ArizonaKid NBA Season


Pretty much a regular

San Antonio/Milwaukee under 197

Don't play regular NBA season much but this one jumped out at me as I think the Bucks really struggle to break 80 giving the Spurs plenty of room to score a blowout but still stay under the total. Will keep an eye on a close HT score just in case a Spurs 2H play pops up but won't lay 15 even though I think it's blowout city tonight.
I see you've only been posting NBA a few days. Do you always bet NBA and just haven't been posting or just dabbling?
I see you've only been posting NBA a few days. Do you always bet NBA and just haven't been posting or just dabbling?

I always bet the NBA but just not very much as I don't have the time to watch much anymore. NBA is just such a game of perfection and there just isn't that much of a gap between even the best vs worst teams that I think there is just much easier pickings in college hoops with 350 teams and a great talent disparity between them.


Detroit/Philly over 216
ATL/Minny over 207.5
Memphis/Milwaukee under 180.5
San Antonio/Sacramento over 205.5