going to do this every game there is a number that 100 percent pull the trigger on the 1 half bol
its getting late in the football year but next year this 1 half is 100 percent the real deal you will be 1 happy guy it will save you a lot of money never for get BAD BEATS never even out gettting fucked at the end of the game happens a lot and most of the time your on the losing end
Good stuff d8. How is cincy dog tonight, ecu lost to temple, I realize they lost five fumbles in that game but I will take home dog cincy 5 units
Eagle after yesterday BG looks like a blowout BK killing PHOX only to lose in the 2 half . i'm not kidding the 1 half is the bet and it really comes into play when your the underdog. home underdog is a big money maker yes I like CINNY+3 I think E CAR is a soft team I really would love to make this a big bet but I took a bath yesterday and Monday and just lost a lot of money this week but I new the bookmaker was going to get me the year is to long I have to lose sooner or later and boy he got me real good real good
Eagle I made my bet yesterday I got CINNY+3 I went back to bet some more but like you said its pick
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