best bet from the best baby 1 game

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i'm 1 guy that does not like giving points on the road big mistake FS-2 1 half
Gorgolon I agree with you no way on earth I could take LOU if LOU can win this game god bless them. but just in case I think if by chance LOU will pull of the upset it will be real late FS will be winning half time bol
good morning yesterday the bookmaker got me and got me good I had the team but wrong half thats gambling we will get the money back we always do bol
Thanks for plays! No one better . Taking Tulsa +24 1/2 and Tulane tonight .
tony ty my brother for the kind words we will hit the bookmaker tomorrow check that SDS game tomorrow its a late game but after that baby is over you will be 1 happy guy now if something crazy happens like INTs if the game is played without turnovers NEVADA will not wins this game SDS is to good
so the best bets are san diego st and aub right?
bank I hope the games are winners I really like these bets a lot i'm hoping for a 2-1 best bets but 3-0 would be great bol
CFL BC+5.5
bank I think U of M -7 will kill IND U of M is bad but IND my god they have no QB not saying U of M QB is much better but he is better and the AD is gone I think this game will be a blowout
bank I hope the games are winners I really like these bets a lot i'm hoping for a 2-1 best bets but 3-0 would be great bol
CFL BC+5.5

awesome, thank you.. drank little too much at the Chapell show last night so was having hard time reading thru. lol.. lets get them govn mints baby!
bank sound good yeah I think miss had there shot last week I can't see MISS playing in the playoffs I hope
bank I think U of M -7 will kill IND U of M is bad but IND my god they have no QB not saying U of M QB is much better but he is better and the AD is gone I think this game will be a blowout

im so freaking scared of laying points with um. hoosiers qb play has been freaking terrible, their d blows too so you very well could be right. just the idea of laying with this crappy mich team not real appealing. last i checked really windy there today so i dunno if either team will be passing much. i kinda like the 1st half under. think im passing on a side but i hope you get the money brother..
cool I just seen the score DUKE baby its better not to watch football
got the 1st half under! mich looking good so far for you!
bank nice hit with the under I looked and seen that U of M is -3 2 half WTF what a very bad line by the oddsmakers U of M will kill IND i'm not posting the 2 half because most gamblers wont get there game in but IND will not score a MF point
bank nice hit with the under I looked and seen that U of M is -3 2 half WTF what a very bad line by the oddsmakers U of M will kill IND i'm not posting the 2 half because most gamblers wont get there game in but IND will not score a MF point

im gonna parlay mich/un 2nd half for the hell of it..
bank I think you have a great bet I really don't think IND will score unless they get a int for a TD
shoulda combined our plays before the gm instead of waiting till half. oh well. nice call on um bro. now lets get this Aub money!!
shoulda combined our plays before the gm instead of waiting till half. oh well. nice call on um bro. now lets get this Aub money!!
bank yeah so far we are killing it AUBURN should do a number on MISS
thank god for the unreal calling by the AUBURN coach MF WTF is this MF thinking 3 down and 1 this coach throws the ball if AUBURN gets the loss blame the coach
good morning guys we had a good day 3-2 best bet split but at 3-2 /60 percent
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