Yeah, I'll be watching championship tomorow morning. Samba made a token appearance in ePl last year. I guess QPR wasn't paying him enough so he goes back to russia ffs
am on the bookings,will be putting shit through doors for the 1st half,will them on for me :cheers:
fucking dutch totals are too high.

Got Sheff Utd/ o2.5 Anderlecht/Cercle Brugge game

gonna make some fucking money today :cheers:
yeah dutch games are best for in game. I think we should start having some weather reports around here, after seeing some god awful shit in some games. My god, hong kong and mexico lol
shit, if the iPhone makes everything look super large, guess it's time I started taking a load of pictures of my cock
had to switch over to austria and start praying,cant understand a word they say but when theres a goal at another game it makes a noise,just gotta hope they switch to the game youre sweating
Anzhi fucking me. Nothing worse than starting off a day with a loser when you lay -168. Thats over a bet and a half up the ass :hang:
Birdie/Eagle/Birdie. Bet him to win the tourney before it started at +475. That would be a decent weekend.
Bout to fire up the sirens. Ajax game bout ready to begin
added some more o3.5 -110

fuck it, only money